Why do you all seek political power when you would be corrupted by it?

Why do you all seek political power when you would be corrupted by it?

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What do you mean
I would immediately call for the death of most people and the destruction of technocracy, but I want that regardless of my power level.

nobody gives a shit what i think

Because Jow Forumss power comes from love.

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i'm 100% uncorruptable.
i'm the modern day cincinnatus.
i would kill all the jews, deport all the minorities, burn all the gays, and then return the power to the people that remained.
i'm a man of my word.

hi there based Jow Forums pot

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same, except rather than return to my farm after doing the needed deeds I'd return to my hydrophonics and anime figurine collection and let the rest of you lot sort it out

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Puppets have no power burger

pol wants the destruction of political power