why has Jow Forums become so shit?
Why has Jow Forums become so shit?
JIDF bots
You're shit
Shills and the mods are niggers
No youre shit you cunt, face the facts.
Not enough jew hate!
m*ot allowed european niggers to post and they've become extremely active since 2015 and wont leave
The answer is simple; more hate for jews!
but more jew hate = more jews on this board
Exactly! Target rich environment of people to gaslight!
We have literal kike mods and kikes who are paid to shit the site so its really really hard to lurk these days. Their objective is noise. I dont think they even try to subvert us anymore they are in semi sanson option now.
Now watch this thread get fucked.
You can't swim here?
People burnt out and left or stayed and tried to force the fun times to come back by doing the same shit over and over and over. That and the reddifugees.
what gaslight, what are you talking about?
stop talking like a nigger
this isnt a slide thread its an actual question im asking because im getting tired of this board getting shit on by shills and niggers
The more jews exposed to Jow Forums the more hysterical reaction.
Ocean of piss newfag!
This is actually light shilling.
I'm not even noticing a difference.
The ocean of piss now has kike blood from their circumcision. They have mudded the waters a lot.
Meme flags, and bots. And meme flag bots. No one will do anything about it. Some nights I feel I'm the only non bot here. Why don't we demand the meme flags get removed? It's no coincidence they came back right after our big win.
The shills aren' out in force like they were. Problem is bad thread topics
They did?
I thought this was normal.
Feels comfy for me, just enough chaos to carry me from thread to thread.
no they are here and noticeable, i dont know what youre talking about
Haha make it better fag.
Jow Forums has become deranged and drunk. intoxicated with time. A fruit that fell from a tree and is starting to ferment. I hope we turn her into a fine wine boys.
It's just it's always like this.
I've been on Jow Forums (was old /b/ then /new/) literally since 04 and it's always pretty much been like this.
Kids and kiddults
Damn, I've been here since around 2012. 22 now, I still love Jow Forums. It's the only website left that doesn't take itsself so seriously. Anything goes. The last bastion of free speech.
Other websites be all like "We are rebranding ourself to not spy on you and shit" and everyone on Jow Forums be all like "Good thing we don't use your shit anyways faggot" HA I'm such a gamer
Here's a rare picture of my pet bird.
always has been shit
r_eddit bait, no bump.
We looked into the abyss and the abyss looked back. Then we fell in the abyss and seem to be trapped here forever now so we just look out from this side and observe the world and randomly fuck with it when we feel like ala the Greek gods on mount Olympus.
It's also really fun to pull other into the abyss.
>something something ocean of piss
Look at the top of the catalog and count the number of threads that are variations on:
- drumpftards BTFO
- gotta admit, he/she has a point
- explain this, Jow Forums
The failure is twofold: on us, the posters, for being retards and responding to obvious bait, and on the mods for not doing their jobs. With regards to the latter, leak after leak has suggested that the Jow Forums mods are cucks like pretty much every other internet forum moderator, and that many of them actively dislike Jow Forums. It therefore makes sense that mods allow threads of little substance and great inflammability to distract the board pretty much constantly.
Based. Suck a dick, OP, you fucking chubby chaser.
>mods immediately delete any sort of interesting thread as "non-political" and ban the OP
>nigger and tranny threads up for hours before finally getting archived
gee i wonder
>>mods immediately delete any sort of interesting thread
This is something I forgot to mention. I'd estimate that about 35% of the threads I "watch" in Jow Forums X 404 (are deleted) rather than become archived as threads that naturally expire do.
>mods doing bad stuff
holy fucking shit, are you serious?
Let me get hiro moot on the phone right now.
They have NEVER done this before, and if they have
The mods have a thumbscrew. Use it.
The world has become shit
Too much attention has ruined this place.
Unironically This.
yes Jow Forums is now shit I must vote blue in november
that poster is a cuck and doesnt resemble true christians.
I am very much for the extermination off all degenerates, niggers, jews, spics, arabs, and other sub humans
Sorry my boy but your orthodox church is cucked as well. Exterminate all christians, degenerates,niggers,jews,spics, arabs, and other subhumans
fuck yourself, it was never an issue until gook moot took over
Im not praying to my church but to god, I do not care about any church but about god.
>gets bleach poured on his dick
Christianity is jewish.
Literally r/t_d
This is what I need right now....
i'll never stop saying tbhfam
watch this thread 404 cause people are pointing out the JIDF bots
Drumpf fags
CIA niggers
Kike mods
We've become mainstream.
