Day 4. Shill threads abound. They really are trying their best to shit on Peterson, but it won’t work

Day 4. Shill threads abound. They really are trying their best to shit on Peterson, but it won’t work.

Now go back to whatever discord you’re operating out of and make a new game plan, roughly speaking.

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Other urls found in this thread:

make an argument defending peterson's assertion kavenaugh should have stepped down.

Jordan Peterson is a fucking shill. LOOK AT YOUR FUCKING PROXY FLAG OP. LOOK AT YOUR FILENAME. Every single e-celeb that is part of this ZioGroup will never be accepted on Jow Forums.

>defending Jordchaim Peterstein on a mongolian basket weaving forum
Clean your cock and go to bed, bucko.

Jordan Peterson is a Globalist-Lite twat. He's intelligent, but won't debate the Alt-Right because he knows he'll lose.

How far along are we?

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I’m not. But I’m also now retarded enough to discard his overwhelming contributions over one meaningless fucking tweet. Are you?

I am in Japan fag.

It’s like, yeah, that’s the thing, it’s my cock. But man, let me tell you, and I mean I was saying this on joe rogan the other day: my. Cock. Is. Clean.

Juden Peterstein is and has always been a leftist.

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Peterson is speaking far, far, above his station when it comes to the US Judiciary branch. To put it one way, he needs to clean his room [the Trudeau problem represents a _Severely_ disorderly state of affairs for the average canadian] and frankly his opinion is of zero consequence here. It makes me ultimately very suspicious that he maintains the narrative which is planted here by (((Psychoeducation))) promoteurs. CBF is in reality quite the MKULTRA stooge and Peterson is but one step removed from the very same MKULTRA lineage.
Academia is fucked if Peterson does not recant and re-evaluate his position relative the actual logos.
YOU LOST THE LOGOS BUCKO, tough break, nothing personnel.

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Jordan "Believe All Women" Peterson

Jordan "Never Give in to the Mob Only Applies to Me" Peterson

Jordan "Screw Your Founding Principles" Peterson

>Jap flag

Attached: Screenshot-2018-10-7 pol - Day 4 Shill threads abound They really are tryin - Politically Incorrect (189x268, 121K)


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hasnt been 1 tweet.

>SSRIs are good
is this not his stance? does he not encourage people to take SSRIs? is this not reprehensible?

Gets blown out by Sam Harris continuously in debates.
His daughter and his carnivorous diet got blown the fuck out by Dr. Rhonda Patrick, an actual nutritionist, on Joe Rogan recently.
He completely cucked by tweeting, multiple times, about Kavanaugh backing down and did a completely botched walk back.
And to think I use to like this guy...

He's a fraud and on multiple anti depressants himself.

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I wonder if Doctor Peterson had been to any of Skippy's pizza parties?

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Where are your rationale arguments OP?

JP advocated for choosing to gracefully lose in order to appease opponents who operate in bad faith. The same people who've targeted him.
Then doubled down multiple times. Clarifying that he beleives Kavenaugh has been vindicated but should still deny his appointed SCOTUS position because a bunch of people told lies about him.
This was very dishonest and sneaky. I really don't like it, and I really dont like how he defended it.

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I really like peterson, because he teaches young conservatives the value of Christianity on western civilization whether you believe in a god or not.

However, this little stunt he pulled is kind of goofy. If he didn't back down from the leftist crowd (and became famous because of it) why would Kavvy? It's rather hypocritical.

>I wonder if Doctor Peterson had been to any of Skippy's pizza parties?
You know it.

I dont know about the Jung stuff though. The OSS was pro-Communism NWO and inveted for combating Nationalism during the 1930s.

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You day is done Peterstein

>I really like peterson, because he teaches young conservatives the value of Christianity on western civilization whether you believe in a god or not.

Sheep of Saturn, no morals just shifting posers

>his overwhelming contributions
which are?

why is Jow Forums so upset about a leaf having leaf opinions
you should not be surprised by this


>joo joo joo
Reeks of discordraids
Peterson is dadpill. Anyone against common sense advice is a shill clear and plain.
>Jordan Peterson is not going full 1488
Want to know how I know you’re plebbit, newfag, and shill?

