Are People of Color the real white supremacists?

Are People of Color the real white supremacists?

The Daily Beast thinks so, and I think it may be true as well.

Prove me wrong.

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It's true

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This makes no sense whatsoever. Liberals are utter retards

Because the alternative is to go socialist, and that shit is retarded.

Whiteness is an ideology, not a skin tone. So it makes sense that as whites become increasingly liberal, PoCs become increasingly white, and ergo, white supremacist.

Arnold's Latino kid will get honorary mention.

I am not white and i am here, i just hate this mandatory tumblerification of everything, western societies are the best in the world and if i have to side with hitler to conserve it, so be it.

But what happens when it's only PoCs defending western society? Is western society really western at that point?

The article names the "Proud Boys" as being a "white supremacist group". Utter nonsense.

I think of western society as an ideal, a set of values that should be memed forward, it is a system that allowed great things to be achieved and regardless if it took blood to be built, you can't just become a political herbivore and fade into oblivion chanting 'sorry'. i feel like if i don't man the fuck up and help, you all gonna just let them take it away and replace it with a shittier system controlled by people who are tired of competing, they just wanna be in charge indeffinately.
We cannot allow this.
You and me, we.

>civnat bullshit

BLM and Richard Spencer will Make America Great Again!

And thats a god thing!

This is inspiring and I hope to see more PoCs become /ourguy/s.

If we fall, at least there'll be an enclave of enlightened shitskins somewhere to shitpost the chinks for a generation or two.

That's enough for a tombstone.


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>White supremacy returns in force
>POC joins
>becomes American identity supremacy
>evolves further
>Literally Hitler
Half of Jow Forums is drooling for this to happen.

Truly a FUCKED and awesome timeline

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It's true you know
The only reason me and my poc frens became white supremacists is so the white majority holds up, all of civilisation doesn't crumble and continues the gibs. Thanks Jow Forums

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You think if the chinese get a hold they won't genocide blacks the first few weeks? they don't fuck around, they aren't as apologetic as whites, chinese are dictionary deffinition of soul-less.
It must never come to that.

Maybe because its not really white supremecy maybe its right leaning and patriotic orgs. Maybe they've overused white supremecy to the point it doesn't mean anything anymore

I would break that down a little further. Is being right about morals, principals, ethics white? The left no longer knows what it is. Whites in the middle were fine till the left eugenics and terrorist ideology was exposed.

>ben shapiro is a white supremacist
>joe rogan is a white supremacist
>kanye west is a white supremacist

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>an enemy of my enemy is my friend.
White and black supremacists have basically the same goals for their people. Some old black guy that I see around the city was a black panther back in the 60s and 70s and he told us about how blacks and whites should be separated and the Jews taken out permanently so we can have peace.

>colors are expressing believe their peers don’t
>obviously they are white supremacists.
>but they aren’t white.

heres why thats a good thing

White is just a code word for republican which is just a code word for anyone who isn't a degenerate leech.

For leftists, "white" replaced "bourgeios" as a catchall term for everything they don't like that they throw into some haphazard hegemonic structure.

>1925: freedom of speech is a bourgeois freedom
>2016: civility is a white norm

Ideally white/black/brown separatists should work together on this issue. We need to pull in the same direction to keep our cultures and people distinct, because the kikes want us mashed into a beige, cultureless mass driven only to consume.

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Probably because they realize they aren't white supremacist groups?

Ain't gonna give them any clicks, give an archive link.

>People are becoming proud of their ancestry and culture
>Here's why it is wrong

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You're a mutt on Jow Forums. /thread

>life imitates memes

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I am well aware of the derogatory terms they use. But my point still is relevant even if you were to use the terminology.

>Having conservative values makes you a white supremacist
wtf I love Hitler now?

Define the word "western".

If PoC are joining (((white supremacist groups))) they mean lisping faggot post-irony numale whites like Richard Spenser, not actual white supremacist

This basically. If we could get that into the heads of the people it would catapult us into widespread approval. That it's not about hate. For some probably it is and it's not wrong to be hostile to foreign tribes invading. But ultimately I don't wish ill on muslims, blacks or any of the others. They should just stay in their nations and cultivate their culture there.

