And don't give me dumb racist responses like "hurr because they're niggers/blacks"
Why is this continent so economically fucked up to the point warlords have half the governments by the balls?
Why is Africa so undeveloped compared to other places on Earth?
decolonization, lack of education among natives past decolonization
some good leaders like seretse khama but most corrupt idiots
Mostly due to the muslims and low IQ
This plus harsh terrain and lack of easily navigable rivers, along with a prevalence of large large predators meant trade and communication between regions was stunted compared to many other parts of the world.
>don´t give me the answer, give me any other explanation.
You have a good time.
>Why is Africa so undeveloped compared to other places on Earth?
because it's populated by undeveloped unevolved sub humans
average IQ literally two standard deviations below the average. you can't even maintain a third world shit-hole to any significant degree with a population that stupid
When European colonists arrived, African natives had not yet invented THE FUCKING WHEEL. Does that answer your question?
>kek at this fucking question
>Europe isn't africa
>average IQ literally two standard deviations below the average. you can't even maintain a third world shit-hole to any significant degree with a population that stupid
Got the relevant pic for you.
The reason people are trying to help africans is because they are historical fuckups. It´s not a conspiracy that this is the case. It would be easier for EVERYONE if it wasn´t. Same reason the have lowered SAT scores and affirmative action in the US. To give them the job in front of others inspite of others being better qualified for it. Basically give them a job anyways so they don´t have to sit on their ass.
>When European colonists arrived, African natives had not yet invented THE FUCKING WHEEL. Does that answer your question?
This. They cannot comprehend that it´s not some conspiracy to be bad to black people. The europeans had to engage in massive nation building creating the nations that are in africa now. Because they had fucking nothing. There was nothing even to take over, but a bunch of niggers going hello. And trying to enslave and sell themselves to the highest bidder for millennia. This has been the niggers main commerce or product. Selling eachother. Inspite of all their continent being filled to the brim with natural ressources that everyone else would envy, but they didn´t even use it or trade it or setup nations around that.
Just think how long it took for Europeans (and how many bloody wars) to establish somewhat stable borders and an electoral political system
For some reason people believe that countries with borders created out of colonial neccesities, and a completely newpolitical system that does not serve the current needs of society but rather completely promotes and encourages tribalism in a multicultural country (yes almost all african nations are multicultural) was gonna work. Ofc they didn't, but weak corrupted governments are easier targets
That's all, the IQ talk is complete nonsense
Cuz of niggers.
>For some reason people believe that countries with borders created out of colonial neccesities, and a completely newpolitical system that does not serve the current needs of society but rather completely promotes and encourages tribalism in a multicultural country (yes almost all african nations are multicultural) was gonna work.
Try to ask yourself why they didn´t have any fucking countries to begin with! You´ll end up asking yourself what the hell they were doing for all those millennia. You just don´t like the answer, that´s what this is about. Inspite of this people of the world are trying to help them massively. Which is basically just voluntary charity that they pretend is obligatory.
>no animals to be made domestic
>land isn't easy to farm on
>literally can't evolve past eating fruit from trees and reproducing
>suddenly white man comes and brings technology and fertilizes land to farm on
>societies built upon white culture
>suddenly african countries achieve independence
>their tribe leaders now have to somehow run a modern society using only tribal cultures and experience
depends on what part of africa you're talking about
>"beyond [known peoples of black West Africa] to the south there is no civilization in the proper sense. There are only humans who are closer to dumb animals than to rational beings. They live in thickets and caves, and eat herbs and unprepared grain. They frequently eat each other. They cannot be considered human beings."[4]
>Ibn Khaldun, Muqaddimah
This is what africans were doing a millennia ago when the arabs encountered them during their colonization of the continent. Do you think this is anyone elses fault they didn´t develope nations? Give me a break.
>And don't give me dumb racist responses like "hurr because they're niggers/blacks"
Well if you want a fairy tale, Kike, you should head over to /b/ or /qst/.
>>land isn't easy to farm on
>And don't give me dumb racist responses like "hurr because they're niggers/blacks"
Hurrr durr I have a question, but you aren't allowed to use the correct answer...
Lack of education and infrastructure. I heard they're digging the Chinese who come there and build infrastructure to exploit there resources tho.
Its not harsh terrain. AAfricais the natural habitat of humanoid apes. Africans never had to evolve to survive there.
