Hottest bitch in politics

Ocasio-Cortez is hot as fuck, I would wife the shit out of her no questions asked and pound her to smithereens every day

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she looks weird in most pics I've seen but I would deffo slam her, and she looks good in that one

one of the most ugliest bitch in politics

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Any girl would look hot in a $3500 pants suit paid for by the taxpayers.

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She just needs to never smile with her mouth open and she’ll stay a solid 7/10.

I can't think of another even nominally attractive female politician in the US

Yes, I would beat her like a disobedient dog. No dick though.

totally agree. Smoking hot. daft auld mare tho.

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think it was a loaner desu


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I'll vote for her if she lets me smell her ass.

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Sarah Palin you inbred caveman, and she has the MILF appeal unlike this barren monkey

Kelly feet!

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post her nudes again

Poor man's Huma. Post her feet.

What? I wouldn't let my dick anywhere near this bean dip bitch. You have awful taste, OP.

40 trillion.

Based Tulsi.

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dumb horse-mouthed american bitch has jackshit on our female politicians when it comes to sexiness
friendly reminder that Ocasio-Cortez is considered a 20/10 in the United Mutt States of North Ameristan

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as long as she keeps her mouth closed

For months I actually believed she was a transvestite man.

I checked the wiki and still thought she was born a man, because wiki can be written by a lefty who will disregard the born gender.

She is a woman tho, right? No adams apple.

kill yourself basedboy, zina is waifu

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yummy commie mommy

Well there´s no accounting for taste. I don´t find her attractive whatsoever for instance. And no i have no problem finding people attractive of other ethnicities and recognizing that, i harbor no bias in that regard, but prefer my own regardless. But i mean she´s really not one of those.

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She’s not. It’s shitposting.

This must be it. Aside from choice of bra and having reasonably sized tits i really don´t see what she has going for her. Atleast not something that makes her exceptionally stand out like the OP suggests. She´s more bland imho.

does the mongoloid in the pic have downs?

That's a man.

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I don't find nonwhites sexually attractive.


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No, some retarded goblin that can eat an ear of corn through a chain link fence is not hot.

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She looks like a man? Square jaw, huge brow, beady eyes, bad skin. If you're attracted to her you might just be a homosex.

latinas, patrician taste

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Isn't the Swedish president or something like that some hot af curvy milf?

too Jewish

I had no idea skeletor had nice tits.

Take off the proxy fellow mutt

I'd shower her my white privledge if you know what i mean

I forgot that all american women derive their value holding Ocasio as a standard. The further away a woman looks from Ocasio, the uglier she is, according to Muttistanians. Enjoy your shit-hole. I'll keep my milf politicians kek

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Sarah Palin looks too inbred and botox-y

>american education

ta livet av dig din dumma jävla amerikan

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>r u sure
>that this bitch
>is < 0 nigger?

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Sure, if you're ok with race mixing.

You obviously haven't seen her cankles.

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i can't decide which of them are the hottest.


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no proxy, just a sad european without qt latina gf :(

woah look at all that eyeliner and painted on eyebrows and wrinkles

yeah she has a fake ass and tits but any girl can get fake ass and tits


she has a kike nose...

40 trillion.

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if I could chose I would slightly prefer becky g over natti natasha because her boobs are real I think

everyone gives her shit for her teeth but I think they make her look cute and dorky

size 8+. no sign of bunions. straight morton's toe.
fappinator engaged.

Maybe her tits are fake, but her ass is 100% natural
t. knower

all i ever see when i see her

Grandma underwear

Her bad teeth placement really destroyed her face. Her eyes look like they are about to pop out of her sockets because of it.

