Zoomer here

What was life like in the nineties compared to now Jow Forums?

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Very comfy.

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Ignorance and bliss, user. Ignorance and bliss.The last hurrah of the bubble of American naivety.

I am equal parts sad at it's passing and understanding of why it had to end.

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>What was life like in the nineties
house like pic related was about $200k in california while salary is around 100k

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200k for a brand new construction

90’s were a shit. Saw some cool bands play, tho.

Aids, Grunge, consumerism, slow dial-up internet, and Presidents getting their dick sucked

Not as good as some of the millenials claim it was.
The 1990s was the decade of total mind control, controlled opposition, and with the internet just getting revved up in the mid 90s, the media had total control over everything.
GenX women were brainwashed hook like and sinker by reality TV and Oprah and a lot of men who started out normal would come home one day to "we have to talk" and then before he knew it he's getting divorce raped.
So to summarize: a lot of what's wrong with America was happening in the 1990s, but it was not apparent because nobody knew. You have to get fucked by the system before you knew the system was fucked. And if you tried to tell anybody you got the "programmed response" - they sneered and snickered and called you a "conspiracy theorist". If you were awake or red-pilled back then you were the loneliest man on earth - and at times feeling like the last man.
So the 1990s was not really that good, except nobody knew how bad it was until it was too late for them personally and they were finding out the hard way. By 2000 just about every other man could tell you stories of lives, businesses, families, relationships, and futures lost. If you didn't experience this, if you were an NPC you giggled and pretended it could not happen to you and then distract yourself with thoughts of what's on Seinfeld that night or the next episode of Friends. If you were not an NPC you pretty much got depressed an had no sense of future but at least looked out for yourself. Too bad the only way to protect yourself then, as for now as well, is to pretty much never get married, never commit to anything, never sign onto anything, avoid all neigbors, maintain only a few friends you known for years, and keep your cards close to your chest.

Filtering information through the public eye
Designed for profit sharing
Your neighbor; what a guy

>The 1990s was the last decade of incomplete mind control, controlled opposition

American society has been set up for this 1950s and that was made possible due to social restructuring in the last 1800s. This has been happening for a LONG time.

...and that's why people have zero context or perspective on how to fix it; they've fully subsisted on it for almost a century now.

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Social media has ironically made us more disconnected than ever. Nowdays, people only want to stay in their own network. It is almost impossible to make friends outside of your network. Nobody really wants to talk to random people.

This is a result of the top-down shift in social structure which was discovered in the late 1800s and began to be exploited in the early 20th century. This is precisely where socialism, communism, nazism, fascism and a myriad of other collectivist ideologies that sought to treat society as immutable homogeneous groups instead of individuals operating under personal responsibility.

It was okay, but looking back even if 9/11 never happened, it was still the beginning of many other problems. The niggerization of American culture began then, in fact it was 1994 or 1995 that the year's No. 1 hit song was cRap and it's been that way ever since. Clinton really was our first black president in a way, and not just because he played the saxophone. He put them in charge of everything and schools had to have this nigger focus. Maybe it was just as bad in the 80s or earlier, but I was in 6th grade in 1994 when I really noticed them ramping up the "bad bad white man" in our history lessons and even pushing African greatness in math, something about a bone found in Congo with some scratches on it.
The L, G, and B part of LGBT was gaining acceptance and they could walk the halls without being harassed as long as they didn't make a spectacle of themselves. There was one gay guy who insists we picked on him because he was gay, but we actually picked on him because he was the kind of prick who would take down the names of anyone who misbehaved while the teacher was away. Trans was not something we heard about except for on Jerry Springer.
The kind of feminism or political correctness we have today was also kind of a joke, but there were people who seriously thought that way.

My parents got a house twice that size in the DC Metro area for $180k in 1993.

My experience as an adolescent/teen in the 90's:

People complained about George Bush and then Bill Clinton.

The cool kids wore JNCO's (mid-90's).

If your friend wanted to show you porn on the computer, you kept a lookout for his mom during the five minutes it took to load the picture.

If you got an A on your report card, the comic book store would give you a free pog.

Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Soundgarden, Smashing Pumpkins, etc.

Ninja Turtles were really cool for a while and then really uncool and then everyone forgot about them until the early 2000's when they became really cool again.

Regular TV had the shows that Nick at Nite has now.

