The Future isn't Racist

When did internet geeks become racist? When I was growing up we viewed American programmes like Star Trek as the future of equality.

When did you all devolve into backward, hate filled racists?

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I don't remember complaints about inter-species marriages.

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Nobody made monkey jokes about the black leader of the Space Station. Nobody joked about where the Doctor pooped.

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When they told us we were racist just for being white.
If you're going to get the punishment, might as well commit the crime.

People argued but they didn't turn nasty and racist with their insults. Everybody worked through their differences.

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I just want to go back to before all the hate took over.

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I am okay with this. Let's all start fucking apes.

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I believe that would be bestiality. But African Americans are just as human as you are. You may have more advantages due to your white privilege. But you aren't any better than Lt. Cmdr LaForge.

The foreseeable future is.

star trek isn't real you pathetic onions

This is LeVar Burton's greatest roll evar!!!

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A Star Trek future is only possible if we gas 99% of 'minorities' first and only keep the high iq outliers.

We're missing a nuclear war


>Humanity as a whole was unchanged by the eugenics wars, so the same racial differences would even exist by 23rd century

>When did internet geeks become racist?
When they understood that anti-racist is just a codeword for anti-white.

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Ehhh is it?
How many black Forbes price winners are there?

It's not like it's access to education either, that poo in loo was pretty much one of the best mathematicians of all time and he was self taught

retard detected

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"You All" - hah
You don't even know who you're addressing.

Jow Forums is a collective of diverse individuals, for instance, I am not a racist, but a civic nationalist.

I'm willing to hear out the racists because banning their speech will NOT make their ideas go away, just entrench them.

Absolute Free speech or Kali Yuga, your choice

Buddy the Ferengi are basically Space Jews and most of the actors who played them were themselves, Jewish. I don't know how they got away with it. You probably couldn't in 2018.

>Nobody joked about where the Doctor pooped.
So did he have a designated shitting corridor?

I want to get back to that good time. That good old feeling of global unity. And all of the women are attractive. Star Trek did a good job of keeping the on screen women attractive.

>When did you all devolve into backward, hate filled racists?
when you scum decided to come for everything we hold dear and value. we are enemies of your choosing. how do you like it now?

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You don't get it man.

Every single person aboard a starship in Star Trek is supposed to have 200 IQ. They're literally higher evolved and capable of instantly understanding wildly complex higher level math.

Basically every single person on the bridge of the Enterprise is beyond Stephen Hawking tier.

If everyone on Earth woke up and had 200 IQ, you know what, racism WOULD be a thing of the past, because all those Africans would go "Well, I now understand how the unga bunga lifestyle is just not fulfilling." All those Chinese would go "By jove, I now understand that rhino horn is incapable of giving me a bigger penis because it is simply keratin!"

Everything would be fixed.

But you know what? That's not going to happen. This is reality. Unga bunga is REAL. Chinamen driving exotic animals into extinction for their penis bones and horns is REAL.

It's all real. All of it.

>muh television
That shit is fake you retard

Wow you are absolutely right. I do prefer to not go into the African and Muslim sectors of my city. Perhaps those feelings of unease or some sort of defense mechanism and I am not guilty of racism?

When it became very clear that only whites were even remotely interested in trying to not care about race.

even that future has a white majority

The worst part is you fucking retards don't know the PRIME FUCKING DIRECTIVE WHICH MADE THEIR FUCKING COMMIE LAND WORK.

They didn't fuck around with civilizations that weren't advanced enough culturally to join the federation.

Basically if we did the same, we'd build a fucking huge wall around the middle east and wait for them to be civilized to join everyone else, but no.

One could only assume that he would generate a busy thoroughfare of New Delhi in the holodeck and do his business nearby some holy monument facing a corpse infested river.

Only faggot redditors ever liked (((Star Trek)))

That's cannon iirc it was "WW3"

>I am not guilty of racism?
It's enough to care about not being caught being racist, and the best way to avoid that, is to avoid non-whites all together.

