Press F for Respects for Alex Jones

Press F for Respects for Alex Jones

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Traps aren't gay.

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A man that declared against the gay frogs became a gay frog himself.



I've been out of the loop

What has happened to Alex?

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His twitter, youtube, facebook and podcasts were removed by silicon valley

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Didn't PayPal also remove him?

and that's a good thing

It doesn't seem like anybody really cares about Alex Jones but the fact that he got so quickly deplatformed clearly because he upset (((them))) should be a red flag to everybody

Jones is a Robber Baron himself. He's lucky he's not in a gulag right now.

Even if he was a snake oil salesman that was just a hustle and he put actual credibility on the line to say outlandish shit. Whether you think he actual believed the conspiracies he spouted is debatable but I would venture to say that being controversial hurt him more than it helped him in the end.


it's okay bro, we all like to see traps now and then


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yes they did and I think he's suing them

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oh do tell us why

>because he upset (((them)))
How exactly does defending Israel upset (((them)))?

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I'm pretty sure he was somewhat neutral on the Middle East but he was taken down by Jewtube so you put it together

I still listen to him every day with the Android app. Apple removed his app, faggots.