In 4 years

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I agree. She is ugly as hell. Looks like a typical indigenous Spic. There are way better looking conservative women. I see some decent looking anchors on Fox. Even long Sarah Palin is way hotter than Ocasio.

more like a 5. she is just an average looking muscular Hispanic woman.

rich jewish scum with soulless eyes


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her eyes just look dead. she has zero sex appeal and the fact that she is dumb enough to want to identify with socialism makes her even uglier.

she always looks like a smug piece of shit

I hate women like that, be humble

big teeth is kinda a fetish to me desu

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Looks to me like the kind of girl who might cut your dick off with pinking shears while you're asleep.

almost none look like these porn stars. most hispanic women (that you stupidly call latinas) look like this. p.s. real latins are in italy NOT Mexico and Puerto Rico.

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>Not Faith Goldy.
>instead posts beady-eyed Brownshit with 80 IQ
Kill yourself faggot

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I turned my screen 90 degrees and now i can see that the girl on top is best in breed. Thanks for the pic.

I´m interested in why quite a few latinos have almost no features/bone structure. Do they in general have no 3rd molar/wisdom teeth at all? And in general very narrow jaws? Because wisdom teeth is generally what widens the jaw a lot, and the height of the teeth aswell play a part in creating the 'chizeled' bone structure. especially the upper teeth have a lot to do with how your face looks around the eyes with regards to eyebrows and near the temples and forehead etc.
>big teeth is kinda a fetish to me desu
It´s actually not big teeth she has small teeth and they are pulling her upper and lower jaw inwards impacting negatively her facial features. Hence the 'horse teeth' where her gums are so clearly showing.

You are right. Americans do have terrible taste. All women here look like lesbians and I hate whenever I have to shop for a gift for a lady here because only gender neutral clothing in stores. Thanks Rosie O'Donnell.

that photo was about 3 years ago i think?

she hit the wall around 26-27 and it will be downhill fast and hard now

a pity, just one of those thigns in life

latin women are smoking hot when aged 18-23, 23-25 they are ok and then hit the wall very hard and become goblina cretura types

sad but that's life

I can't understand if it is a meme or not the bitch is ugly af

I unironically want to sniff her vagina.

you are in Russia where there are many well dressed attractive women. American guys find anything with two legs attractive.

You could fuck the shit out of her but remember you'll be listening to her talk for the other 23 hours 57 minutes of the day.
>in b4 'jam it in her mouth'
>letting that set of choppers anywhere near the benis

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they are ugly young too.

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>Wife a woman who looks like a horse as soon as she remotely moves her mouth.
Bruh, look at this dude.

so where do I find the latinas which look like the girls from reggaeton videos?

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funny how all the even nominally attractive pictures of her have her hair down and forward and her mouth closed

probably because it hides the fact that her facial structure and teeth are dogshit tier

Why are americans so obsessed with this plain looking woman? The only thing which attracts my attention is how crazy her eyes are in almost every shot; she has charles manson eyes

*has to do with how your face look around the eyes, forehead, cheeks and mouth.

In Spain or Portugal or probably amongst whites in Mexico City or Brazil or Argentina??? The majority of the ones who have asses and bodies have more European ancestry versus indigenous. Average Hispanic

agreed. her eyes do look like Manson. Americans are dumb though.

Duct tape over the mouth and she makes a prime sack of meat to smash desu

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Never seen one. Videos must cgi their muffin tops out. Source: Phoenix resident. These girls are all fat.

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why would you marry a spic

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Teeth and jaw placement including height of teeth and width of arch are exceptionally important with regards to producing 'chizeled' facial features. If you took all your teeth and tilted them inwards towards your mouth, say 2-3 cm to be radical. they would drag your jaw inwards. And your facial features would radically change over a very short span of years. Due to the bite pressure basically working antagonistic towards your bone structure. Producing one heck of a headache in the process aswell, unless that was natural to you. It´s also a huge part of what produces wrinkles. Since the bone is living tissue and reorganizes according to pressure, so when pressure direction is altered, so is the rest will follow.
t. user who know a bit about dentistry.

40 trillion.

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this is interesting. but theres no way to change this without surgery, right?

>mfw a bunch of anime watching incels pretending they would turn her down bcuz she's le evil commies

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