A far right neocon will become the next president of Brazil

A far right neocon will become the next president of Brazil
time to send condolences to brazilians

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Will he send an army of hue hue monkeys to fight Iran?

he will probably try to nuke venezuela

>the left are jewish puppets spreading degeneracy and faggotry and muh soros and muh marxism and muh libruls
>the right are neocon jewish globalist puppets

did we lose? are they on both sides pulling the strings? is there even a future worth living?

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Driving scooters, wearing flip flops and only shooting pregnant women for their iphones. It could actually work.


>>the left are jewish puppets spreading degeneracy and faggotry and muh soros and muh marxism and muh libruls
was about to tell you this doesnt happen in latin america, but brazil is a special case

they've been on both sides forever, i thought you'd know this ever since napoleon

it's literally ingenious

checked rekt western civilization keked both sides all the time dont you know are you slow most people out there are your foes but usually the nose knows keep ya on ya toes ik it blows when they breakin in yo windows it shows any-thing that glows is the foe.

based and redpiled

All they care is creating havoc to profit on. Shekels is their only goal.

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why does this guy has a very gayish hair??

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he's a closeted autist

i thought that guy would have an intimidating voice, but he sounds like a faggot LMAO

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This is great!

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Thats how you evaluate a man?

Shame on you.

Hes a strong man, and hes winning the establishment.

Hes by far our most secure vote against progressism.

Bolsonaro is a fucking joke, and the only reason he's gonna win second round is bc there's virtually no one else to vote for.

Get a grip, we're ultimately fucked

brazilian authorities arrested lula da silva, who was favorite in the polls, i think it was a mistake to put dilma rousef as president of brazil, considering that women are stupid

>Bolsonaro is a fucking joke, and the only reason he's gonna win second round is bc there's virtually no one else to vote for.

We have been getting fucked in the last 16 years by people who are WAY WORSE than him.

He IS the man against progressism, and all this leftism wave.

Hes gonna win because people believe in his words. We vote for him because we believe in his strenght.

No other possible candidate has his way of thinking, thats why there is no one else to vote for.

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Literally the oldest trick in the book, congrats on finally waking up

The game was literally rigged from the start. Democracy dictated the fall of civilization. Not exterminating every single last jew was the first mistake. The best you can do is chill by yourself and watch the chaos vicariously, before it inevitably knocks at your door.

>did we lose? are they on both sides pulling the strings? is there even a future worth living?

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Oof, that sounds an awful lot like religion and falacy

Sorry, you're not going to convince me he's a good person, ever.


>they own literally everything you can think of
>it's just a conspiracy xD
>its a meme, le Jow Forums meme
>this is fine

Comunixtinha em negação. Vai enfiar um cacto no cu na facool amanhã como forma de protesto?

sopa de macaco
uma delicia

Go to sleep, júnior

we are fucked up with those things too...


Aborto legal YA

lets provoke another missile crisis over a latin american country again LOL

Anything without anti-semitism is literally cucked.

>Come together (over """"me"""")
>5:6 stars

why are jews so blatantly satanic?

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thats why i think women should not be let to do whatever the fuck they want, here in mexico they are trying to do the same

>far right

Mental retardation has no bounds.

>if it is not my version of far right, it is not far right!!!

i am not trying to convince you

we already have enough votes to win

If you can't beat the jews you join the jews

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>Muh messiah

callate negro horrible

Yes many people are stupid

You sound -18

>you don't want to vote for this shill, do you, goyim? here's a picture of him shaking hands with a disgusting jew or posing next to an israeli flag...vote for the socialist instead!

Do leftists ever get tired of using the same tactics that don't work?

>Hes gonna win because people believe in his words. We vote for him because we believe in his strenght.
Jair Bolsonaro was dishonourably discharged from the army for plotting what amounted to a terrorist attack, with the explicit goal of demanding salary rises for army officers, but also causing civil unrest and facilitating a possible coup attempt.

everyone scared that bolso will kill gays!!
but not about how he will probably privatize everything and fuck up the middle class

Pros macacos esquerdopatas putas do JUDEU que estão chorando: no segundo turno tem mais, BOLSONARO ELEITO em cima do comunista fantoche de Cachaceiro.

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Found te AMLOCO voter.
enjoy being the next venezuela and see how peje pals like Ortega and Maduro end getting killed.