Any poster using the following buzzwords is a proven shill:

"Peterson is controlled opposition"
"Peterson is a Zionist shill"
"...disinfo agent"
"wash your penis"
etc. (far from an exhaustive list)

These terms have been spammed over 5,000 times, sometimes appearing upwards of 30 TIMES per thread, which is statistically impossible by random chance--clear evidence of an orchestrated astroturfing operation. This is by no means limited to Peterson threads. Shareblue's "rapid response team" and/or other loosely-related groups have, for years, been carrying out a relentless campaign designed to weaken cohesiveness, sow discord, belittle, undermine, smear and tarnish the reputations of sympathetic, right-leaning or alt-right figures. Brock's leaked manuals, such as Democracy Matters: Strategic Plan for Action, document all of it in detail.

Holy fuck Peterstein fags are such fucking cultists.

For the eightieth time he openly advocates self-interest, political disengagement and reconciling yourself to the existing political and social order. While he's decent for self-help, that doesn't balance out the fact that he is actively countering the political awakening of the young to the right in his attempt to channel it towards the castrated neocon horseshit and zionism that has ruined everything so far. His Kavanagh comments are THE example of his apathetic, useless tripe and for someone so absolutely condemnatory of the left on paper, the idea that GIVING THEM EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT is the way forward and will 'heal devides' as opposed to legitimising their tactics/derangement doesn't just demonstrate naivety, it shows that he knows NOTHING about how they operate fucking NOTHING.

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Yes day 4 of you desperately trying to push Peterstein back onto Jow Forums after you went missing in action for months after all you arguments were debunked

get btfo too hard?

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Nice try, but your boy done fucked up and everybody knows it now.

Peterson should be shit on. To state that Kavanaugh should resign once confirmed shows that he is a fucking CIA nigger. And so is everyone who continues to support him.

OK. So what about all the posts that dont?

>Day 4. Shill threads abound. They really are trying their best to shit on Peterson, but it won’t work.

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'oh no, my rug and book sales are floundering' totally not because my sham's been discovered it must be shills

>Self-admitted leftist
>Needs his pills to keep him somewhat mentally stable
>Fantasied about his grandmother's pubic hair in his book
>Only reason why he got any traction is because he didn't want to use some bullshit pronouns
Tell me again why, I as a right-winger, should support him when he opposes nearly everything I believe in.

To the Peterson fans out there, take some time to read his books. The guy is not all there in the head.

imagine being so ass hurt and ass blasted in another thread that you left and made your own thread like a faggot

Sexy bong here. One of the women I escorted out to a Mediterranean Island resort this summer (last months one, a blonde and Mykonos for a week, Ornos beach, Paradise beach, she is a nice girl, awesome sex - I’m great at it!) just gave me an iPhone Xs tonight as a gift.
What do? Should I shout “No you shill witch!” and throw it against the wall like a good autist? I already changed my sim over. Look at the file name on this pic I just took of the ritzy five star caravan I’m in for the night (work thang).
Actually I’m pleased. I’d stocked this van with booze and cigars months ago. The door lock is busted but everything is still here I’ve just found. Yay, sexy caravan ACTIVATE!
Pic file name related.
Oh and I am a glow, but I’m a private glow I don’t wirk for the gubmint.
I’m in the country in the pitch black without a weapon or back up, all I have is my trusty glow phone earned by the sweat of my cock.

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got nothin'
made dumb npc ref
you lost

Peterson is a leftist who doesn't want the Left to eat itself. Anyone on the right who's still one of his fanboys after the Kavanaugh tweet is a massive cuck.

You can't shill your way out of this Peterstein

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What's strange is that Peterson doesn't even deny this. He's very open about it, yet his followers somehow cannot see it.

Saved. Reposting CTR and Shareblutard threads.
Also don’t forget they lose their paycheck if you mention 911

Didn't he help with this?

