Do you think that it is the final step will all should take if we fail to find a girlfriend or a wife, or is it just degeneracy that is little more than glorified prostitution?
What is Jow Forums's opinion on Mail Order Brides?
Being volcel is already the superior lifestyle, I don't see why you need toys like some woman.
But then how are you supposed to spread your genes?
Sperm donorship.
You tell us. Was on vacations 2 weeks ago and the only white male + asian female I have seen were all americans.
ive never understood what it is exactly.
do they just stay married to you and have sex/cook food for you until they get citizenship and then you divorce them?
It's not what it used to be. Now you have to spend big bucks for an "international dating agency" that might be a mafia scam.
I think it's you pay thousands upon thousands of dollars to some foreign girl who would marry you in exchange for citizenship, and/or because she never found a man to begin with. I don't know if divorce is an option.
40 year old leaf here
Don’t fall for the dating meme
Go to your local pub and become a regular
Make friends
After awhile you WILL meet friends of friends who are single women and sparks will fly
That is how to date organically
I don't drink
Modern day thats probably the more common outcome. In the past, in America at least, it was mostly rural frontiersman would send money to a young woman's family for her to head out west and marry him because there was very few women out west.
>Modern day thats probably the more common outcome. In the past, in America at least, it was mostly rural frontiersman would send money to a young woman's family for her to head out west and marry him because there was very few women out west.
Think we could simulate that past glory in Red Dead Redemption 2?
Depends on what the return policy is like I guess.
Revocation of citizenship and subsequent deportation?
Are there any Jow Forumstards here who has experience with this, or knows anybody who does?
Online dating can work. My mother remarried and my stepfather is great, and they met online. It’s all a matter of networking and self-improvement, whether online or IRL.
eww dont breed we don't need anymore leafs in the world
what a cuck i can feel your repressed anger go shoot up a school already
How much did he pay her?
i am too autistic to make friends with random pubgoers
I am unironically autistic, and I don't even want to drink, much less make friends with pubgoers.
There is no way in Hell I am turning my liver into a sponge.
Anybody here have any ACTUAL experience with this, or is it all just a scam meme for foreveralones?
Orange Is The Black has the older white guy with his mail order bride so only married him to come here and then wanted a divorce
I don't give a shit about a Leftist TV show written by feminazis, for feminazis.
I care about REALITY.
They just want a passport/greencard.
whats this abo-
I see.
But I just want a wife who isn't corrupted by today's society.
go watch a documentary about it
It absolutely is a scam.
Might work if you are a 10/10 chad and wealthy and got a prenup drawn up though. But if you were why would you need a mail order bride?
That's a nice dream and all but they just want to leave their shithole country and will leave you as soon as they legally can.
Meaning that I will live the rest of my life alone, unless if I move to China and have the "ugly"(by their standards, cute by our standards) Chinese women flock to me because I am white?
They're a scam, watch the documentaries
Have mail order brides ever not been a joke? Even as a child it didn't make sense how a person could expect to have a relationship under such a pretext.
or you could get a fat homely white girl
also those asians tend to do similar things as the russian mail order brides do. Japs too, though in their case, even if you're handsome and sociable they just want you for your white genes, not citizenship
What's the divorce rate for mail-order brides in the U.S.? Higher than for most other marriages? If so, then don't do it.
You pay some Russian or Chinese babe $15,000 or more so she could marry you, or something.
And it's a scam.
I must be a loser for even making this topic, right?
I don't think so. I want a virgin bride and it seems my only option would be to go abroad