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And stop the feeding fetish with the African continent that has made their population explode. Gee maybe there's something to that prime directive mentality.

Implying people in Star Trek aren't racist against the Ferengi, Klingons and Romulans.

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Yep. Als the eugenetic wars resulted from ultra high iq humans created through genetic engineering.
It's fair to assume that even normal average humans used genetic engineering to become smarter, so in Star Trek's future nigs probaby ARE just as smart as every other race.

Too bad we're not in that future.

The doctor had to hide part of his heritage as a genetically enhanced human, since that was illegal. Its been a while since I watched that show but I think his kind weren't supposed to be allowed in Star Fleet.

People were still racist. Just against different things.

>Star Trek
the only way the future like star trek could be possible is with massive genocide and eugenics. imagine a bunch of african niggers given access to "unlimited resources." dumbshit nigger/shitskin populations would increase exponentially, out of control

Doctor Bashir in DS9 is genetically enhanced, secretly

I am a bit irritated that we never saw a Deep Space 9 movie.

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>People were still racist. Just against different things.
Come on. Star trek is anti-racist propaganda.

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>You may have more advantages due to your white privilege
please give examples of white privilege

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Genetic engineering was banned after the Eugenics Wars after the genetically enhanced humans were defeated.

Of course the will only be one race. The white race.

>Merchant race tries Jewing a human.
>Human was warned about merchant race.
>Merchant race threatens to report his racism and then continues to try an Jew him.

growing up in a safe neighborhood away from the skid row is an example.

blacks make their own neighborhoods unsafe. not an example of white privilege

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Further, they would contribute nothing to the population, get buck wild, destroy everything, and use up all the resources. They can’t even figure out how to live properly here and now. Imagine them in a future population that is oriented towards progress haha.

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Spotted the kike shill.


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23rd Century. What they don't tell you is the eugenics involved in purging undesirable traits from humans and only leaving the best bloodlines. Sure there are different ethnicity's, but no minorities.

>When did you all devolve into backward, hate filled racists?

When ppl like you made facts = racism.

When niggers REFUSED to accept accountability for their crime and murderous actions.

Whites accepted accountability for slavery and have been righting it
same for with fags and dykes and other weirdos...

Germans accepted accountability for jews.

Now niggers need to acknowledge that they are a low IQ, murderous sub human race and start working to make themselves better.

No go get your fucking shinebox...

TNG is overrated, bananaman just started a new series on it

everything blacks touch goes to complete shit

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Tolerance and kindness became viewed as weakness and 'fuck whitey' culture reared its retarded head.

>Genetic engineering was banned
Yeah but it would have been a widespread technology before, the people who were genetically enhanced weren't genocided, they passed on their genes.

No matter how kind, tolerant and peaceful the Federation has become...
The Romulans still try to destroy them.
The Klingons still try to annihilate them.
The Ferengi still try to Jew them.

Yet the Federation doesn't waver from its values, but it also doesn't let these races take advantage of them. The Federation is white people today. Once the other races catch up, we'll all be the Federation and we'll be ready to deal with other non-human races.

Fair point.

The (((left))) kept telling us it’s not ALL the blacks who commit crimes, it’s not ALL the Mexicans here illegally, it’s not ALL the Muslims who are terrorists, but ALL the straight white guys are a problem. Honestly that just turned more of us to the right, that and fucking with our last bastion of refuge, entertainment. The left would have been better off appearing centrist and enacting leftist policies once voted in but they just could not shut the fuck up with their virtue signaling.

give us another example. that one was too easy to btfo

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>When did you all devolve into backward, hate filled racists?

When we realized the least realistic part of a show with time travel, teleportation, cloning, disintegration beams, and aliens was the part where niggers, spics, etc. were our equals.