The invaders have burrowed and claimed our swamp as their own.
The "kys c'uck f'amalam t'bh s'mh pepe.jpg" phase was pretty funny imo.
whenever I think that adding to that picture would ruin it, the next iteration turns out perfect
>that poster is a cuck and doesnt resemble true christians.
Unironically an example of why Christians suck
Gas yourselves, division and sanctimony is all you provide
this 2bh, wish we could go back
Jow Forums and /tv/ had just mustered enough autism for the louis ck cuck shit and poopoopeepee along with female wojacks
it was pretty based and redpilled
>christianity is Jewish
JIDF detected
This is a well known tactic, its fucking plasterd on the JIDF site
Fick off with your Jewish psyops
What I like about Jow Forums (at least Jow Forums) is that it has deeply held beleifs and convictions which it can coherently explain but is not afraid to make fun of itself either. Most sites are just leftist nihilistic faggots who hold no positions and say things in "irony" bit if you attack the site itself they will froth at the mouth amd lise their minds.
if a white person sucks a black mans dick, would you say that this is what white men stand for?
If you say no then your a great example why whites suck
gas yourself, division and sanctimony is all you provide.
Look JIDF its pretty obvious you are trying to D&C the board with christkikery. No one buys into you calling everyone that shits on your jew religion a JIDF.
>if i call them JIDF then they wont think im JIDF
Jews are literally the villains of the New Testament.
The final panel is terrible
>too weak to endure shills.
They work like gore did in the old days for keeping out newfags that don't lurk.
t. 1 reply oldfag who doesn't engage shills beyond 1 reply with facts.
>division and sanctimony is all you provide.
This is literally what you retards have been doing all over the board.
Thats the most retarded shit I've ever heard. Jewsus was a jew. Its kind of like how whites fight other whites. Are whites villains of whites? You are retarded its literal in fighting.
this is the real image
villains of the old one as well if you understand it correctly
What the boof did you just fucking say about me, you little hippocampus? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class at Yale in boofing, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Anheuser-Busch, and I have over 300 confirmed front doors on my house. I am trained in drinking beer and I'm the top lifter on the entire US Supreme Court. You are nothing to me but just another person to throw ice at. I will will drink beer with precision the likes of which your hippocampus has never seen before on this Earth, mark *my* fucking opening statement. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me at a hearing? Think again. As we speak I am contacting Lindsay Graham and your yearbook is being traced right now so you better prepare for the boof, ffffffucker. The boof that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your neurotransmitters. You're fucking tired, bitch. I can fly on a plane anywhere, anytime, and I can drink beer in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in weight lifting, but I have access to the entire indoor cooler of Miller Coors and I will use it to its full extent to drink your miserable google interns off the face of the hippocampus, you little boof. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" beach friends were about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking boof. But you couldn't fly, then you did, and now you're being pummeled with ice, you goddamn lightweight. I will drink beer all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking done. I'll be at Tobin's house around 3:30 lifting weights, so you know where to find me.
Oh so I'm the jew now?
May I remind you that the Jews killed jesus. You should know your own people's history
May I remind you that Jews killed a Jew. You should know your own people's history. Jew V Jew.
You just meme'd all of the Leftfags that have been pouring in since Kavanaugh, they are trying to overrun us likethe muzzies overran Europe
no, i completely welcome any other religion.
No matter if youre pagan, muslim or some cult I will welcome you.
But if youre a jew, atheist or degenerate subhuman then yes i dont want to associate with you
Yep, during 2015-2016 many keks were had, I miss that spam.
Jesus was also God. God was fed up with their behavior and sent Jesus to try to straighten them out.
The NT says that Jews are no longer the chosen race. How is that Jewish?
Yes, all the prophets ever talk about is how evil the Jews are.
I agree with the first post
we grew up
I was also trolling /lit/ none stop with stirner being a cuck and generally shitposting
unironically the best years desu
>The NT says that Jews are no longer the chosen race. How is that Jewish?
Doesn't matter Jewsus was a jew and the Jews don't have to exactly be chosen to actually be jews and do what they do already. The entire point is that Jews created the bible they were Hebrews Israelite.
>jesus was a jew
A classic
>the son of Amminadab, the son of Ram, the son of Hezron, the son of Perez, the son of Judah
>For it is clear that our Lord descended from Judah
>He was teaching in their synagogues, and everyone praised him.
>He came to his own people, and even they rejected him.
His own people aka Jews.
>You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.
Samaritans aka Gentiles.