Native on Blacks

Native American here, 95%, not the claimers with 0.0001%.

Let me tell you about niggers and how my people on my land feel about white people and the past.

Past is past. We can not undo what happened in the past and white people essentially will never go away. It was bad and we hate it but it cant be changed. Modern whites are, mostly, staying out of our business.

Niggers on the other hand. They are trash. They invade our territory and sell drugs and booze to our already vulnerable children. They hang out at our public locations until driven off. They have begun to infest Washington state. Homeless niggers swarming in. As well as illegal immigrants occasionally but they are not common enough to know for sure...

Out of all the races we interact with, niggers currently are the worst. Period. They invade, squat, and shit up everything. Things are already pretty poor state in a native territory and they make it worse. Dozens of times worse.

How the fuck do you live with these scumbag animals?

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We don't, because it is illegal to defend ourselves from them in most cases, we just leave and let them destroy what we built. Sorry for what happened to you guys, it's now happening to us, and we won't be given any reservations, these jews seek our total destruction.

I too am Native American. I'm 1/16th.

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Fuck off whitey. You aren't native unless your hair and skin is that of it ancestors. Just because some native slut fucked out on white cock doesn't make you native.

Economic prosperity plays an important role. That causes niggers to have to tend to concentrate in ghettos, and the ones who are capable of participating in society who remain are typically tolerable as long as they do not become too numerous.

That doesn't mean they don't cause disproportionate amounts of crime, but it's generally much easier to ignore because if you have a prosperous area then they won't be able to afford to live there. So I suspect you're particularly vulnerable considering that reservations tend to be places of relatively low socio-economic stature.

No, we aren't fucking celestials.
Go back to China or Singapore you ugly eurasian mongrel.
Fucking chinks. If ethnicity was ever worth a shit then another 40 million gooks need to die instantly in this nation in order to prove your asian heritage, fucking yellow trash.

Are you a casino billionaire?

This. I can only speak for leafland but there's such a shitload of dem programs here for natives that anyone with half a brain can end up rich with only basic levels of work and smarts. I've known a few.

>5% European
Congrats mate, you're white in America


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Are you retarded?

>How the fuck do you live with these scumbag animals?
I dont because i dont live off a fucking reserve with injuns and negros running about

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dont reply to black posters

let me tell you about corn or as you people call it maze...there isnt a fucking thing you can say about niggers every one doesnt already know

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What’s up with blacks, like dark as the night blacks, claiming they are Native Americans?

>niggers in Washington state
This is sad native bro; when I lived there 10 years ago (in Spokane) it was odd to see one.

>dixiemutt says anything

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1/64 Cherokee reporting in

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you're not native, you're not american, you
are a MONGOLIAN and not even native
to planet earth, you fucking spawn of saturn.

Their IQ is 60-70, that's what's wrong with them

Remember how Injuns have voted for Democrats in solidarity all these years because it was their way of fucking over whitey? You're getting exactly what you deserve.

They're stupid mother fuckers.

Yes it was until a few years ago. They're spreading from Oregon....

I'm not rich but not poor. Fairly well off for my own needs.

>spend government gibs on plastic anime girls you do.

I'm not native but it's just another we wuz kangz meme.

>Blacks on the rez

What? Is this actually happening? I think the native nations have fairly broad authority to decide residency policies. You can probably kick them out.

They come back. Its hard to kick vagrants off permanently. We only have so much man power.

based user, don't change your view on native american purity one fucking bit. You guys had the most based and pure warrior culture, equal parts Ares and Artemis.

I lived in bremerton and honestly can say your places were shit holes up north in the peninsula and you reminded me a lot of black people.

Plus you like to claim whole sections of river and extort people to go down them because "my historical fishing grounds" with no bag limits that you likely sell for profit anyway.

The majority of poor whites still had about 20k of yard junk strewn about and land they lived on.

Your people live in trailers surrounded by decay and make no effort to clean up your back yard and develop it.

You seem to be fine living in squalor as the "white man" pushes your culture to extinction.

New Mexico checking in. I enjoy your culture quite a bit and have been adopted and named into two Pueblos here. I have noticed during feast days (traditional dances) that there has been an alarming number of half black, half natives participating in the dances. I don’t quite know where this insurgence of race mixing is coming from but if anyone has any insight I would be delighted to hear it.

Why the commie flag? You are a Native American, why use a Jewish ideological flag?

