Brit/pol/ Toil tomorrow wagies

>Support for Labour and Tories neck and neck after party conferences

>Japan's Abe says would welcome Britain to TPP - FT

>How millennials could kill politics as we know it if they cared to

>Brexit is barking, say dog lovers marching for a 'people’s vote'

No matter who you are, you can improve your life. Take control. Move forward. Dreams keep us alive, fighting for them makes us feel alive.
Self Improvement information here

>The official British army fitness programme

>Information On Legally Owning Firearms In The UK

>(((The London Question))): Britain's Second Empire & The Secret City

>Survive The Jive - What does it mean to be English ?

>History With Hilbert - Who were the Anglo-Saxons ?

>An introduction to off grid living in the UK

>Oswald Mosley - There Is Still Hope....

Attached: alastaircampbell.jpg (1920x1152, 295K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Hope you lads have your licenses

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Alastair Campbell, nasty guy.

Thread theme

This seems pretty flimsy doesn't it?


Anybody got the weed smoking norf fc

Start buying grabbers.

'ate licences

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for what purpose?

I had some, but not anymore. :DDDDDDDDDDDDD

Modify grabbers to make the grip electrified. This will be our main weapon in the revolution

What did you lads have for dinner? I had fish pie, mash and spinach


A Sunday roast, matey

>the part in Alsatian Cousin where it breaks into "A NOTE UPON HIS DESK, P.S"

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my dad claims that he used a credit card to butter a sandwich in the park once at a picnic because he forgot to bring knives and then a few weeks later there was a bit in a Mr.Bean episode where Mr Bean uses a credit card to butter a piece of bread. dad reckons one of the shows writers mustve been in the park at the time watching him and laughing.

I ended up having pasta with tuna, two cheese, broccoli and peas. Wanted Lamb chops and chips but didnt have a clean frying pan.

based dad

What episode was it

reckon this country might be fucked lads


It probably took longer than a few weeks to make an episode though.

We had a good run tbf

Goin' for a cheekeh pint wiv me mates on me new mechalegs. Fookin tideh.

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Yeah especially that empire and all, proper good laugh that was

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based chink
based yank
brits really are a cuck species. syso white niggers.

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tinned chicken soup and cheap supermarket bread

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Hey fuck you guys, its not fun when your beeing ignored! >:(
Im leaving!
Fuck you faggots!
maybe ? my dad said "a few weeks later" it couldve been a month or so

> ID: Lel

Love is a mental illness

Really? What makes you think that?

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>tfw you use all of your testosterone to conquer the world and theres none left over to protect home

Goodbye jew

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just a feeling

True love

What's going to happen with Brexit lads? It all seems like a stall, what's the real outcome?

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World War 3 with Germany

They will keep delaying it until everyone forgets about it and nothing will come of it

Tfw I'm in love with a girl whose taken but likes to have me on the side

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Same, this country is stagnating shit ran by old farts who are incredibly out of touch, what the fuck am I meant to do? Where am I meant to go? Thinking of just moving somewhere better

Does your dad call it his flexible little friend?

>Being proud of a girl not loving you enough to leave a man
You're both betas

subscribe to PJW for more brainlet content that only right-wing retards with double digit IQ would enjoy

A sausage and fried onion sandwich.

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Why do women talk to other lads whilst having a boyfriend?

She's a slag. Find someone who isn't.

God imagine brit/pol/ if Germany ever starts WWIII

All women are slags

We've had sex though, am I still a beta?

Should I buy a Brodie helmet

get a Stahlhelm

They look better but it wouldn't feel right desu

Things wont change much. Prices on some products will go up, reduce on other stuff. An economic collapse is coming within a few years anyway.

Don't get it for any autistic reason just get it because:

>They look better

or get both, which is what I will do

Heard the bongs going when I was outside having a fag, thought it was midnight.
It's only 11. Huh.

They need to somehow make the bongs audible across all of Britain

Im not going to war with Germany.

Nah, too much money being exchanged hands, not enough habbenings other than political and social disagreements.