Kids ran wild in the streets until dark. And then they watched Are You Afraid of the Dark?.

At school book fairs, you bought Goosebumps, Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, and The Guinness Book of World Records of that year.

And if you read enough, you got free pizza at Pizza Hut.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head.

Things were simpler, and comfy.

All the good vidya was coming out, played outside all the time, wasn't addicted to my phone like I am now, everyone was mostly white where I lived (PA), all the good snacks and junk food like dunkaroos and lunchables.

You could carry more than two different warstones in rocknite.

Day dream. New technology every year, lots of money, cheap gasoline, stupid memes, bad music, and a general thoughtlessness about other nations in the world, except when we were "heroes" to save them from starvation, or invading forces like Iraq.
Operation Desert Storm was like a fucking cocaine line.

Disturbingly comfy. There was some degenracy but nothing compared to today, food was good, clothes were baggy and music was great.

I remember that day...

Look how people were happy and excited about something so simple like overpriced operation system...

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The entire internet was Jow Forums in 1996. It was awsome.

It was the beginning days of now, roadside speed cameras and mass cctv.

The 80's was a lot more free & the 70's even moreso.

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I was a teenager at the time, so make of this perspective what you will.
Decent music made by white people about white people. If you wanted to dig deeper, you could catch a ride into town and work to discover great music just percolating under the surface.
You could get laid if you were cool and friendly.
You hung out at the park or the mall or with friends or without them cruising around in your buddy’s car and you were constantly meeting new people and new girls and making plans to hang out with all of them.
Drugs were weed and acid and everyone did it and no one cared.
Internet was some weird hobby, movies weren’t any good, but everyone was too busy living life to care.
Politics was something old people cared about like taxes or the mortgage.
You could be white and male and no one had anything to say about it. Black people lived in another universe and though you’d interact with them sometimes, nothing they did or said had any bearing on your life.
No one had constant opinions spewed in their face constantly so you’d have to make up your own mind about some tv controversy, or you’d admit you didn’t know enough about the topic, shrug and say you didn’t care. In fact it was cool not to care.
Life was getting laid, listening to music, getting high and laughing as much as possible.

While it was not paradise, it is missed dearly by me soley based on the fact that cancer social media did not exisit and decent women could still be found.

Me and my brother had a old 386 that ran offline LORD for all our friends to play

Extremely comfy. Everything now is basically hell in comparison. It really changed after 9/11. The jews destroyed our entire culture.

Chat rooms a/s/l.....


The 90s are best appreciated in hindsight; meaning we didn't walk around every day going "Hey, its the 90s right now. This is so awesome!" We thought life was just going to get better and better as the years went by.

virtually every person on the internet was white and the few who werent were so autistic you wanted them around anyway

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Bought a first gen Eagle Talon AWD and with $500 in mods I was kicking the shit out of anything on the street, people back then freaked out that it was a 4 cylinder.

The internet was better. It was basically exploration instead iof curation. That made it somehow more pure.
In the USA at least the early 90’s were OK regarding pop culture, but the grunge movement seemed to have been the last stand regarding genuine musicianship over glamour.
By the late 90s we were saying “this cant last forever can it”. 20 years later, here we are.
Things really got bad in the mid 2000s when the Iphone came out. Before that it was just a slow death rattle.

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Graduated high school in 1990. I then when on a 7 year road trip in my Bronco. Then I came back home and got a job, got married, had two kids, got divorced, kept working, got married again, had another kid, got divorced and that brings us current. The 90s were based but feminism came like a hammer and wrecked every marriage in sight and screwed women up for good.

Born in 93 so I can't say much about the 90s themselves, but I will say I still remember how different things became after 9/11. I was in 3rd grade in rural Illinois and all of a sudden mom wouldn't let me get the mail anymore because it might have anthrax, kids on my street weren't allowed to play after dark because there could be more terrorism, all the adults were talking about war like it would be Desert Storm 2 with nukes, they had no idea it would still be going on almost 20 years later with no end in sight. A lot of people were caught between "the government is going to use this to exploit us somehow" and "but we have to get revenge, nobody fucks with America."

I guess it was like being a child among children, and not being able to understand why everyone was suddenly so scared and cynical. I look at pictures and wish that if nothing else our culture could be optimistic again, even if we're all just pretending. Now we live in unprecedented material prosperity drowned out by constant antisocial nonsense.