Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
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>implying Snake McCready ever wasn’t
This guy is a badass actor. I hope that they don´t go after him
Kurt noooooo!
Kurt is a hardcore libertarian. Dudes being ironic
Wasted on a crumpet munching teabagger.
Kurt’s been based
>I came up with a little test to figure out which one of you is one of those NPCs
kurts our boy
is this his real account?
where is his checkmark?
the absolute madman
Is juvenile elevator banshees referencing a thing, or just a random creation in lieu of democrats' platform randomness?
The protesters who screamed at Jeff flake last week
He isn't a kike so he didn't get assigned one
Gotcha, good one, Kurt.
I also want you to know, I really liked "soldier," and "escape from la," they're very solidly made wacky action sci-fi movies, and the people who three shade just don't get it
He’s doing his part
Goldie is a Jewess and not politically allied iirc.
"Snake McCready".....I see what you did there.
I had no idea KR had a fucking twitter.
Without question, he is our guy.
He's paid his dues, the cheques in the mail.
>Guilty until proven innocent
These fools are toeing a very dangerous line
I like Snake Plisken.
Did they take away his verified status?
I seen a mudcrab the other day, horrid creatures
>my favorite actor isn't an NPC
Kurt Russell is a national treasure.
Quality shit post. 10/10
>juvenile elevator banshees
You know the sad part of this? You could see a leftist saying this unironically and meaning it, and then be praised for it.
the scary part is I thought thats exactly what it was till I looked at the name
kurt yes!
Based Snake
Fake account. Russell isn't on Twatter.,
He's gone from Snake to Big Boss
Sorry everyone, not actually him. His profile explicitly says so.
I hope it's not him.. I would lose all respect for him if he was a pro-trump dimwit. I thought he was smarter.. and I associate Trump voters with people who are really stupid and scared.
He always was one of us. Which simply means he was always an America who stood for American ideals. His mocking the left is just a bonus. Like Bone Tomahawk being a bonus Russel movie.
The sad part is that 30% of the country would still unironically vote Dem
> tfw when you are this bad at recognizing shoops
What the fuck is wrong with her teeth?
he should've said flat tax
>He's paid his dues, the cheques in the mail.
I actually understood that reference
Looks like a shoop.
can you say straw-man?
> Thats almost as Savage as Lindsey G
The guy was raised in hollywood and bailed as soon as he could. Last i heard, he loves in Colorado. You should check out him schooling the idiots on the view about gun rights
I thought that too
Wtf is a juvenile elevator banshee?
No, it's the liberals who are really stupid and scared.
Go fuck yourself, Jeeves.
Based Plisken Snake.
he forgot
>all white people are racist no matter what
>did I miss any
putting kids on hormones
A pretty decent summary of what their true message and why the blue wave won't live up to the hype.
Not even a blue star of David next to his name, must be /ourguy/
i made a list of celebrities i like, to count them.
Yeah, but that's not him. No checkmark and he wouldn't be allowed to speak like that and still have a job at Hollywood. He did a movie with Disney just last year.
same. took me a second
I thought he was dead?
I thought he was too...
Mandela effect bruh...