Get ready for 2020, faggots. She coming after you assholes!

Get ready for 2020, faggots. She coming after you assholes!

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I'd rather have Pocahontas than that smug, miserable cunt Kamala Harris.

k keep me posted

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Drove through MA the other day, saw a bunch of signs for her opponent and none for her. I think she might not win her senate race.

Kamala is really depressed inside.

She'll use that as an excuse to run for President then

>I was gonna run anyway

Don will flay the shit out of her.
It will make his verbal mauling of Hillary look like playtime at the nursery.

>Get ready for 2020, faggots. She coming after your assholes!

shit she's gonna try to peg us KEK


>She's coming after your scalps!

If she loses in liberal Massachusetts her career is done.

This. I thought I was the only one who picked up on this.

She looks like that first generation of nuns stopped wearing habits back in the 70s.

# not my Indian

Old, shrill, out-of-touch white woman. Because that worked so well the first time.

I've had one on my lawn for about 3 months. Only place I see Warren signs are in Boston, Worcester, Springfield, New Bedford, and Fall River. Must be some connection.

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not according to unibet, we'll be getting Biden.

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of course - if you were forced to suck willy's dick in order to advance in your professional career i bet you'd be pouty mouthed all the time too

She'd be dismantled by anyone with an ounce of charisma in her primary debates, especially since she's going to be fighting Biden for the ticket.

He's the smart choice, but I don't see the Dems railing against "old white men" for 2 years straight, and then turning around and nominating an old white man. It has to be a minority or a woman.

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Are her labia minora left leaning?

pocahontas would be too easy
CPL will make it a real fight

That's now. Things will change. There are still plenty of people who dislike Obama, and he is like a weaker and less effective Obama.

Smoke signal sent?

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You say that but the betting agencies are far better than the (((pollsters))) when it comes to working out who'll win.

Heck I made money betting on Trump winning the nomination at 4:1 odds that the betting agencies had him at in 2015.
Out of the initial nominees he had the best odds according to most of them.
But the polls told us it'd be Jeb, Rubio or maybe even Cruze would be the nominee.
The betting agencies have money on the line they put a lot more effort than others do at trying to predict who the winner will be.

More like Pocahonkey

Please god let Pocahontas run. I'd love to see a landslide Trump victory.

Wanna bet?

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Biggest hypocrite "power to the people" so-called anti-capitalist lying Wall Street owned cunt in the whole congress.
And then some.

I bet she gives the worst fucking blowjobs on planet Earth and won't even let a guy nut in her mouth even if he's friendly and says "How" first.

She'll lose too. Trump 2020!

$100 on Michelle

we're finished

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Make America Native Again!

Will she bring me chicken tendies?

>shes is an indian
your only argument

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