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>NPC pretneding others are NPCs

I mean he said "if you let your enemies get what they want, you win" that's some Trudeau tier stupidity

lol people who can't handle the fact that some people just think he's a hack. I'm sorry you didn't have a father to tell you to clean your room or jab you in the spine when slouching.

always have to be shareblue or a kike. Total cult fags kys

He violated the very principle that got him attention and that he stood for (when it applied to himself).

He has nothing now.

He was always a communist shill.

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It was only a matter of time before he self-sabotaged. He's a shaky, unstable guy who obviously knows he's doing wrong but tries so hard to convince himself he's doing the right thing. I wonder how it will end for him.

new strokepost

Nah, he's just a good goy, like Oscar Schindler. One day there'll be a plaque in his honor at Yad Vashem.

close, but I wouldn't say Brexit offered hope, though I agreed Brexit was better than remaining. When the EU started it was like for like countries, but it just adds shitter and shitter countries on a regular basis, so it's uneven now, like how many Poles say want to come here, lots, but how many Brits want to live in Poland? None, so to me staying just means more net immigration, and there's already enough competition for jobs and housing without eastern europeans chancing their arm too. We're over crowded and so don't need open borders with a net gain every year.

Farage and Trump were just the first two likable politicians I'd seen in probably ever, and I've always hated mainstream media, and the way they went to war with the establishments was satisfying to me. Seeing someone take them on and win was great to see.

>Jordan Peterson is not a commie

Fuck off low IQ shill.

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Agreed. I disagree with Peterson a lot, but let's not throw him under the bus.

Any mong knows that's memento tier bullshit, if you aren't listening to a dietician you're being ripped off.
Jbptho, man what a disappointment he turned out to be. Did help me clean my room and sort out my life so its a shame to see him like this.

Does Peterson OBEY THE CUBE?

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he collects communist art you retard. Look into things before reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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You can disagree with a person on things you know. That's what a free thinker does.

>it shows that he knows NOTHING about how they operate fucking NOTHING
Given that he knows exactly how they operate and how to beat them, because HE BEAT THEM, it shows him to be the ultimate hypocrite. Telling others to back down and accept it when he didnt. Why couldn't he just stick to the Neuroscience and self help?

>>Fantasied about his grandmother's pubic hair in his book
Elaborate pls...

>collects communist art

Low IQ retard actually believe this.

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Call out these Shariablue cretins wherever and whenever you spot them, user. Their modus operandi is to swarm and overrun threads while spamming their scripted lines. I'm sick of their antics.

Delete your philosophy.

1/2 of his videos are him shitting on commies dipshit

Walking into see Peterson tonight in Denver. Have a VIP meet & greet with him after the show what should I ask him Jow Forums

In his book, Maps of Meaning, he talks about his grandmother's crotch having a massive bush. She took some of the hair, turned it into a brush and shoved it into his face. He accepted her advance as she brushed his face with it going on about how soft it was.

yea and lewis carrol only collected nude photographs of children and is not a pedo

>unironically believing this jew.


ask him if the friend he has living with him for 18 months before he killed himself ever had sex with his wife, pre or during marriage.

i know. you are arguing with the wrong person.

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>shit on Peterson
He manages that well on his own.
What makes it hurt even more is that we trusted this guy, we believed in him, but in the end he turned out to be Two face...

Who tf from here actually uses that horseshit? It's a blatant datamine that suppresses right-wing groups all the time.

>smart enough to teach english to nip larvae
>not smart enough to see through peterson's bullshit

No, let's.

I'm sorry. I didn't realize you have trouble tracking.

Peterson is cut from the same cloth as the people who profit from putting children on dangerous drugs and permanently fucking them up for the rest of their lives. Some people just need to be shot and forgotten.

>they give him lots of free and fair press
>maybe it's because they can toletate him because his teachings are no threat
>No, it's because HE BEAT THEM

He showed his true colours. FUCKING DROPPED.

