New chart thread

New chart thread.
Where do you position yourself, Jow Forums?

Attached: Senza titolo 1.png (720x769, 288K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: tfw.jpg (236x282, 9K)

dead center

Here the blank one

Attached: 20181007_221627.png (720x769, 262K)

Bloomin onion NPC

Attached: 1536093980624.jpg (750x738, 72K)

I would say all of them are unoriginal variation of Wojaks and lacks originality.
>Inb4 Wojak OC please don't steal.

Attached: lotr political compass.png (2472x1584, 1.33M)

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27 year old doomer here

Attached: 1538336144938.jpg (1200x1200, 150K)

I agree; isn't original wojack expressing all of these anyway?

Attached: 1536094104258.jpg (898x960, 90K)

Attached: 1536094477610.png (786x791, 407K)

Attached: me.png (720x769, 265K)

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Doomer turned zoomer, but I do love me some boomer memes

>Libertarian right using duckduckgo
To fucking realistic

Attached: 1536094298832.jpg (648x649, 80K)

it slides between zoomer and boomer, though stays heavily to the Doomer end of the scale

Attached: 1536094154956.jpg (639x599, 57K)

Attached: big bill hell.png (1200x1306, 598K)

too fucking accurate

Jow Forums in a nutshell

Skeptic Calvin confirmed

Attached: 1536076980988.png (1565x1565, 1.12M)

Light zoomer mid tier bloomer

You're a Tumor

Big bill hells still has me laughing my dick six feet straight up

Can i be both a doomer and a bloomer?
Shit's fucked but im happy it's all coming crumbling down

go to hell

Attached: 1486602102374.jpg (735x800, 52K)

leftist meme detected

doomer boomer reporting

Attached: chart.png (720x769, 277K)

fuck off data mining faggot

Attached: Vague.png (658x238, 33K)

this is gold

why would a libertarian use an Israeli site?

Attached: 1495151553106.jpg (2000x2177, 1.08M)

>Just turned 20 on the 27th
>Software product just crossed 100 paying subscribers this week
>College is going very well
>Girlfriend is still with me
>6'2 220, was 300 this time last year
>Now officially an american citizen and never have to go back to my hellhole 3rd world birthpalce(I'm white before you ask)
I'm feeling really fuckin good boys, good times ahead

Attached: pol zoomer bloomer.png (720x769, 339K)

>Top-right not using StartPage or a VPN

Zoomer/Bloomer range.


Attached: 19A9D904-42C8-48C3-AEC5-B7937BE7B021.jpg (960x960, 96K)

19 y/o and a slowly recovering doomer
(I'll never give up my nightwalks and low fi music though. Also I've never smoked/done drugs so I've never gone full doomer.)

forgot pic

Attached: 1538945576297.png (720x769, 300K)

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Attached: 1537033443559.jpg (700x764, 112K)

This thing is pretty accurate.

Big big hells is kino oldfag/early internet humor

Attached: 1532450783865.jpg (349x336, 14K)

Attached: Screenshot_2.png (722x773, 327K)

1/2 between boomer and centre

this is pretty accurate but I'd say greed and commies also fits

What is challenge pissing?

Asking for research purposes only of course.

>kino oldfag/early internet humor
what about ancientfag internet?

nah I'd say envy fits best. Greedy people don't take from others, once they have an item they just wont give it away no matter what, envy Is what causes people to take from others.

He literally explains it in the commercial you dumb fuck.


it means you're retarded