Jow Forums btfo, yet again
Jow Forums btfo, yet again
>the party of the Klan
Leftists never learn from history because they never study it.
lol! fag who has been irrelevant for more than a decade trying to do Eminem comeback.
Tools, nails, measurement tape, paint, brushes, plumber scales, ladders, rubbers, wires and clips, cashiers, buttons
They know exactly what they do.
You are an ass if you think otherwise.
celebrities were a mistake
Their response is that the "party flipped"
This is the same number as Hillary "votes". Is this coincidence that same number are also, literally, full of shit?
Interesting how this washed up musician from New York shit on Cheney and not Bush.
Yeah the Klan are hardcore democrats in 2018. Fucking idiot.
>the klan is a bunch of liberals.
The party that isn’t winning. Democrats.
>The party of the Klan
That’s actually the Democrats. Look it up.
In the timeline I originally came from, Moby died of AIDS 11 years ago.
Yeah those stupid stupid stupid rebublicans
>The party of the Klan
literally historically untrue even though the klan is super based
..... Which doctor are you? . . .
You better not be the split tail one......
>Koala nigger posts "literally who in 2018" list of ignorance and historical fallacy
>"pol" BTFO
The literal state of Australia these days.
Daily reminder that the head of the Westboro Baptist Church, Fred Phelps, is a registered democrat.
You're thinking Robert Miles but for a second there I too thought it was Moby
>listening to a manlet
did his CIA friends write this for him?
uhhgh they still going on about the fake child cages? this is how the holocaust got so entrenched
They know their history. They rewrite it because they're ebil.
Fuck off moby yr a dick! You have never been relevant so fuck off get aids die cunt
If its not the 11th doctor its not worth our time.
Moby looks like a cancer patient
>The party of the Klan
Boy do I have a red pill suppository for you son.
Sure has been a wild ride hasn't it? Good thing popular opinion doesn't influence elections but policy does. I didn't elect Trump as a role model in fact it was just the opposite. I elected a man which would fix this country at any cost un-apologetically.