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White people are literally jews to black people.
They will never work together with you. You might as well be talking about a Jow Forums-Zion alliance.

Its not civnat if we are literally mexicans and brazilians in our own country, we dont want you to abandon western society because even if the best we achieve in our own countries is a limited imitations of western society it is still miles better than the alternatives.

Are they talking about the Canadians that shitpost here all day?

And that's a good thing!

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I’m Latino.

I can either live in a country run by white people and accept my place as a port manager OR I can live in a country run by niggers and liberals.

That’s a hard choice for sure.

>Who were George Lincoln Rockwell and Malcolm X
The black community only needs unkiked leaders, like the hoteps.

Most niggers really do just want to be given mini-ethnostates at the fringes of a White civilization. They know that without Whites, they're going back to living in huts and eating bugs. They'll still fight and kill each other too, but they won't have guns anymore so the weaker sort will be utterly dominated. The gangland ghetto is the nigger utopia. They don't want integration or rights, they want a lawless playground flooded with guns, drugs, and fried chicken.

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Exactly. I have no desire to eradicate anyone but jews, we need to pull together or the oceans of degeneracy they produce will drown us all.

This. Life of a brown person is better under white leadership than it is under brown leadership. Show me one brown country that's even half as good as a white country. Whites treat brown people better than other brown people do too.

You know, I thought in 2018 we'd have hoverbikes, and fucking mecha. Instead we got SJWs, themselves whiter than Casper the Friendly Ghost attending a Matchbox 20 concert at the North Dakota State Fair, calling black people like Kanye and Candace Owens white supremacists.

Lets not forget about those dastardly Chinese white supremacists

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> Darkies are joining white supremacist groups
> Are we incorrectly labeling those groups as white supremacists? Do the darkies know something we don't know?
> No, it's the darkies who are wrong

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>People of Crap
The entire point of PoC is to exclude white people.

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Why not ally only with nice Christian whites and bypass the commies and nazis?


>nice Christian
Christcucks are degenerate race traitors who serve the Jewish hegemony. A Christian nation is a Jewish nation.

>When your enemy is so mentally far gone, that even your old enemies rather side with you.
>tfw you will soon blacks in klan hoods attacking sjws.

>that one retard
any sensible person thinks the world would be a better place if whites had their own state. Many people of color fought for Hitler.

Why can't they start a fascist movement that we can be allied with? Having blacks in white nationalist groups is just cringe. I can imagine blacks would love the aesthetics of fascism.

I just don't like how the left is subverting white males because men have a lot in common in general no matter what race. An attack on white males, is an attack on manhood.

For some reason, men can no longer make stuff in the entertainment industry that men love to watch specifically. Everything in Hollywood needs to add a women that acts like a man for "inclusivity". Same thing happening in video games. Journalists everywhere are antagonizing the male-power fantasy to the point where everyone brainwashed by leftist ideology sees it as sexist. I'm getting really tired if this shit and I want things to be fun again instead of everything being propaganda to empower women.

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Case in point:

>holding up a sign written in chinese to protest
I guess the other canadians can read it though

>taiwanese friend in high school really liked Hitler
not surprised

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This is correct. My family, friends and I are hispanics and we are conservative. Mexicans at my wife’s work call her “Coconut Princess”. My friend gets accused of wanting to be white all the time, just because he is a law abiding family man who votes republican. We are not white supremacists, but we are not anti-white either. We simply hold ourselves to a higher standard of personal responsibility. Promoting the idea that logic and laws are ideals that are instrisnically linked to white supremacy just may be the greatest trick the jews ever pulled.

Jow Forums basics

>Who we are against.
>What we do. What we want.
White supremacist,Nazi,Alt-right among others are just labels given to those who speaks for white people and to those whites who want to preserve their culture,heritage & identity. So situation is like -Die or be the "bad guy"

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Dem logic: lets use blacks white women etc for our own personal goals and then backstab them when they are no longer usefull.also you are a black white supremacist if you stop supporting us .

