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u fags need to start posting links.
Trump: They were paid
Left: No, you buffoon
>Proof people were paid
Left: Some of them were paid
Every. Time.
B-but it was only some of them
Thanks first post for being the best post. Also, lol at trying to buy meme magic. Isn’t that the sin of simony?
Oh nononononono shut it down right the fuck now
This is why they hate humanity. The DNA of the elite neanderthal jews prevents them from creation because they don't have a divine spark within them. Also it explains the NPC meme since they project what they are onto everyone else. Thousands of years and hundreds of expulsions later and they still haven't changed or learned.
>We talked to one woman who was with ultraviolet who was paid.
Start digging niggers.
This is factual. Not every single protestor is paid obviously, jews know better than that, but the rangelers are paid and they distribute the flyers and they have a few plants wearing the professionally made T-shirt’s or hats and these are the ones who are supposed to steer the entire narrative within the protest, so that the “message” is presented..the right wing doesn’t do this much which is why you get some of the more cringey moments from the tea party or trump rallies, the right just hasn’t been at that game long enough. Anyhow I also believe whole heartedly that unite the right was a planned operation as well with the intended result of making the right look bad. Again not everyone involved were paid but the organizers were. NPCs are a powerful tool and can be convinced to go to jail or even die for your “cause”
t. Former community organizer for a Soros funded NGO