Does the right actually use a lot of bots?

Does the right actually use a lot of bots?

I see a lot of leftist comments on YouTube/Twitter accusing people of being bots. Is it more likely that they can't fathom the support shown online Because outside of the internet, the right is far less vocal?

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fuck off kike israel will be destroyed

>jew accuses you of what they are doing to you

many such cases! SAD!


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No we dont they are just retarded

>be a literal who lefty with a blue check mark and 1.5k followers
>make a POWERFUL "fuck drumpf" tweet
>240k likes and retweets
>accuse the right of using bots

Both sides use like bots or dupe accounts, but bot is just the lefts version of shill or npc at this point.

Who the fuck are you talking about with "the right" and "the left"? Do you think there is some sort of illuminati network and consensus on each side for everything?

When I used to shitpost on Twitter, almost every time I challenged a left wing retarded talking point I was called a 'russian bot'. They do this on the Youtube comments if CNN/MSNBC etc too.
They are insane. I'm sure many of these profiles are shareblue accounts too.
Also If you trawl through the accounts liking the tweets of the usual high profile progressive nutjobs, loads of them look like bots.

Social Media is lie. Nothing you see there is real or generic. It's all bot driven and hyped by bot networks.
A 50k twitter account bot network costs you about $300 a month, even less when you live in India, Pakistan or SEA where most of those "service providers" are located. It's a $200 software, a proxy scraper, a word spinner and a Virtual Private Server to run this shit on.

Praise to Kek.

I get accused of being a bot and russian all the time, these people just don't know how else to respond other than just acting like you're not real

Its an npc defence mechanism when they cant compute that they aren't in control

not now, I am bringing something great, keep an eye on biz

>Does the right actually use a lot of bots?
Not exactly. It's probably more accurate to say that the people who deploy bots use right-wing causes as triggers more frequently.

Kek lives! He is better than Jesus.


He beat Hillary. He beat Ford. What the fuck has Jesus ever done?

inspired me

no, it's literally just projection from the left
for what is probably the one millionth time

Quite the opposite actually.

This is the golden era of trolling online and SJWs are easy targets. Using bots would take all of the fun out of it.

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You are easily inspired.

nice try bot

when many different people tell you you're wrong in the exact same way you can either reflect on the idea that you may be wrong
or call them all bots

People on YouTube/twitter have to claim that the people making comments are bots otherwise they would have to come to terms that the tide is changing and they are being outnumbered.

>born 1983
>I guarantee we're all bots
mfw boomers happened in the 80's over here
>pic related

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Funnily enough people who accuse you of being a bot always have these bland drumpf memes or hillary photos as their avis. It's a sign of mental retardation.

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Well I got called a Putinbot once because I said I didn't want to die for Israel. That should tell you what you need to know.

Kill israeli children!

Inspired you to suck cocks and kiss nigger feet?