Hey gooks

You will never be white. You can keep trying. Lmfao

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Get ready for the gene editing announcement...

It really is funny. Why not just be yourselves?

You bash blacks and Jews for being anti white and now are pissed at Asians for liking western culture really

>not liking yourself is OK

fuck off, you can be pro-white without trying to be us ahmed.

Calls me Ahmed when America is much darker than the UK

>all of japan edits themselves to be white
>white ethnostate achieved
I'm okay with this.

whiter than you, goblino

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wanna say that to my face

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white body + Japanese brain, language, and culture = anime in real life.

>getting replaced faster than us
>government is ok with terrorist attacks because citizens are too big of pussies to rise up

keep peddling your le 56% meme while you become part of the caliphate

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Keep projecting goblino

there goes my fucking nofap, thx m8

I can't believe I've never thought of this but now it seems extremely obvious. You are a genius, user.


Asian women are better at being white and anything that entails, than actual white roasties who are literally honorary niggers

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That isn't what projection means you dumb anglo.

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Better Anglo than a hyper mutt

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He's right and I hope England will be destroyed and Muslims slaughter your families, people you love and everything you hold dear
English people are lying, deceptive inbred fucks and they deserve everything that happens to them

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>t. incels
do world a favor and kys

this desu

Go back to plumbing and learn some manners

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don;t bother, it';s a shitskin posing as an anglo to amek them look bad.

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a white girl with the demeanour and accent of an anime qt.
God please make it so.

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I really don't get this joke, the only people I hear complaining about WMAF are either asian guys, black women for some reason, or other white guys.

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Also Checked.

that's all brits for millenia though

that's just an anime girl though

Look harder

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I'm half-white and asian.
Am I a disgusting mutt?

I will your mom loves my plumbing technique

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>all those roasties seething
cute >>>>>> """hot"""

Welcome to the new world

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that's a hapa
the likes of eliot rodger and richard von coudenhove-kalergi

nice cherry picking. these white woman are a minority and they remove themselves from the gene pool anyway
what a pathetic incel lmao can't even get a normal gf

Both the son of a jewish father. Go figure.

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there is no "normal gf"
only whores and zogdroids

This white roastie is toastie.

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Elliot Roger was half Jewish rather than half white so that's different. I am not sure about Kalergri,

>Asian wife
normal as in white girl. there is plenty of favor to choose from user, redheads, blondes, brunettes, different eye colors etc.
asian girls are bland as fuck most of them look the same anyway

"Looks white to me."

-- Jared Taylor.

half korean and half german = based and redpilled.

half jew and half chinese = future shooter

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>austrian nobility
>jewish father

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Keep dreaming toilet cleaner. On a serious note why are you even doing this are you a shill

y wud we wanna be cucks

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>there is plenty of flavor to choose from user, fat, drunkard, slut, feminist, half shaved head, dyed, glasses, jewish, infertile, non-virgin, daddy issues, infidel, std-infected, atheist, no skills or desire to be wife and mother

Philippines is majority Christian for example

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You don't even know how many times I relapsed because of Jow Forums

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Half Japanese and German would sound more redpilled than Korean. South Korea is a consumerist materialistic place corrupted by the Zionists and Americans

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I didn't know Hungarian women are like that

Pretty accurate

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communism and corrupt poverty capitalism really did us in
basically the only women are seedy 90s dance club hookers

Please show us your flag

Asian culture has long valued white skin because it shows wealth and status for not having to work outside.

Gotta love them based qt asian gf's

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And I though it was a beacon of hope over their

better than your woman definitely. ugly bitches with crocked teeth
btw get off Jow Forums m8 you need to take care of your wife's son + work for that Ahmeds welfare Anglo-cuck

i didnt know the new season of atlanta was out

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Piss off look at your Euro week or whatever it was called with your girls you shouldnt throw bricks in a glass house

user you can never comprehend the true depth of east block bleak despair and hopeless depression
we have been lost for centuries now

Come home white men

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korean hapas just tend to be more attractive for some reason. not sure why.

Well you user you havent seen the degeneracy and depravity in the west its like Wiemar again

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No Koreans have more extreme Mongolid features

and i am thankful for that, but we have enough of it already, merely in the flavor of a few decades prior

WMAF makes more money, are more educated, and less likely to divorce than WMWF:


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giv yellow trad gf

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t. divide and conquer jew

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>cute >>>>>> """hot"""
200% this

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they might never be white but they're a whole lot closer to the aryan ideal than you fat uneducated inbred redneck jew nazis

mfw white girls are trying to be korean now

Not all racemixing is equal

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there aren't that many examples of good japanese hapas, while kpop is stocked with korean hapas

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Stay toastie white roastie

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You obviously haven't seen Nick Cage's son.

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But what if I want a top tier white boy for his Aryan genes senpai?


K pop is fake and full of surgery. As for Japanese hapas if they are half Jomon type they look more European if they are of the Yayoi type they look like Korean or Chinese hapas

Why is she wearing a Noh mask?

Your future white female wife:


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They are right though. Asians are not "hot" or attractive. They only do their makeup so they look young, basically their only redeeming quality.

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>only Asians use makeup

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