how's it goin lads
Bosnia elections
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for sure not like on the pic
Why are there like 5 million elections today? Like there is the Lithuanian election, the Bosnian election and the Brazlian election. And guess what? They all vote for foreigners! (Russians, Serbs, Whites).
who's winning, pro-erdogan pro-putin or both
well, serb member will always be pro - putin, and now it seems it will be Milorad Dodik (maybe Mladen Ivanic)
Bosniak member can be from same party as current (pro erdogan) or Social democrat party (Denis Becirovic). They are tight, and with current stats both have around 40% of votes
Who cares? It is still a rump state protectorate.
so pretty much like... Poorland? But a protectorate of Germany?
What the fuck is Bosnia? Is that even in Yurop?
Bosnia is gonna to war again,same old fuckheads are back in power
Gibson back Kosovo. It's legitimate Romanian clay.
Islamic shithole of bosnia should be nuked already.
The only "results" so far are coming from the political parties themselves and not the country's central electoral committee... what a joke of a country
Well pic wise I give BIH 4 years max before they go full cover Muslims shit
Jeste glasali picke
>The only "results"
the total count has been done now they wait for the commission to hand out the results early in the morning
Onda odakle ove brojke?
the electoral commission will declare the real numbers on their site when its done.
those are numbers gathered by independent parties who act as observers during the counting
when its done they decide if everything was counted according to the rules and pack up the ballots and send it to sarajevo
By Allah, if war starts there again, king roach erd*gan himself will open the gates of t*rkey and let us arabs and black MUJAHIDEEN flow in and behead s*rb crosscucks.
>Speaking at an event organized by his Party of Democratic Action (SDA) in capital Sarajevo, the chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina said: "Our friend is not very popular in the West, because Erdoğan is a long-awaited great leader for the Muslims."
>"They (West) are not disturbed by primitive and ignorant Muslims," he said.
>"But when it come to economic development, they are disturbed by a man who opens his doors to three million refugees, who builds the world's largest airport, deals with terrorism and wars at his country's borders."
Tell me where he's wrong though
The El Mujahideen were pretty good fighters desu
Serbs like to talk shit even though they had their own foreign units operating in Bosnia doing the same shit they did
muh 20.000 mew haj jeedeen
lol no you aren't, stop larping faggot. You all claim to hate Dayton but it's been 23 years, war will never return.
This area is fucking cursed man,it's only a matter of time before some bullshit breaks out
Fuck Dayton
Don't worry Dutchbat 2.0 will come this time our soldiers will not be armed and ordered to surrender immediatly so that this can all be over quicker.
I always see you in these threads
No. 1: He’s Turkish.
No. 2: He’s Muslim
No. 3: He encourages more Turkish Muslims to Floor first world countries, while 70% of Turks have never read anything other than a core ran.
No. 4: Wont accept responsibility for the number of genocides Turkey is guilty of.
No. 5: He’s Turkish
preliminary results are out
Opet isti profiteri mater im jebem
Šta će biti od nas sine?
This. Fuck this country.
I thought we were Americas bitch. Wtf don't confuse me
idk man, a few years a another civil war might start
serbs could claim defensive seccesion
croats will probably to because for the 2nd time as of tonight they lost their presidency seat due to the split muslim vote (Zeljko Komsic beat Covic)
bosniaks who didnt want to live as a small player in a state of a majority people find themselves in that same position today.
in the meantime the serb controlled entity is corrupted to the core
croats are leaving to the south or the country (EU papers) as a peaceful way of ethnic cleansing
bosniaks have nothing to win but everything to lose so they go ether political or religious extremes
Well i and every other dutchmen has a bone with you to pick so yeah.
There is no hope anyways. The results are always rigged. Nothing will ever change. Even if you had the most competent, smart and good people in the parliament, the very construction of this system does not allow any change. It's just a cesspool that's also filled with a lot of blood. This country is a meme and always will be until it finally disappears.
God is dead and he shat on this land shortly before he did.
