Both were having a meltdown and defending their honor.
Nothing wrong with it.
Grow up and learn the difference between an Apple and an Orange
>a white man
>a nigger
And they say retards can’t meme
Well Williams was in the wrong is the difference.
But she really was cheating, like her coach admitted to it in that very moment.
she was literally proven to be in the wrong
he was never proven wrong
The response needs to be proportional to the accusation. Kavanaugh was accused of sexual assault; he has a right to be angry. Williams was accused of breaking the rules of some stupid game; she has no right to chimp out.
>accused of doing nothing wrong with no evidence from 30+ years ago
>lying about cheating despite evidence from 1 minute prior and admission from coach
>politically-convenient false accusations of felony for dem advantage
>minimum appropriate response
>literally caught cheating
>chimpout like the fucking nigger she is and ruins the true champion;s first grand slam at 19
fucking niggers and kikes ruin everything
One was being demonized without any evidence, and the other was called out for breaking the rules.
Serena raging was fine until she brought I "I'm a mother. I NEVER cheat
Etc." She made up a scenario where her "honour" was being attacked when what really happened was she was given a penalty for a small infraction. If Kavanaugh didn't win the SCOTUS nomination, his life is over.
She shouted away her honour.
One was FALSELY accused of gang rape, sexual assault and attempted murder. He was defending himself against a newly Cultural Marxist fucked up theory that all women are to believed and habeus corpus is dead.
The other one got caught and PROVED to be cheating.
Great comparison princess - now off you go to bed.
>be white male
>defend honor
>get job
>be black
>defend honor
>get nothing
No they weren't. He was an innocent man pleading his innocence while surrounded by an insane pack of wolves.
She was an angry poor sport having a tantrum at losing. Zero honour in that.
Well when you have nothing to defend it sounds about right
The difference is one of them is fucking lying, you retarded faggot.
>supreme beef
>sport ball
Big difference