>Be German
>Teach your replacement German speak
>get raped
Be German
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Was it a dirty muslim that did the rape?
>1 post by this ID
Terrible, but most girls have had their periods by 13, which means she wasn't a child.
Damn right brother.
It ain't rape if she likes it.
Who in the hell would leave some strange adult alone with their kid?
Based dog fucker.
where the fuck is Europe's Trump?
The girl obviously fucking wanted it.
A strange foreigner that doesn't know the True Aryan Language? It's obvious the girl was a dirty kike that wanted to get fucked by some muslim cunt.
She fucking deserved it. But Germany deserved better.
>idiot liberal volunteers to help migrants
>idiot liberal gets raped
The only sad part is that she didn't die. Natural selection at its finest.
Also, where are the protests against this rapist?
Oh that's right, there won't be any because the rapist was black / brown.
Well spoken comrade. Fucking niggers get away with so much bullshit.
If she's wet, it's consent
At least her parents won't be called racist.
>voice of europe
Do you have a real source?
>invite rapist
>surprised rapist rapes
I no longer feel sympathy for Germans who go through this. It's the future they've asked for, repeatedly.
Damn right.
>says a man living in a country that is 56% white
That is a real source you fucking commie
>Anything that isn't establishment propaganda isn't a real source
Its like you buy into the authority they give themselves.
Retarded leftist parents are retarded. Hopefully she will grow to hate them now.
Shut the fuck up you libtard kike.
>Ukraine colors
what did they mean by this?
Europe isn't governed by a democracy.
It's a bureaucracy of appointments.
Trump could only happen in a semi-functional democracy.
His election is a credit to the American spirit, long thought dead.
Beware cowards - It Lives.
Hiel Trump comrade. America lives on.
Post a single "real source" article of a migrant criminal act.
anyone know what happened to KC?
They're a lost cause. I'll describe my experience visiting Germany for a week on a business trip.
>Gypsies were all around Munich begging for money, gypsy kids wait in front of ATM's to steal your money.
>Tons of homeless black people sleeping on the streets of Munich.
>Non white street hustlers constantly harassing people to buy their shitty merchandise.
>Mosque on every other corner, more Arabic and African shops than German ones.
>Occasionally Muslims will decide to pray in the middle of street and block traffic for hours.
>Everyday there was some kind of protest which usually ended with protesters attacking police and vandalizing everything around them.
>One thing you'll always see in Germany is someones car on fire.
>Young, white German women are only ever seen with either non-white men or mixed children.
>Every single day more incidents of Islamic extremism keep happening.
>Germany has the world's strictest hate speech laws, complaining about migrants will result in years of imprisonment.
>Dangerous no go zone district all around Munich where ambulances and police are attacked.
>Munich is one of the dirtiest cities in the world, trash is everywhere, streets smell of shit and piss.
>Don't even bother taking pictures of anything in Munich, everything is vandalized and covered in graffiti due to violent protests and rioting.
>The most common belief among the Germans is that Germany's national identity, culture and ethnicity don't exist.
If there's grass on the field, play ball!
Why are you upset? I'm just pointing out your hypocrisy. Our country is far worse than Germany. We've been overrun by immigrants for at least 30 years. Germans have only been dealing with it for a few years. We're in no position to shame them.
30 minutes of rape, a life time of seething anger and hate
Nice copypasta.
You just copied this user's post.
Who cares about those dumb nazis?
most germans still watch tv daily. most of them speak only basic english and couldn't even understand what's written on Jow Forums. and most of them believe everything aired on tv is scientific fact that is verified by the authorities.
You mad, bro?
It's cause the Aryan genetics have been bred out of the German People by the Jews.
should have started with teaching him "no"
Now those are some beautiful Aryans.
Did he force him to give him a hans job first?
Post video of this invader having his head sawed off by an Aryan soldier.
Let's get this shit going.
Silly cunt. Muslims don't understand what "no" means.