>uncultivated cropland
kill all niggers
>lack of inventing education and infrastructure
Unlike places like the middle east, north africa, the greek world, india and the yellow river in china, sub Saharan is a shit land to settle in, too sparse and far apart the blacks never made the jump from hunter gatherers to settlers, most of them dont even have the concept of a future, let alone a written language. It was more or less the situation in mainland europe, a bunch of Germ*anic tribes holding their dicks in swamps and huge forests until the roman came and gave them technology, the difference is..the difference in technology and how close it is to the native technology levels.
>don't give me the real answer but some bullshit excuses instead
yea and it will stay like that until you're willing to see the reason
You get the leaders you deserve. You are chosing your leaders by tolerating them. A tyrant can not win against a population. If a tyrant can surpress a whole people, it's because that people have so many cunts that are willing to sell their soul and harm their own people for personal benefits.
A 'shit continent' with some of the most natural ressources and precious minerals on the entire fucking planet. Which they never used for anything. Just by getting it out on the ground and trading with people they could have purchased whatever the fuck they wanted that others had developed. It would take 2 centuries to stripmine that continent with state of the art technology even if you were a completely wasteful sob.
Decolonization was a shitshow. Not saying it was intentional, and in fact I doubt it was, at least completely, but that's a big part of it. Add onto that various issues like Islamists, Marxists, and some African countries interacting with each other like 19th century European empires, and you get a war-torn place full of shithole countries that can't maintain proper infrastructure, and without that their economy is fucked.
you forgot to add niggers have low iq
There was a prime minister or president from a while ago who said he'd rather have Europe recolonize Africa than have to deal with the Chinese.
They were niggers before and after we came, saw and conquered and they are still niggers today.
Nothing much changes.
give or take in order to work natural resources one must have some free time and not go starving 24/7 looking for their next meal, this is something most of the africans never managed to grow past from
Do you think Romans/Greeks had a better opinion about Germans?
The truth is that Arabs totally dehumanized subsaharan afticans, out of neccesity again, just what Europeans did to Americans. They needed a moral justification for what they did to them
Germnas lived like monkeys before communicating with the Romans, subsaharan africans just never had the chance
Everything in this thread, plus Africans are seriously lazy.
I really don't know why, culture maybe.
Pic related
Because niggers.
its full of niggers
It's all about iq and their lack of it and just because you can't see doesn't mean it's not true. You need to be honest it's tough but it'll help them more than you coddling them and making excuses for their shitty countries.
>warlords have half the governments by the balls
They don't "have" the governments, they fucking ARE the governments.
Also, yes it's because they're niggers. Lefty's will blame colonization and whitey until the end of time though.
Imagine if Abbos were living in your homes, working your jobs, and running your government.
Sounds stupid, right?
Two reasons:
Imperialism withdrawl/rapid dismantling of empires.
Unfavorable geography. The world's hottest desert plus an unforgivable jungle terrain riddled with malaria, dangerous wildlife, and other rigorous obstacles isn't exactly the best conditions for trade or development with others.
national average IQ is bottom of the barrel
Guns germs ans steel
>don't give me dumb racist responses like "hurr because they're niggers/blacks"
Go to the African country of your choice for a month and see if you come back with a different answer.
>lack of education among natives past decolonization
The problem isn't lack of education but that they're ineducable
>There was a prime minister or president from a while ago who said he'd rather have Europe recolonize Africa than have to deal with the Chinese.
Yeah i remember that quote, he called it colonization with a friendly face. That the europeans built infrastructure, schools, created jobs and trade etc. And in comparison the chinese just want to take their ressources and give them absolutely nothing in return.
Also ofcourse obligatory almost for discussing africa is the empire of dust documentary, because that´s where it is currently heading. The chinese can´t believe how fucking incompetent these negros are. They had more advanced things than they even had in china at that point in history, and they just let it all completely fall apart when they told the belgiums in this case to fuck off. Which they did. 50 years later. It´s just a shitshow. Huge potholes in the roads, everything falling apart etc.
>Do you think Romans/Greeks had a better opinion about Germans?
Well they were wrong about that, and look at those people and countries in modern history. It´s a mute point.
>Germnas lived like monkeys before communicating with the Romans, subsaharan africans just never had the chance
What is all of human history. Nobody colonized them because nobody cared. There was nothing to conquer that already existed, and no benefit to have them in tribute to you. There was just the egyptian middle eastern empire right up in the corner of africa, and rest of africa just niggers running around.
I get it you want to paint a picture where niggers are just as good as everyone else. Historically that´s just not the case.
>The truth is that Arabs totally dehumanized subsaharan afticans, out of neccesity again
No they just said what they found. And the islamification of africa was only the last 1400 years. Again what were they doing till then?