Same situation as 1991 man,the Western world slowly turning its back on us while Russian/Middle Eastern creeps in
How about you pick my bone UwU
I fucking hate the way things are currently,but no way i'm giving this land up to some Serb niggers or Croat niggers
well the thing is we were left to our own devices and did things as best we could post 95
the current status quo is that of agree to do something together all 3 of you or constant stalemate
the westerners didn't anticipate that we would be stubborn for ~23 years
being forced to share space and government while hating each other
at this point i rly dont care if this meme country breaks appart
the old one broke apart and it didn't prevent me to go to serbia, croatia or slovenia
Retardo Americano. Just fucking watch at the ethnic diversity in Bosnia and tell me again the war won't come
nigga u glow
Nobody gives a shit about Croats anyways. They are leaving this country more than anyone.
As for the Serbs I really don't want to fight yet another pointless war (like all of my ancestors did).
But knowing the RS Serbs they are prepairing their knives already. I hate Bosniaks too since we're a made up ethnicity ( we really just fucking are ). Not to mention that we don't have a normal fucking party except maybe BPS.
All three of us are literally the same folk, but nobody wants to admit it. I just wish we didn't hate eachother this much and lived normally.
Again fuck this hellhole
Fucking Dodik of all people won, this is a meme country
Because it's a system of taghut kuffar. Infidel will hate you cuz ur muslim always
I feel with you man,i just want people to acknowledge that we are all Bosnians,not "Serbs","Croats" or "Muslims"
That's some gay ass fucking bullshit and i'm not gonna stand for that
The war is pretty much impossible as long as USA is the top boss and as long as the EU is there. I can't even see how the war would break out, care to elaborate.
Do you think the West gives a single fuck about what goes on in here?
Just look at the last time they were here
But the Serbs and Croats do not want to be 'Bosnian'. Your country should have been dismembered many years ago.
Eh go rape a 5 year old boy and bitch about the west
Yeah and they had good jihad aesthetics too.
This. That dude is barely literate.
Fuck off jihadi. Stay the fuck out of our country filthy Arab.
You would need a Switzerland-like system for that. But we both know that will never happen.
Bosnia should be part of Serbia or some new Yugoslavia. Not an indeoendent country, it simply does not work. Although modern Serbia is equally a meme desu.
Nisam. Nema NS partije u BiH.
We were always fucking Bosnians
People reffered themselves as fucking Bosnians,we had an entire fucking kingdom on our hands
Religion didn't fucking matter,but now it's all about the fucking religion
The 7th muslim brigade wasn't really mujahideen,just really muslim dudes
Agreed. Only dead Muslims are good Muslims. I love it when they kill themselves for god. What fucking idiots.
dog bless ameriga
Of course they fucking do, they weren't here the last time, Yu was "neutral". BiH is a NATO and EU oriented country now, except for the serb plague.
would you want russia to spread its special sauce on bosnia?
Fuck off mutt.
In one hand EU and NATO will globalize us and make us a shithole, but might save us from war. However absence of them will cause a war, inevitably, still making us a shithole.
>We were always fucking Bosnians
>acknowledge that we are all Bosnians
nah man as far as i realized during my years being indoctrinated to believe that you are a Bosniak or muslim or even just bosnian its that its bullshit
its bullshit because the older ethnic groups still exists, serbs and croats, meaning that if you call yourself a bosniak or bosnian you have to admit your roots
you can go the third way and say south slav or yugoslav but no minor ethnic group must embrace that they can stay who they are.
if you are a moderate muslim you will go with bosnian and dont look past ~1200
if you arent you dont have a reason to be a bosnian
How many of your family members have we killed? Did we rape your mother?
This. We are literally a mix of Serbs and Croats ethnically. Bosniak and Bosnian mean the same thing. They are a regional identity, not an ethnic one.
Aww look it gets its feelings hurt. Like when you take water from a thirsty dog.
They sure could try
Don't you have a LGBT history class to attend or something? Literally Bosnia is a more legit and older country than you are. Neck yourself.
only one thing is more painful to watch than niggers
it's american edukayshun
jbg ako hoces 50km glasaj hdz i covica
its one tied to Islam and our Slavic, serbo-croatian heritage, both in regards to culture, language and traditions.
i try to explain this to people here but as you know this kind of language might get you in trouble with some people.
Do the Arab sex tourists get to vote??
Kakva je situacija u Bosni? Dižu li se tenzije? Nisam tako aktivan u vijestima kao i prije.
