Holy. Shit

Holy. Shit.

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>1 post by this ID

nope. fuck off, retard.

kys intern

the inner savage is coming out
these goddamned natives

Walks-Without-Integrity better get prepped for a trail of tears.

But his approval rating is insanely stable. Everyone will get on board and vote GOP at election time.


why doesn't she just take a dna test?
if she's native she wins and if she's not she could just say she was told wrong by family

Holy shit. It's over. Drumpf can't recover from this.

Warren is literally /our/ girl

hahaha I like this better than shill desu

Geezus, better hide your scalps.

There is no way Trump will ever recover from this. This is now the beginning of the end of his term. It's over for him.

Y'all trumptards better be good swimmers

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Uh, he's not an incumbent president? Are facts and definitions simply beyond the ability of these people?

guys i think we're finished

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...the sleeper has awakened...

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quick give her some firewater

We're not niggers, so we can swim.

>sent via smoke signal

Incumbent means currently holding office, so yes he is incumbent. Idiot.

>1 posts a thread on post 3
>plebbit line breaks
how about die in a fire ya stupid faggot

Because she benefited immensely from native grants and perks. She might be charged with fraud and forced to pay it all back.


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They know they're screwed because their voters are totally demoralized and mad at them because they failed. All they can do is try to gaslight them into confidence. It won't work.

None of it true.
Sounds increasingly desperate.
Sad pocahontas.

How do i get a # if i dont have kike-tweet? I need one that says
# not my Indian.
I hate being from same state as this cringy cunt. Have to see her yapping on local news ( waiting for weather) constantly.

Trump curse when?

>least popular incumbent president in modern history
Is Bush not "modern"

Because I'm pretty sure his approval rating was regularly dipping below 20% toward the end

Don't forget "Da Nang Dick,"

The fauxcohantis need to shit the fuck up with these lies, God emperor bestest president ever since big bang.


$5 says Pocahontas had one of her grandchildren tweet that.

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But he literally isn’t the most unpopular? In fact his approval-disapproval is almost indentical to both Obama’s and Slick Willy’s? What fantasy world does the left live in?

How stupid and humiliated do you think they feel in private when all they’re proven to be wrong? Every time I think of that Obama’s mean tweets sketch and how he said Trump would never be president, I can only imagine how much he wanted to die after the election

This bitch better shut her goofy mouth before Trump takes notice and smacks her around somemore

It's like a cat hissing while backed up into a corner. Just swing the shovel already and end this.


I so badly want to backhand every single progressive hipster who uses y’all. Cultural appropriation reeeeeeeeeeeee

Wtf? I’m Warrin for Warren now! Tbh it was hilarious watching Pence crash and burn during the confirmation vote. But seriously we can’t let that guy keep his hands the the impeachment procedurals.

Well reddit was right again. Sage this. the tweet isnt really either. Why do you fuck off and check more imortant shit.

Another tough day at the Warren Office for Little Johnny the Intern

*mic drop*


Also why don’t any of the lying jewish papers fact check this tweet like they do everything Trump says? This tweet is complete and total fantasy world bullshit.

Doesnt she understand how ineffective this is to independents and her base? She isnt hip, or insightful, or witty. She would be better off sticking to purely issue based criticisms like police reform or something.


Attached: Warren-Privilege.jpg (1160x1208, 221K)

So sad. Investigate Fake Pocahontas NOW!!!

>Donald Trump has straight up infected her mind and driven her nuts

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Meanwhile in reality Rasmussen has Trump's approval rate at 51% rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/trump_administration/prez_track_oct05

>least popular
literally what

>She isnt hip, or insightful, or witty.
But in her mind she is the cool wine aunt, just like Hillary.

"modern history" is an oxymoron

The fire water has made her loco

So, polls are wrong when his approval's low and correct when his approval's high?

So that's where it came from?

Exactly this. His approve-disapprove is identical to Bill Clinton, Obama, Reagan.. etc, and objectively better than Carter’s, HW and W Bush’s, etc.

This tweet is just complete and total fantasy.

She better start drafting tweets about how the Russians just stole the midterms. She has a few weeks to make it sound convincing.

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Native American tries to rob Trump Train. Many such cases. Sad!

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>Dear Mrs. Warren, you have been served a public accusation, and are hereby guilty until you prove your innocence. BTW, do you like apples?

>challenge Trump
>he dunks on you for being a fake indian
>complain about his policies
>"lol fauxahontas"
>w-we're coming for you in the midterms
>"scam some more universities dumb bitch"

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She's charging for the Whitehouse. Scalping every last straight white male, all the way there.

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Approval is currently at 51%. Red wave bitches

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The polls always underestimate his support by about 20 points.

Trumps Genetic McCarthyism.

Pocahontas sure is mad

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Rasmussen has been one of the few consistently accurate polling outlets. They were one of the only ones that were right about 2016. Also, get fucked meme flagged commie.

>1 post by this ID

>modern history
Is this the surest sign of brainlet statements?

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>brand themselves as blue waves
>don't realize waves are impermanent and break up upon impact with shore
>democrats subconscious projection of power is something that the Dutch tamed in the 1500's with windmills and seawalls

Once again I have to laugh at democrats and their failure in being anything but self-loathing losers.

His approval isn’t low though. His #’s through his first two years have been objectively average. There has been numerous stories on this. The Left is a fucking disaster and you kike’s literally live in a fantasy larp world where you aren’t getting absolutely electorally torched in every election.

t. Leafcuck who lives in a country that’s just elected TWO populist-right parties in the two biggest provinces in the past 3 months alone.

Low level bants.

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Modern history means the last two years, bigot.

This is the first shot. Do you hear it?

777 check.

This stupid nigger. She's such a retard and the left is so insane that it's impossible to tell if that's a real quote or not.

>Just swing the shovel already and end this.

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the fucking irony of this constant pretender trying to imitate trump is too much for my sides

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I pray they do, like on my knees praying they do keep the house

The natives are really getting restless, chiefly fauxcahontas, who can be a real savage. I heard she has her interns scalping tickets for fundraising events. People like her are a real pox on the fabric of America, her and the rest of the democratic squawd really make me see red.

He won't respond.

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Rent free


In her head 20 4 7

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It is a woman, what did you expect?


>Rubber-stamp republicans
Damn son. Trumptards btfo.

OH SHIT!! Lindsey is hitting the road in purple states to bring the pain for Trump.

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Haha, she’s setting herself up for a real scalping.

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Fake and gay

>1 post by this ID


suv halen

This batty cunt is out of her deranged brain if she thinks the greatest economy in history means nothing to the voters... she should juts drink gasoline at this point.

Don't eat all the food!