Finland's most famous youtuber Kaoru Kitsune endorses white supremacy in his newest video!
Finland's most famous youtuber Kaoru Kitsune endorses white supremacy in his newest video!
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I don't understand shit but she's cute so get a bump.
>Please don't be male
>someone in Binland does a thing
i like her femenine penis
with over 500 views per video Finland's most famous Youtuber is redpilling
>look at the hands
>the hands never lie
Please not be trap please not be trap please not be trap
Thank god
Finland is a goddamn fucking joke.
Oh well, into the oven, then.
she's not that cute
that's a guy... sorry to break it out to you senpai
ime mun munaa vitun korealaiset huora
How about you crawl to the god damn oven you kike bastard.
it's a trap isn't it
I'll just go ahead and accept homosexuality for him alone
I lead a good life thus far it may as well be lived out in degeneracy
>t. Israel's golem
nami nami nami nami porkkanaa
>Finland's most famous youtuber
Surely you mean Soikkuu.
God I hate the finnish language, feels like I'm on a cruise ship every time I hear it.
it's a trap and that's he's probably the op of this thread
Tyllerö vittu bätäng spruits spruits
>Thinking just 1 trap is enough to subdue yourself
Welcome to the dark side.
Better than swedish.
>Gender: Male
wtf? no tranny can sound like that even after pumping themselves full of estrogen
this girl is delusional
Finnish language is the most alien shit on earth
thats obviously a jap.
she's one of those females that pretend to be 'cute males', but do nothing to make themselves appear masculine.
Just like male trannies
You should listen to Danish it is like swedish except so e words soubd like they're vomiting.
Based Finns know that men are the best women
Finnish sounds like a language in which you accidentally spit saliva while talking. I am correct?
>girl who's pretending to be a boy, who'd pretending to be a girl
how deep is this going to go eventually?
>Kaoru Kitsune
I don't understand any of the text but I like the girl (male)
Definitely Asian.
I don't know. It's funny though when I see a "girl" being very feminine and trying to be cute I assume its a trap at this point because traps do a better job at being feminine then fucking women. Women now a days just cake on makeup and act crude and boorish like men and it's such a fucking turn off and it sends subliminal messages to my brain that they aren't looking to have a normal life raising family and kids. They don't even try to act humble and they are just bitchy and demanding. Kike media has done a one two on the western female's brain.
Look at pictures of asian women. They seem cute, well dressed wearing female attire, and have very feminine personalities. It's to bad they are not white because they look like fucking aliens to me and it would be flushing my genetics down the toilet. God dammit if we only had the hindsight to stop this madness.
>Finland's most famous youtuber
There's a song I really like that's sung in Finnish, I think it's called Tuuli, it's about the wind ripping some shit up. It sounds wicked af, but I can't think of the band.
Is that a man too?
this one obviously
Thankfully not.
>Korean Skincare | How I take care of my skin?
kys finnish shitposter