You're forgetting about disease. That's a real problem for trade from foreigners. Generally trade increases development because more ideas can be shared from more people in more places, leading to faster economic and technological growth.
>"As regards southern countries, all their inhabitants are black on account of the heat of their climate... Most of them go naked... In all their lands and provinces, gold is found.... They are people distant from the standards of humanity."[4]
Hudud al-`Alam, 982 AD
This is what they were doing a millennia ago. NOTHING. You can´t escape that that´s the whole problem. I get it you want to make a nice story about how it´s not their fault. But it to a large degrees is. This is why they are so far behind in so many things! And why people are trying to help them out of kindness.
>Germnas lived like monkeys before communicating with the Romans
This is total nonsense, trying to make it so as germans and negros are exactly same capabilities. One didn´t even have the wheel widespread in their continent. And they still don´t really know how to farm and cultivate their soil/grow their own food properly. A 10,000 year old practice.
I mean ffs. How dishonest do you want to be with yourself?
I have elderly friends who lived in various African countries. Tales of things like gardeners watering the lawns in the rain are plentiful.
Africans are just not intelligent. Sure you get the odd exception but average is very low.
its damn near impossible to do business there due to corruption. every person along the way must be bribed to achieve anything and odds are the job is abandoned or goods stolen even after a sufficient bribe has been paid. Combine that with a lack of abstract thinking ability, foreign gibs de-incentivizing growing their own food and using violence as the first resort in any disagreement no matter how small and you will see that they have no future.
>Having 5 months of the year where nothing grows is easier then permanent summer in the stone age
>Imperialism withdrawl/rapid dismantling of empires.
Africa was already centuries/millennia behind Europe before colonization began.
>Unfavorable geography. The world's hottest desert
Even if you exclude the Sahara, Africa is still twice the size of Europe.
jungle terrain
A lot of Europe is tundra and Scandinavian countries still managed to develop.
Everywhere has diseases Europe had plenty of issues with plague, smallpox and other diseases.
>dangerous wildlife
If an unthinking beast is an obstacle to your society, you are going nowhere regardless. Europe also had lions, mammoths, and Rhinos. Dangerous wildlife is not unique to Africa.
You raise some good points; however, I feel it is important to mention that jungle terrain/wildlife is considerably different from tundra and temperate climates. These places were considered uncrossable/impenetrable even BY Europeans, at least until the mid-1800s, and even then it was still difficult to go through.
Also, with your imperialism point, while it is true, the question was asking why Africa is so fucked up today. Decolonization was largely line drawing based on political influences, and grouped a bunch of opposing tribes and varying cultures in the same place. I believe Nigeria alone has over 200 different ones.
Perhaps the amount of separate cultures it has is another problem. It would appear that most of Europe has been able to assimilate into cultures of greater size and common heritage, as they were actually able to interact with one another. This would provide the advantage of unity among greater amounts of people, which is necessary for the construction of a proper and powerful nation-state. The lack of this in Africa means the unified nation-state, essential in the process of industrialization, is effectively impossible.
>Half assed decolonization
>Terrible geography
>Cultures not conducive towards change (most of them anyway)
>The playground for empires for a long time
>Internal conflict over tribal differences
Not a half bad assessment, but mostly this:
explain how the white folk that live/lived in africa had no problem prospering in that environment
here's an anecdotal account
Yeah that would be a big issue. I've seen that particular graph before, but I believe that is also a result of aforementioned lack of development.
because niggers are dumb
>And don't give me dumb racist responses like "hurr because they're niggers/blacks"
"What's 5+5 and don't say 10, give a real answer!"
You mean they are accustomed to what we call Newspeak.
>aforementioned lack of development.
why didn't africans develop over the last 100,000 years?
At least 5+5 = 10 is a coherent answer with a provable concepts behind it. Just saying the phrase only shows shallow understanding of a topic; what is required is an in depth analysis to find the truth.
Got any more of these? I've read all the popular ones on Jow Forums many times, but new ones are always great.
>Also few domesticable animals
>tfw most animals in Africa want to kill you, run away
>with a provable concepts behind it
So is IQ.
I believe I stated it before, but I'll say it again. The terrain in a jungle is uniquely rigorous to cross. Couple that with the challenges of crossing the Sahara, and you've got yourself an environment not very conducive to trade or interaction. The more minds the more ideas; the more ideas that can be shared the faster the development of them.
Yes if you can actually give relevant statistics behind it.
