What's wrong with white women?
What's wrong with white women?
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as crazy liberal cunt whites don't look this bad in the rest of the world
this is an american phenomena
those are jews son
White men
>all of them are jooos
Cope harder, roastie
I want the goth one in the middle.
They're not in the kitchen making sammiches...
White fathers are weak, western society has removed all male power from the family.
This is the result.
>tfw little sister got infected by this
i have failed
literally the only fuckable one in the gaggle.
They have no men to keep them in line. They want sexual liberation, but that entails being used as objects, which causes cognitive dissonance. This spiral of self hate and seeking only pleasure and comfort leads them to become the horrid hambeasts pictured.
They are all literally jews tho.
Redpill her.
>name my band
annie lenox and the arythmias
Women can't have values, goals, etc.
Sure, roastie
The cancer chick might be ok?
ThIs OnE PiCtUrE RePrEsEnT AlL WhItE WoMeN
That is some nigger tier thinking you got there bucko.
Why he there?
There are tons of white women doing this kind of shit, roastie. Jow Forums only lets you post one pic per a post, so don't be grumpy
She shaved her head on purpose. She might be attractive with hair but shes clearly a radical leftist.
Goth GF is still conforming to the cis patriarchy beauty standards, so shes not all gone.
>White fathers are weak
Anglokikes murder every White father in Europe 70 years ago. Gee whiz billybob, how come there's no White fathers anymore?
Good point...
i am working on it, luckily she is responsive to muh ironic memes and anime
i got her from tumblr to reddit, which, even if not a big improvement is at least a step
dey r fat
"I want that one"
Are you like fucking 12 or something?
Are they fighting the patriarchy by LARPing as lumberjacks?
Marketing. Consumer marketing is something like 90% targeted toward women, and has been for the longest time.
This is compounded by the fact that now these ads are literally fucking everywhere. So imagine seeing these your whole life telling you what to buh, what to eat, who to be, who to fuck, how to fuck, even your mom had been barraged by these in her life time, though now to a much greater respect.
Now imagine that now these ads and figures from these ads are telling you what to believe.
Ironically the one who is shielding her face is probably the prettiest one
Roastie begone
They have rebelled against the rightful authority of God.
To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.
Some resources that may help:
TTB.org has a verse by verse Bible Study for download or daily listening.
Chuck Missler’s Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (youtu.be
Robert Breaker’s Bible Study and Topical Sermons (youtu.be
J.D. Farag’s Bible Study and Prophecy Updates ( youtu.be
Clearlywrittendotnet YouTube channel details near future events. (youtu.be
BlueLetterBible.org has a free online bible & apps with cross references.
OneForIsrael.org is a group of Israeli Jews who know Jesus is their messiah.
Unsealed.org tracks information that points to Jesus’s soon return.
Watchfortheday.org shows how many world events are prophetically and numerically linked.
The End is nigh. Tomorrow may be too late.
Chuggo's trying to poach some coed pussy.
dysgenics, these fucking people look like amorphous blobs, like they have a connective tissue disorder and their faces are melting, it's the quintessentially american phenotype
I'll take the goth and the one hiding her face
Ok but this is probably a picture from an American college campus and our vital bloodlines didnt die in the wars so youre kinda shooting in the wrong direction here, frien.
My grandfather fought in 3 wars and was a hard man. My father was a child of plenty and was rather soft. I was raised in the era of MTV and progressive politics being shoved down my gullet in school. I rebelled. I have two daughters and hope to raise them right. Unfortunately much of it will be beyond my control as they grow up.
That fat guy in the back is supporting the whole left side who is leaning on his beer gut
shielded face has a dumpy body. Goth GF has cute face AND hot body.
They don't have strong men to lead them. White women are goddesses
>another anti-white women thread
gas them all
White women are goddesses
Dafuq you mean? I see some high quality heifers!!
>Fat girls are ugly
This is why you are all incels
faggot leaf
Birth Control has driven them insane.
The right to vote.
no man to slap the shit out of them