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>flag checked
he is in the reserve, if he made any terrorist attack or insubordination he would be expelled from the army

why would i be killed if i havent commited a crime

Shut the fuck beandip. Brazil has way more honor than your buttstain nation will ever have. Go choke on a burrito wetback

>lets provoke another missile crisis over a latin american country again LOL
umm no sweety, the cold war ended 30 years ago no one can challenge us in latam anymore

Plotting =/= committing

neocon may as well be far right in socialist hellhole LatAm

this, mexico elected a commie, and i bet that op is mad that nicaragua & venezuela will get a regime change and mexico will become the next venezuela.

he is gay
t. Rita Lee

>mexico will become the next venezuela.
yeah because we are living like switzerland hahahaha

>mainstream media calls him fascist
>mainstream media calls him racist
>mainstream media calls him sexist
>mainstream media calls him nazi
>mainstream media cannot call him a corrupt


I have infinite reasons to vote Bolsonaro

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Your country literally just elected a communist for president, he's going to be much more of a detriment to the middle class than someone privatizing a shitty system.

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>Brazil has way more honor
>"Nationalist" who opens his legs to the US

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>Jair Bolsonaro was dishonourably discharged
Literally fake news.

>Diferentemente do publicado na Cronologia que acompanhou versão original deste texto [Bolsonaro expulso do exército/tentativa de atentado], o Exército havia informado à Folha o motivo da passagem de Bolsonaro para a reserva remunerada. Segundo a assessoria de comunicação social, há uma lei que obriga a medida a partir da diplomação de militar para cargo eletivo, o que ocorreu com Jair Bolsonaro no final de 1988, já que ele foi eleito vereador do Rio de Janeiro.

My sides, underappreciated post

he actually did a good job governing a city full of savages

Why was I born into this type of world? Did I transgress in a past life? Walnuts and squirrels live more honest and carefree existences than this. Seriously I know heaven and hell are places on Earth but what a fucking ratio!!!!

Well you already let Lula open your ass to China and Soros, selling petrobras and offshoring your national budget to Panama and Caymens. Stupid commienigger, learn to read.

Venezuela before chavez was literally mexico, just saying.

We approach the final confrontation. This century decides whether we finally triumph over the jew or whether the races of earth are made into mongrelized debt slaves, content to endlessly pay interest and suck down corn syrup as long as they can fuck watch explosions in movies until the Earth is finally exhausted of resources and the last dregs die out in a whimper.
Don't despair. We're truly blessed to live in such important times. MY ANCESTORS ARE SMILING ON ME, user. CAN YOU SAY THE SAME?

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and now that city is led by a jill stein-tier kike, LMAO

>Your country literally just elected a communist for president

He's not a communist, he's just a populist who will literally say anything to get votes depending on the public he's speaking to.
>Defends 13rd salary when people get up in arms after his VP said they should end it
>Says "he's sorry Lula went to jail" when talking to northeasterners
>Says he wants to expand the basic income program to everyone in the country, when the program is one of the most criticized things for being "communism"

Dude's a joke. He played the "I'll give you whatever you want" card and it worked because most people in this country have 2 digit IQs.

Oh, you were talking to the mexico man

Ashkenazi Jews are White. You literally support White genocide. Pic related

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what a virgin, here AMLO always trashed neoliberalism

This is what a true nationalist looks like

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He's a closeted nepotist and you should feel ashamed

Probably. Poor Brazilians will end up like americans from fly over states.

Vai se foder

I am really, really far from feeling ashamed

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just noted that bolsonaro is a liberal

>Partido Social Liberal
He's one of us

Like a kid showing his wiener in the streets. It's only ok because you're dumb and naive.

I do feel your pain.

Conservative wave is comming way too hard for your teenage ass. Hold strong, buddy.

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>13rd salary
he can't change that, it is in the constitution
>"he's sorry Lula went to jail"
source? that was probably out of context
>he wants to expand the basic income program to everyone in the country

At this point it's just ad hominem. Have fun

Have fun getting sent to Iran because ZOG said so

but i doubt it, because they have to solve the civil wars in the favelas first

We don't have nukes

either america or israel will try to put nukes in your country directed at venezuela

I do.

Every single candidate that I voted for, won, beside Bolsonaro who is going to win 28 october to strike some gay lgbtq+ ass

Feeling worried? be careful, we are coming!

Dont you guys started doing this like 20 years ago?

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really, you beaners should be rooting for the jews. So long as we are fucking around in the middle east, we aren't fucking around in your countries which are much more tempting for invasion/regime change.

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Honestly I wish we had at least a few nukes

>fighting war against venezuela

I'll be VERY happy to do it. They stand literally no chances and their people need our help from being starved to death by Maduro.

Our army would do it with a great smile on our face

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>Jair Bolsonaro was dishonourably discharged from the army for plotting what amounted to a terrorist attack
Not true. He had to leave when he was elected for some city council.

If we're out in the field together I'll be sure to put a bullet in your brain, apartment boy.

it would be a vietnam for you or worse

t. scared commies

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Did you atleast serve the army?

Have you ever entered in a battalion?

north vietnam had a very popular government

We fight for our country. We are real man, we have pride. If our army is going to fight against them, we are more than ready.