Unironically sad your people were reduced to your current state, sorry about all that stuff man. I think you should be allowed to do whatever you want on your reservations without the hassle of niggers or whites fucking with you. It's the least we can do t bh famalam. Every race should have a homeland where we feel comfortable around our neighbors.

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Thanks mate.

Makah is a shit hole. Beautiful land shit people. I am in Yakama.

We dont. We instead build our shit way from away from the inner city "concrete jungles" they inhabit.

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Shit posting another thread accidentally left it on.

>spend government gibs on plastic anime girls

Ahh such an ancient and mysterious people

Whitey here. I hate you both and we should've made sure you were extinct.

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>Indian nations
>no US constitution
Why don't you kill them?
They have no protection, and technically they are not citizens of your nation.

I prefer 2D over booze. I wish we all did. Imagine if all natives continent wide were thorough bred otakus instead of poverty stricken shit holes that most are? It's our own fault

>How the fuck do you live with these scumbag animals?
trigger happy police forces

Proud Cherokee Halfbreed here. Just a reminder, Andrew Jackson was a Democrat.

neither of you are native
don't embarrass yourselves like elizabeth warren

Honest truth: most of us ignore them. Most move away soon as they realize how enchanted our run down lands are. Then they are out of our hair and go plague some soccer mom group with their stories of native life. Not our problem.

Ignore them they go away. Unlike niggers.

You should’ve stayed in europe. america is just one big foreskin factory now thanks to you faggots.
Gas yourself my man.

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>Modern whites are, mostly, staying out of our business.

In Arizona, white people voted for a gaming compact that gave the tribes a monopoly on casino gambling and set up a mechanism to share the proceeds from wealthier tribes to poorer ones. It seems to have been successful and my local reservation looks a great deal more clean and prosperous these days.

The tribe has wisely decided to invest the majority of their windfall in business development, community services and infrastructure, mortgage guarantees, a large reserve fund, and other investments for the future, rather than handing it all out in cash payments. Even so, the rumor is that each adult is cut a check for over $20,000 every year, and each kid gets half that. A family of five that doesn’t work at all takes home $70-80,000, plus they have priority for jobs at the casinos and the many other thriving businesses on the rez.

You might think that the local white trash would resent the tribe’s new prosperity, but they really don’t. The tribe gets some good PR from sponsoring local sports teams, charities, and first responders. The tribal council and chairman are consulted on matters of public interest the same as if they were an important city. We white people mostly recognize that our ancestors treated the Indians like dogshit, and it’s only fair to allow them this lucrative franchise to help them recover from centuries of abuse.

From my point of view, things on the Rez haven’t been this good in my entire lifetime. I hope the tribal members feel this way too, and have not fallen in thrall to the (((white))) leftist malcontents who will never stop stirring up racial division for their own partisan political advantage.

go choke on some maple syrup, leaf

No one gives a fuck what you think. Now go back to destroying your liver with alcohol, savage.

Fuck off faggot. Don't insult my people. I'm 1/16th Native American and your bigoted "all 'savages' drink" is bullshit.

too much puritan blood clearly

No maple trees above the 55th parallel, no dirty fucking half breeds either.

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So like your great great grandmother was native and everybody else was not native, and you still feel like those are "your people?" I mean that's kind of neat from a heritage perspective but I'm 1/4 Latvian and I wouldn't ever imagine to call Latvians "my people."

i took a bath last week down in the creek
same day we de-loused the teepee

Ya, I got some native in my blood but that barely counts. just gives me a nice tan in the summer lol I thought it was really cool as a kid but eventually got over it and cringed when grown adults kept bringing it up like it matters

>make public amenities as inaccessible as humanly possible to vagrants
>ban soda machines and public water fountains
>actively police areas where they might deal
>enforce a nightly curfew
>request the telecommunications companies to make the reservation a cellular dead zone
>implement a harsh sales tax on junk food, fast food, and hard liquor
>force the state to relocated them to one of the homeless colonies under the freeway overpasses in Seattle and claim oppression if they don't
this kills the vagrant

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Good for them giving back to their communities instead of endlessly playing the victimhood card like niggers do. I hope you guys have a bright future.

heh, this.
fuck off prairie nigger you are a defeated race. LOSER

my wife is 33% native (taino/puerto rico)

can she be a part of your special little club

White American here. 100%, not a 56% mutt. Let me tell you how we feel about casino niggers.

We don’t think about you at all. You are lucky you get land and special privileges from the feds. Stop bitching about “muh land”; it’s not yours anymore.

Lucky for me I don't have to deal with you subhumans or niggers.