Why the fuck arent yall learning English like the rest of the world? We fucking own you and you dont even have the decency to use your master's tongue?
all germans by now who are not braindead green voters will do everything to stay away from the rapefugees
when this shit started they had big support because muuh wamminz and children but shorty after most helpers stopped doing this and organisations cried because they had not enough people anymore who wanted to help
those people deserve everything they get and this cunt would be a future green voter anyway
>being this braindead
Who the fuck leaves their child with a full grown man alone?
nah it's just because they feel like they know it all better. germans tend to believe they know everything and they are the elite of knowledge. they are completely resistant to outside information and that's why most of them hate america, because they see americans "as stupid". germans are know-it-alls who always feel elitarian. we even have a dating platform in germany called "elitepartner" which is for "elite people looking for partners". this country is a joke. they all feel so elite but they can't even protect their borders or keep their government from replacing them. i don't want to be part of that, i'm just trying to survive.
Liberal fucking retards, that's who.
nice pasta you muttcuck
Disgusting. I feel sorry for you comrade. Hopefully you survive your country of fuckin' idiots.
Let's be honest.
That little girl deserved it. That poor guy is literally going to jail now because of her and that's a bad thing.
That cringy guy is no different than Richer Spencer.
I mean probably. She was probably secretly hoping he would rape her which is probably how she managed to get some alone time with a man.
Shut the fuck up nigger.
Whiter than you Mohammed
Fuck you and your ignorance.
I love you Germany... be safe out there.
Germany is still 85% German. It's laughable that you idiots think you can shit on German given the state of our country.
Don't be upset man. No need to worry.
I'll fuck your wife when your bull leaves you. It's all gonna be ok.
You dirty fuckin' muslim. I'll be fucking your goat when you'll be fucking my wife. Have fun, cause after I fuck your dumb animal I'm gonna slit it's throat.
gtfo off my board cuck
Honestly worried more than I should be.
Shut the fuck up
It is not Germany anymore
>Germany is still 85% German
Nah, Germany is so cucked her parents probably convinced her it was her fault
Why are 13 year olds being left with adult men, especially ones that are prone to rape?
Good. Germans deserve to be raped for what they have allowed their country to do to Europe.
liberal germans are morons.
Germany imports their rape culture
Why are 13 year olds teaching adults how to speak a language
German is still 79% ethnic German and 90% European. I would trade places with them in a heartbeat. The US hasn't been as white as Germany since 1950.
A 13 year old child doesn't deserve this shit.
The bitches in charge of letting these animals and demons in deserve it.
you have no idea how stupid some germans are. you'd have to witness it in real life. totally naive, dumb, uninformed, brainwashed, mindless, yet still totally convinced of themselves.
her parents probably wanted their daughter to take Muslim seed
Might as well get the "replacement" going
always many german hating americans in threads about germany... did the mutt memes really hurt so bad so you use every chance you get to give your stored hate back?
fucking hell do you Europoors do anything but get raped these days? Fucking sew your assholes shut or something
hes not wrong though, nigger.
Pay the tutor rip the tooter
Is this some kind of riddle dispensing NPC?
WRONG. The entirety of the population of Germany deserves to die for what they have done to Europe. Of course Merkel is at the top of the list but the rest of the German population follows right behind her. They do not deserve to live.
Man this website is depressing, idk why I still come here.
we dont exactly hate you, but we are pointing out your retardation of extreme levels. Its not even just you, brits and most of europe is terrible, you let the jews who wont let a grudge go away take over your systems, now burn with them or try rising up.
>I'd trade places with them in a heartbeat
Are you a Muslim rapist?
I like Germany, they're my brothers. The same disease afflicts us both.
and when most 8 year olds have had their period?
Because you are here forever
Kek, the nigger Part on Jow Forums is strong today
or are those just maga retards who hate germany because your daddy trump told us to pay for muuh nato muuh unfair trade and all the other nonsense?
Look for Kohl chan. Same retards and Jow Forums 4 u