>Stay the fuck out of our country
nobody will 'stay out' if war erupts man, just telling it like it is
Situacija ista kao i prije 20 godina, SDA, SNSD i HDZ nam masovno jebu majke
Stalno se dižu tenzije,ne znaš šta je predizborno sranje i šta je sranje za uzbunu
covic izgubio mandat hrvatskog clana predsjednistva jer su bosnjaci prelomili svoj glas i pogurali Zeljku kojeg neprihataju u Hercegovini
ocekuj guzobol sutra u medijima cjeli dan
But what if I'm not a muslim anymore? Can i be a Bosniak if it is tied to our islamic heritage? Onky if I use the term as a regional identity. I just can't hold it back anymore. I used to be a so called Bosnian nationalist, but then the truth hit me.
Ma ovdje su vjecite tenzije buraz hahahaha.
Subtle kek.
Why do so many yugoslavs look like pavement ape downsyndromy morons.
yea i voted against dodik, i think trying to change things up is stupid better to do nothing
Because we literally are just that.
doesn't take long to deduce that your IQ is lower than your body tempature.
your average muslim bosnian woman
voting agaisnt dodik is probably for the best
the dude is a mobster that uses his politcal power for monetary gain
"They told me I could become anything, so I became a grass fertilizer"
Both sides, and a pro-EU party as well
thanks bro, i'm a serb from RS and i think sometimes even though we're the same people we have different interests. i still love you guys though
Evo ga madjarsko kopile opet, sto si toliko opsednut Srbima?
Say again cuntalonian?
Based sandnigger
nice try, thats a slovenian model
What the fuck are you saying mutt? That poster is Madjarski Madjarac, opsednut Srbima svaki dan.
>But what if I'm not a muslim anymore? Can i be a Bosniak if it is tied to our islamic heritage?
yes becouse the main stock of the boniak population is muslim both soft and hard and they will tolerate you as long as you play by their rules (rules as in, name, origin, family, expression of language and ethnicity)
>Onky if I use the term as a regional identity. I just can't hold it back anymore. I used to be a so called Bosnian nationalist, but then the truth hit me.
The truth?
Let me tell you about the truth and how it hit me.
You find out about a regional ethnic and linguistic group that is from eastern Europe.
You find out about that group aka. slavs, who moved and stayed around and south of the Danube by the grace of the byzantine empire
You find out about historic accounts pre 1200AD about peoples who are part of that slavic group, Serbs, Croats, Bolgar turks who lead slavic tribes
You find out about a region called Bosnia named by some tribes who were conquered by Romans during the antiquity
You find out that the language of that tribe was destroyed, their culture was destroyed and anything noteworthy about those natives is destroyed
You find out about Islam as a religion of a conquering people from the east who destroyed the center of orthodoxy and on its way to destroy the seat of the holy roman empire
they you look at yourself
you claim to be something called bosnian or bosniak
you claim to be unique or different compared to serbs or croats
the language is the same tho and theirs has older accounts of use
your history is non existant pre 1200
your religion is non existant pre 1500
your genetics are the same mix of ehnic slavic and unknown native southern european just like the serbs and croats, generally speaking
what are you?
How about now nigger? Jelous?
jel će biti rata?
zajebale nas balije
we have mailboxes on our streets too
I like the SNSD party
tfw I had contact with a qt3.14 bosniak girl
tfw her cousin who fucks her, would chop my dick if I dare to have anything with her
To vam je kada ste uvek saradjivali sa njima od 1941 do dalje.
Well looking at the last names in my family. I have some orthodox surnames, but the rest are muslim, so I am probably a Serb although I could have some Croat ancestry as well, who knows. I will do a dna test in the future to see if my results will be more clear.
However I am a Bosniak/Bosnian regionally and culturally.
As for the truth I started talking about this to a Serbro I know and he gave me enough proof, and I did some of my own research too. So yeah we are basically just muslim Serbs.
Čistim M84 dok pričamo evo
You two should stop fucking with that muslim serb or muslim croat rhetoric,it's fucking stupid
You don't even need to be a Serb but Bosnia would be much better place if you stop worshipping sand god honestly.
pol jelly