This is the biggest problem also for the africans themselves. Everyone is being dishonest about it these days. And pretend as if africans are just super awesome folks and nothing is their fault or due to anything about them. Therefore when that becomes the premise of solving it is, everyone just bugger off. And let the africans deal with it. Something they never could in history. You can´t deal with a situation if your premise is wrong. The premise is unfortunately africans are historical fuckups, who never did really anything because they lived like extremely primitive people with lack of contact with anybody else for most of human history. And didn´t develope anything for themselves. and they need help to sort their shit out. Now more than ever, because since they didn´t naturally develope ANYTHING. Now they find themselves in a situation with even higher demand, and have to play even more catch up with everything they never did. So they don´t even understand the things. It´s like freezing up a caveman and putting him in modern society and then pretend he´s just as capable as everyone else. And the fucking retards won´t admit it. On average this is very much the case. If the whole planet left and there were just negros. The whole thing would fall apart because they don´t understand any of it by themselves. Could not build it or develope it by themselves from scratch. And so on. They can utilize what others have provided for them but that´s the extent of it. It´s a problem refuse to accept, because it´s so sad and they don´t know what to do with it. Well admitting the problem is the first step i'd say. And all we get, also from the OP in this thread. Is just total fucking denial! I´d just argue it´s very bad to bring them into our societies. What is that going to help? Destroy our own societies?. Let´s deal with them in africa instead.
Honestly, not having many good waterways is probably a huge factor. Hard to trade when you can't ship anything.
domestication of animals takes work, foresight, experimentation to breed them, etc. do you think the first horses were as large, strong, easily-ridden, easily-worked, etc as they are today? were the first cows easily cowed (lol!) and ok with being herded by men? were the first dogs loyal and well-trained and useful as sheepdogs, guard dogs, etc.? the answer is no. it took thousands of years of work to accomplish this. africans could have domesticated zebra, elephants, etc., but are not capable due to lack of iq, forward thinking, etc.
Like I said, if they were more unified, as is the case with European/Asian states, they would see greater successes and development. Trade and terrain would still be an issue, but not nearly as much as it used to be.
>And don't give me dumb racist responses like "hurr because they're niggers/blacks"
They're only niggers cause they're black!
Well to there credit, elephants haven't really been demonstrated to this day. Zebras though, would of been hard to domesticate at all. For instance, horses have a hierarchy. You get the leader to do what you want, the herd follows. Zebras are more of a fuck all kind of animal. So with no hierarchy to abuse = harder to domesticate.
>Like I said, if they were more unified, as is the case with European/Asian states, they would see greater successes and development.
i don't see how a failure to unifiy stops them from making any progress toward civilization in 100k years. they seem to be innately unable to unify, being highly tribal in the past and to this day. i wonder why...
>Like I said, if they were more unified, as is the case with European/Asian states, they would see greater successes and development. Trade and terrain would still be an issue, but not nearly as much as it used to be.
It´s just dishonest if and if and if endlessly. Unless you are talking about what to do now. But if you talk about the past. It´s the same inescapable conclusion for anyone who dares to be honest. They never did anything for themselves. Did europeans or asian states automatically unify? They started from the same or even worse baseline in a lot of cases. Africans had shitton of opportunities with regards to ressources, never did nuffin. Truly the nigger never did nothing. For nearly all human history. And so they have an almost unfair catching up to do. That is what is so sad. But what do you want to do about it? If you want to sort that out, don´t start by lying to yourself pretending this is not the case.
>Why is Africa so undeveloped compared to other places on Earth
Have you met the inhabitants?
>harder to domesticate
but not impossible. my point still stands: through foresight, work, and selective breeding, african animals could have been domesticated and made useful in some way. they has over 100k years, for christ sakes
>For instance, horses have a hierarchy.
Wild horses went extinct thousands of years ago, how could you possibly know their social structure?
> Zebras are more of a fuck all kind of animal.
Plains and Mountain zebras form Harems with a single breeding stallion and multiple breeding mares on top and ancillary males (old, young, weak) on bottom.
The exact same pattern is observed with przewalski's horse (feral, but the closest we have to wild horses)
28% is classified as arable.
By contrast, about 31% of the US is considered arable, and we're major exporters of agricultural products.
modern day africans can't even maintain what was built for them. to see this in your own countries, look at any projects building built for these apes. they're fucking wrecked even when they get them as new buildings
sauce on webm: it's a great documentary of the chinks attempting to work their way into africa to exploit resources. the antics of the africans are sad and funny