Before reading any further, DO NOT doxx the writer of the article. Alright? Cool. Anyways some "writer" on Kotaku took the NPC meme seriously and thinks that this shitpost is dehumanizing people. I shit you not. They think that robots are gonna be walking the streets promoting a hivemind and dehumanizing people.
>"The NPC meme takes things a step further into a political zone where mass outcry against, say, serial harassers, racial injustice, or Trumpian ideas is dismissed as not just inherently uncritical but prima facie evidence of a lack of human consciousness." >"The two-year-old Jow Forums post, despite its laughable premise, fueled a meme last month that has some scary implications" >"It’s one thing to claim that a person’s strongly-held views are informed by nothing at all, but entirely another to imply that they’re completely on auto-pilot. That is dehumanization, a way of reconceiving your enemies as objects, pawns, strawmen, tools. At best, dismissing large swaths of people you disagree with this way betrays a lack of empathy for people whose experiences differ from yours, and an unwillingness to consider that if a vast number of people happen to agree over something, it may be good to examine why; at best, it is a great utility for spreading bogus conspiracy theories. But who among us can say they’ve never mashed “A” as a some expository NPC rambled on, wishing all the while they had the option to silence them or worse?"
TL;DR Some writer argues that a meme about conformity is secretly promoting a message of dehumanization & hivemind nature.
I think this is pretty ridiculous (though I will admit that there are retards on this board who circlejerk and sit on high horses). What do y'all think of this?
Archive of of this 4chainz origin? I mean, I've heard people make irl NPC reference for a decade. What makes it differ now aside from being more common, but I'd suggest that's only because vidya culture is more hippidyhop for normies now.
Brandon Rivera
Nope. Dox the bitch. Do not forgive.
Dylan Wright
you can't dox someone who lives with their real face online you quadruple nigger. Go drink urine you fucking faggot nigger peice of shit. Sage and report.
Anthony Hernandez
>message of dehumanization & hivemind nature yeah, without any self awareness that the whole "everybody to the right of communist is a nazi" is exactly that.
Matthew Evans
Reporting sage and report is a reportable offense user... OP was merely jesting so as to not cause another report.
>White Nationalists >Klansman >Neo-nazis I mean, those ARE actual Nazis though.
Adam Green
Except nobody is humanizing NPCs
Cooper Perez
>neo nazis >members of the NSDAP lol no, nazis dont exist sweetie
Owen Clark
>you can't publish someones docs if you know what their name is and what their face looks like
So if I find his banking info and publish embarrassing details from it, that WOULDN'T be doxxing, according to you. Riiiiiiight.
Hunter Myers
Damn, they understand a meme for once and act like it's some kind of breakthrough.
Levi Kelly
You forgot the memeflag and vpn you humongous faggot
William Taylor
Anti-depressants turn people into NPC's.
Jason Martinez
It actually wouldn't be. You, and your stupid nigger friend don't get to come into other communities and decide what their words mean. Dox are always a means of identification. Locations, names, faces. if you're already identified online, you're just another stupid fucking idiot whose ego wouldn't allow for anonymity.
Bentley Thompson
>do not dox the writer Okay, I'm going to dox the writer
Gavin Davis
You have no idea who the Klan was, or is m9.
Jackson Rodriguez
>paying for a vpn Forgive me for refusing to cowtow to bullshit emotional grandstanding that this person deserves a stay of execution on its face, before even reading the link.
Gabriel Sullivan
As do digital platforms that reduce identity to an input form.
Brayden Brown
On a serious note the whole NPC thing is just trying to get you morons to do mass shootings. I don't care because I hate you all and think it's funny, even funnier because I gave you fair warning. Toodles whiteniggers.
The meme is that there's a category of HUMANS who are scripted just like AI. OP article is already associating NPCs with "the oppressed." How do you not see where this is heading and where it came from?
Sebastian Watson
> a formerNew Yorkerfact-checker whoclaimedon Twitter that “the vast majority of men simply do not consider women to be full human beings.” Humans, well yeah they are. Persons, not so much.
Jayden Jackson
The Golden Circle was founded by New York Zionists, contracted by the Scottish Rite Freemasons of London totake over the United States.
The Golden Circle was a terrorist-guerrilla organization that harassed Union troops in the West and incubated some of the Confederate leadership.
Afterward, they became the KKK. Which has become the Confederate/Dixie mafia. They control much of criminal activity in Appalachia/the South.
most crime groups are controlled by old European bloodlines. A Bonaparte founded the FBI (related to Buonarotte and other Black Nobility families). This is why the FBI has never published any info on the Dixie/Confederate mafia.
You wouldn't want an American empire with the entire Gulf of AMERICA?
Michael Turner
No offense OP, but telling a doxxer not to dox is like telling rapist not rape. It doesn't work.
Jayden Edwards
>They think that robots are gonna be walking the streets promoting a hivemind and dehumanizing people. It's all ready been happening for centuries. The American dream is the ultimate npc meme.
The belief in NCP's is new age religion bullshit. They truly believe it. Try researching shit before you open your piehole and stop promoting shill shit that was larped so hard on here. You brainlets are the only ones helping spread satanic propaganda. Millennials are FUCKING USELESS GTFO Jow Forums
Nicholas Ward
>NPCs—the term for non-playable characters in video games
Stopped reading there. This is guy too much of a literal retard to be taken seriously. He's clearly braindead and needs to be shot. Don't link to stupid articles ever again OP or you'll get shot too.