There's a time limit on Brexit negotiations and a set departure date, I was more asking if May is gonna fuck us over somehow and leave us chained to the EU in some shape or form that doesn't give us complete sovereignty.

But will we leave?

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Why is Hitchens so content with the idea of the Norway model?

He knows as well as anyone the effect uncontrolled, mass immigration has had on this country yet he advocated for an EU departure which allows free movement to continue.

God is made of love, hence the saying we are cast in God's image: Love. When you feel Love, you are feeling God, Love is possessed by God.

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Alastair Campbell is a total fucking cunt.

i think he believes that the Lichtenstein protocol would be activated immediately allowing border controls, whether this would actually happen is doubtful.

I want to collect war shit like coins, don't know about badges yet, I don't like the idea of buying a military badge for some reason

Unfortunately, I have to concur.

We have no major right-wing party or force in mainstream politics, our culture has largely degenerated or been supplanted with American-style consumerism/race politics and the vast majority of the population will lap up the latest "diversity" propaganda without question. Oh, and native birth-rates will be below 50% in about two decades.

It's not looking good for us at all.

For clearing out the rubbish.

Grabbers are tools of peace.

Like a medal? I bought a shovel cover from the Vietnam war once, had someones initials in it. I have a Mark from 1915, think my great granddad might have brought it back with him. The dream is a helmet with a bullet hole through it.

>But will we leave?
yes, and there will be a last minute cobbled together deal with the EU that nobody is happy with.

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Yeah medal I meant, not badge lol

Love drives you mad
from revelation to revelation
through ordeal after ordeal
until humble and broken
you are carried tenderly
into the heart of the rose.

Yeah, that's what I was afraid of. Then they will make us vote again and rig the outcome in favour of a remain vote.

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He's a jew

>"The nuclear family must be destroyed , and people must find better ways of living together. ... Whatever it's ultimate meaning, the break-up of families now is an objectively revolutionary process. ... "Families have supported oppression by separating people into small, isolated units, unable to join together to fight for common interests. ..." -

Functions of the Family, Linda Gordon, WOMEN: A Journal of Liberation, Fall, 1969.

He's an Irish nationalist

Yet communities were stronger and more cooperative when families were more stable. What did the Jew mean by this?

I've found this in the EEA Treaty (regarding free movement):

>It shall entail the right, subject to limitations justified on grounds of public policy, public security or public health...

It strikes me as though that would allow us to control immigration should we have a party who so wished to do so. Great in theory, but neither major party will likely use this clause to good effect. Still, I suppose it's a start.

What motivates these people to be so opposed to human tribalism? I've thought about a lot, and I still can't see any positives in reducing humanity into a singular, homogenised mass.

>What did the Jew mean by this?

The racial and biological function of "family" is the protection of children and pregnant women. To accomplish that, family organization must be rewarding to all participants. But many elements of society see families as the enemy of the State. Perhaps Vladimir Ilyich Lenin put it most bluntly: “Destroy the family and you destroy society.”

We wont vote again, they wont risk that. The elites will play the long game and merge us back into the EU over the next decade or two with no power or oversight.


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They hate the idea of roles because they imply differences. Differences mean disparity, and, God forbid, hierarchy.

The purpose is to abolish all national identity and national pride in order to establish a world identity and a world pride for the new world order.

Using the veil of pseudo-diversity to combat actual worldwide diversity
Everybody exactly the same = no identity = no reason to resist

Simple as

I understand that, but that still doesn't really explain their motive. Why do they want it? They clearly want to establish a radically different social order, but for what ends?

Do they genuinely believe that's a preferable world to live in? Or do they have an ulterior motive?

No barriers to consumption

True world domination under their own ideology I'd assume. Probably why they accuse right-wingers of wanting world domination

spent an hour photoshopping this pic of a girl i once got with in a bikini to make her look naked lads

i havent had sex in five years

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Post it then lad

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>have long hair
>want to trim it a bit and then start tying it back
>big forehead
How do I do this

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Fucking own it mate

That seems most likely.

What's happening right now is simply laying the foundations for a grander scheme.