Peterson is an educated Canadian professor who knows a lot about the human psychological condition and how to fix your life situation (clean your room, etc.). When it comes to the US political climate, not so much. You can be ultra smart in one area but be a total buffoon in another. It doesn't negate your achievements in your primary domain. Same goes for political statements made my Hawking and de Grasse Tyson.

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>Your boy done fucked up
>Didn't defend Kav with his awful voting record just to trigger the libs

Fuck off you shillniggers

-disassembling the wage gap myth
-attacking the leftist mentality identity politics
-numerous contributions in his own field against poor life choices and bad development habbits.

Y'all are going to great lengths not to clean your room.

Yep, the majority of anti-Peterson posters are either purity spiraling or outright shills. But I agree, it doesn't help that he has a propensity to put his foot in his mouth.

He was, and is a degenerate.
Don't put your faith in men, especially transvestites.

To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.

Some resources that may help: has a verse by verse Bible Study for download or daily listening.
Chuck Missler’s Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (
Robert Breaker’s Bible Study and Topical Sermons (
J.D. Farag’s Bible Study and Prophecy Updates ( )

Clearlywrittendotnet YouTube channel details near future events. ( has a free online bible & apps with cross references. is a group of Israeli Jews who know Jesus is their messiah. tracks information that points to Jesus’s soon return. shows how many world events are prophetically and numerically linked.

The End is nigh. Tomorrow may be too late.

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>Boo hoo stop picking on my father figure! I need him to tell me how to live my life!

Fuck off faggot.

Discord trannies basically own Jow Forums. They blackmail people into taking hrt pills.

you mean stating the obvious? some hero you have there.

Or some people are just sick of a leftist opportunist posing as a right winger and saying anyone to the right of Steven Crowder is morally reprehensible. It's frustrating after a year plus of pointing this out every time he "puts his foot in his mouth", to his sycophantic followers. Only to then watch them make another excuse for his behavior, that usually stems around 4D chess or ignorance. Well this incident makes it clear, it is in no way ignorance and he is in no way aiming to help the right, so it's not 4D chess either. There is only one other option, the option Jow Forums has been saying for over a year now.

Attached: Jordan Peterson - Leftist Oppertunist.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

>>Didn't defend Kav with his awful voting record just to trigger the libs
Try again, Shlomo. It wasn't about his voting record. He urged Kav to refuse the confirmation in order to placate the DNC fembots who made baseless accusations and threw shitfits in public. That's awfully hypocritical advice coming from the guy who became famous for having the same shit done to him just a few years ago. Face it: your boy's a hack, a hypocrite, and a DNC shill and everyone knows it now. He done fucked up BIG TIME.

"if confirmed", he said

If it was indeed so bad as they say, then it would be the decent thing to do

If it's confirmed


>-attacking the leftist mentality identity politics
That's actually the one thing we could learn from the left. It's a winning strategy that he wants to deny to us. He'd have a lot more credibility if he denounced Jewish identity politics. I'd still ignore his advice, but at least I'd think he was being sincere and principled. As it is, I think he's a shill working for globalists.

Fuck peterson. Stop following and glorifying these insufferable "movement" (((leaders)))

JBP is wrong when it comes to postmodern neo-Marxists trying to destroy the west.

Postmodernism and neo-marxism are not compatible.

Postmodernism is not a bad thing. Peterson even uses postmodern thought when criticizing postmodernism, and when it comes to his various ramblings about mythology.

This. I am not on the Peterson hate train but his tweet was commie level stupidity. But you can only expect so much from even the best of the Leaf.

Postmodernism is a useless form of thought. He uses the term post-modernist neo-Marxist as pejorative. He himself states that the two lines of thought are incompatible. But I think he claims that the neo-Marxist uses post-modernist tools to look at the world and teach an oppressor/ oppressed view point of sociology and psychology. Worst yet is the over whelming dominance of that view in the fields. The Marxists snuff out any descending view from gaining a foothold in any field they become a majority in. It is pretty ironic desu. But it is for the greater good kek

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