Also the part where we kept trying to be nice to people and judge them by their merits, and they kept screeching "kill whitey", mugging us, raping our women, and demanding we die off and hand over the civilization we worked to build, just so they could loot it and squat in the ruins.

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Growing up in a safe neighborhood away from skidrow is normal. Because normal people grow up in normal families with 2 parents.

Its fucking crazy to me that I should have to apologize for the hard work my parents did to give me a good life.

Its not white privelege. Its just white normalcy.

Basically freeper spammers. They decimated Digg and then set up shop here to condition all of the newfags that came here thanks to hackers on steroids bullshit.
They've always been on the internet, they spammed this shit before the internet too, as they could.
I remember when groups like the Aryan Nations used to have 1-900 numbers so their gullible sheep brethren could phone up and pay through the nose to hear "inspirational messages".

I was kind of worried about their proliferation until they went and hitched themselves to Trump, now their fate is tied to him and he's out of office in 6 years maximum.
And then they will be the gop's whipping boy and the same donors that Jow Forums slavishly serves at the moment will turn around and crush them and blame the consequences of the neocon agenda upon the "alt" right.

The reason I never really cared about that stuff in Star Trek was because it wasn't forced on you that often when they did have couples like that there wasn't a whole giant deal made about how socially conscious and Progressive it was.

Plus for the most part all of the species in Star Trek are civilized or technologically-advanced. And niggers apparently don't just smoke blunts and commit crime in the Star Trek future.

They'd just disassemble their replicators for materials to drugs, and then starve to death when they're unable to replicate any new food.

>male white lead
this is all that matters to the normie

One thing that bugs me about Star Trek is all of the Abrahamic religions are dead (there's no Christians, Jews or Muslims) yet Chakotay and his tribe still practice their 'sky people' myths and his spirit stones and shit.

>the onset of 'nigger fatigue' is real
>just keep shoving them down everyone's throat
>and it'll only get worse

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They unironically love Picard because he's kind of a cuck IRL and in the show.

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Also, white ethnic stereotypes are in part the foundation of Star Trek. Ignoring Sulu and Checkov...

>Viewing a fictional TV show as the future
>An entertainment sci-fi program
>TV is real life guys!!

Fucking hell, boomers (actual ones) arw fucking stupid. I refuse to believe evey generation befor this was this mindless, even without the internet.

When i got out into the real world and started thinking for myself

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Quark is unironically the best DS9 character.

This isn't a boomer thing. It's a lefty thing. Though OP is trolling.


When Betazoids mate do you fuck the person or the worm piloting the person?

>star trek
>not racist

I only got Internet in my country around 2000. Tell me more about this history?

> The Future isn't Racist
But you're talking about the past. Not the future. And in the past we weren't racist. Until you Jews initiated your Marxist plan and began the total corruption of society through media.
We noticed. You've underestimated your " enemy ". You shouldn't have. It would have been best to give us a wide birth. Now you'll suffer the white man's rage yet again.

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Modern society is still bound to the concepts of the white man's burden and the noble savage.

>Saying no to a Klingon trying to escalate tensions all the time is racist.

I mean, usually he's right though his tactics go against Federation standards.

Thats not a betazoid you dumb nigger

That wwas great.

>Always a fucking leaf

You forgot that you turned off your flag in a post. Your attempts at baiting are pretty shit.

People grow up and see the world for what it really is.

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I think you mean Stargate

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That's a Trill. Betazoids, like Troi, are the empaths.

give us another example of white privilege you dumb flaggot i already btfo your first one

>f you're going to get the punishment, might as well commit the crime.
If you're getting the goose, better get the gravy

Trill, you're right.
I mean the weird slimy thing named "dax" who was an old man when it met Sisko, then when that old man body died it tooled around in Jadzia, and then because ratings were failing they killed off the Jadzia character and put the Dax in Ezri.

we just wanted to play video games.jpg

>displays white fragility
Why are you so angry?