I've always held the opinion that blue collar white conservatives have more in common with neurotypical blacks, then upper class white Liberals. The only difference between gang banger nigger and white English degree university goer is loan debt and means of robbery (government force vs holding up convenience store).

they are talking about Proud Boys and similar organizations, essentially civic nationalist organizations. It is not strange though, since protectionism has effectively been thrown to the side by the left

>people of color join the fight against globalism, people being dependent on welfare and against poverty
This is a bad thing and here's why

What is wrong with these people?

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>Patriot prayer
Civnat libertarians. Hardly "white supremacist". What the fuck

No, they mean "white supremacist groups" like 3 kids in MAGA hats.

the spin, half truths, reductio ad absurdum, misrepresentation and general fallacies in this article makes my blood boil

it's true, just look at Jow Forums, even stormfront has been mainly pajeets and other nonwhites for at least a decade now

funny how white supremacist groups are more diverse then those who oppose them

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We are, because no one likes a kike.

You got one here. I created the Emmett Till meme. Blood and soil. White America prevail. Heterosexuality only. The white race has the right to exist. Spics, jews and Muslims get the gas. 1488.


Fucking this

I'm a mutt and I've been called a white supremacist by people in my classes, depending on whether or not your definition of "white supremacist" is scuffed or not it could be true.

wait Alsup was there

>based shitskin

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i think u have an obsession

You'll be first to leave, Paco. Say what you like but we're natural born Americans who helped build this country and served it in uniform proudly. You're Soros invaders and the bidding servants of the liberal contagion. Pack your donkey. The tanks and troops are approaching, you wetback pos. Free ride is OVER.

Bullshit, only jews and spics want that.
Nigs are based and want jews and spics dead.
Spics are the 21st century golem.

Yes. Western white people are the least racist people on the planet. Only western white people don't know this. Literally every other population is "racist" and "sexist". Homophobia is much more unevenly distributed.

Is this you?

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Give that job to a white man, take your spic whore and go back to your own clay, invader.

No. It's me.

Amazing. I didn't think people like you existed. Grats, you stopped me from trolling niggers into oblivion.., now I'm sad.

btw, 'my' culture believes in a rapture; lmfao

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It's so weird how the possibility that the proud boys maybe aren't white supremacists never crossed their mind

>they say they aren't white supremacists
>there's a lot of minority members

Have you ever noticed that the least threatening right wing figures are always the most demonised? Jordan Peterson is LITERALLY HITLER because he tells men not to squash their masculinity despite the fact that he reinforces the individual cuckservative boomer mentality. The proud boys are the Hitler youth because they give each other dieting tips and book recommendations or whatever faggy shit they do, with an unacceptably pro western stance. Yet Richard Spencer who seems to have been created in a lab to be every lefty's spitting mental image of a neo nazi gets interviewed by CNN and shit all the time so he can rant about an interstellar evropean imperium or whatever the fuck

Roughly half of white people don't defend western society to begin with. It's a matter of ideals and culture rather than skin color.

The real racists won't tell you that.

I dont even know what to say when I see the "fuck your statistics n sheeit, evidence / science / enlightenment values are just white voodoo they use to magically win arguments" thing.

lmao blacks are oppressing themselves

>white supremacist groups are so racist they are letting minorities join
somehow this doesn't register in their mind how retarded they are

Exactly. We all have to protect western civilization which was created by whites. Many whites are too lost these days to recognize their history but us castizos will be there to join ranks and defend them.

That's what I want to see more than anything, the blacks living on their own, paying for their actions.

nah mate. all this shit is trolls trolling trolls at this point. probably real.

Goddamn I hate this "and here's why" "and that's a good thing" "and that's a bad thing" etc. crap. Do they all go to some secret writing school where they're taught to do this?

Looks like a beaner Milo Yannopolis.

It’s the latest new speak. And yes it’s a conspiracy.