Suddenly Jow Forums think Graham is cool

Suddenly Jow Forums think Graham is cool.

We all know he was suckin on McCain's crusty dick for years. Now that McCain is gone, he thinks he's a bad as mofo.

Fuck him

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nice try shariablue

Tumorbrain going to hit him hard.
He is trying to get redemption but there shall be none.

Go back to plebbit on the /pol sub

Who is this McCain you're talking about

OP here. Once a Neocon always a Neocon.

graham has redeemed him self...confirmed bad ass and officially on the trump train

Fuck you.

Neocon redemption arcs are real and you cannot stop them. Too bad so sad, no communist paradise for you.

Shills running scared of the Graham Cracker.

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>neocon shilling for another neocon
No, pol just got astroturfed

Use this one next time

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>y-you're supposed to hate him!!

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>I will teach them!

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Dude on right looks really jewy.

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where sunglasses?

He's a literal faggot, and MAGAtards are fucking stupid.

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suck my tiny dick shill



For some fucked up reason Jow Forums thinks that there are heroes in gov't now. These neocon pieces of shit are just adapting to an electorate that prefers MAGA to anything that anyone else is proposing.

McCain was the #1 military industrial complex shill, followed by Graham. Now that McCain is supposedly dead the MIC needs everyone else to step up their game.

"Based Lindsey" is just neocon Lindsey with a different routine

The graham cracker has been cracked

Isn't everyone missing the obvious here? Graham found a new dick to suck since the old one croked. Of course he has no principles. He just sees which way the wind is blowing. I would go a step further and wager that attaching himself to an authority figure is part of Graham's homo pathology. As long as he's cranking out good soundbites I'm all for it but he shouldn't be trusted with any real power.

never trust a neo-con

So fucking BASED, aren't they?!
>the democrats are the real RACISTS!

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The (((DailyStormer))) is working to turn Jow Forums pro-Zionism and pro-NeoCon

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Exactly. I dont. They are worse than libs

When Trump goes religious I cringe. So akward and unbelievable

What if McCain actually was their slavemaster tho?

>OP here
You're not from around here are you.

Shut the fuck up tranny. It's dog fucking leafs like you that give us a bad reputation. Go suck on Trudeau's dick some more with your fellow redditors.

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I honestly think that the politicians are in such an echo chamber they really believe they are all friends with each other. This really opened the Republicans eyes, becaue the left savagely attacked an etablishment guy like Kavanaugh who contrary to all the screaming is really a centerist and probably well known to many of these politicians as a really good man and a really good judge. This whole horror story was a reality check for never trumpers and I hope Graham stays lit.

An example of a Boy becoming a Man. Its never too late Beta boyz to come around.

obviously you dont get the program.
its ok, i forgive you.

/pol is easy as fuck, all you gotta do is troll some liberals and they'l give you their soul of a platter

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you can shove a hose of beer down your anus like the last "degenerate" liberal fag in California - as long as you are a republican it means nothing

How autistic are you? It's only for the memes

I'm reporting you to the authorities for hate speech, you did not use the proper pronouns!

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cant wait till based graham hangs democrats on national tv