Anons... It's.... I'ts... It's beautiful

Anons... It's.... I'ts... It's beautiful.

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when hell freezes over aryan scum

Throw in Northern Italy and Slovenia, and it's perfection.

Beautiful lands for the new europeans. Nordic sissies need the BBC

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There is no beauty in the world without Suomi and Viro.

This is my fucking dream. A Germanic block with all non-westerners kicked out, it would be utopia.

Is it niggeria?

Nah, mines better

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It would be an utopia, and it would posess the power and strenght necessary to prevent the destruction of our ways of life ever again - from culture to military.

Pretty neat. But what would that even be named?

where is england

Germania/Germanien - and it would be a Reich :)

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we're celtic not germanic

Hopefully sunk into the sea somehow

>where is england

Nuked back to the 9th circle of hell.


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Still mad about 1807
See you there Hans

>Still mad about 1807

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what do you get out of this shitposting

Yeah, twas a dick move.

He's a med

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Shame that the romans fucked them wallachs so much they're still a liability.