Why does this trigger Trumplets so much?
I find it funny that a group that prides itself on making liberals angry by way of insensitive insults would get so butthurt when someone does the same to them.
Why does this trigger Trumplets so much?
I find it funny that a group that prides itself on making liberals angry by way of insensitive insults would get so butthurt when someone does the same to them.
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Make another video but with his sick son as a hologram maybe then he'll understand how fucked up it is.
How do you know it makes us mad? It just came out like five minutes ago and nobody on here seems to care.
they crossed it
more of this sort of thing! slowly but surely his audience will realize that they're getting a bit too edgy for comfort and maybe just maybe using some guy's dead father in propaganda is a bit much.
Do not underestimate how much this turns people off. Kikes always overplay their hand, and this is that in action.
Yep, still on the Supreme Court.
How would it trigger me? Until you posted it, I didn't even know it existed.
Some late night host doing some retarded borderline evil skit for NPCs to bork at. I don't need to watch that.
I know this is bait, but it doesn't trigger us. It just puts a spotlight on the leftist jew hollywood people and how evil they really are
>supporting an anti-constitutionalist
Good summary. I just tried to watch it but it's boring and unfunny.
Someone with such skills make this happen
Mr. House is that you?
Keep on keeping on. You guys do a better job at making yourselves look more stupid and repugnant than we could ever dream of.
Fucking this
Jimmy Kimmel's son be like daddy my heart hurts lol
except trump can make fun of disabled and rape victims and it's "BASED"
It doesn't. It inspires a new wave of memes. Anons have already started. Maybe the kikes will take the hint. Template up next.
You're struggling too much OP
So because someone made fun of Trump's dad we should insult a small child?
Pretty sick tbqh.
someone pls do this
jimmey kimmel I am sorry to inform you your ratings are in the toilet.
Jimmy Kimmel's son be like daddy my heart doesn't feel so good lololol
pls kek this
Yes. Victims. You know, what white men aren't.
>sick son
>12 years old
>already taller than most adults
>genius iq
>seems like a good lad
Amazing how liberals will taunt and mock a child who hasnt done a thing against them, aside from being better looking than them.
>Comes to the politically incorrect board
>Shocked when people make equally edgy jokes
Downvoted tbqhwyfamily
Imagine the weeks of screaming and all round butthurt if someone did this with Obama's dead Aunt while he was in office.
Have a nice fat list of people like Jimmy Kimmel that prodded Germans before they finally snapped. Make up whatever quotes you want, just make sure you mention how they died.
its not too late to take this meme to new heights maybe even to replace cellular telephones.
kek I thought that was real
make Obama's Dead Aunt tell him to move back with his father in Kenya.
that's kinda fucked up.
>So because someone made fun of Trump's dad we should insult a small child?
As always, the left will reap what it sows.
this. his kid is innocent
Kek, anybody who chose House on their first play-through is automatically based.
Yep they need to understand their actions have consequences faggot cuck. He attacked family first if anything the disease is karma.
retards should no be allowed to breed
The left never brought children into it.
Jews are unhinged
and jimmy kimmel wonders why no one wants to hang out with him or watch his show.
The only thing keeping his career afloat was adam carolla and Kimmel dumped him for greed.
>he doesn't remember the media roasting barron
The left has no fucking morals
The left kill, rape and brainwash children every day. Suddenly now they care? A good indication that we really DO need to remind Jimmy that his kid might not make it to Christmas.
they where saying barron should be given to pedophiles and killed.
We on the other hand are I guess warning Jimmy Kimmel about helping his son ?
there is no way he would take bait this obvious
6 Million of Jimmy Kimmel's Dead Kike Relatives Has a Message For Him
They're talking about Jimmy Kimmel's son, not Donald Trump's. Why are you this bad at reading?
the system for determining restitution and justice need for real victims was codified and established by white men
The next time you support a victim remember that the concept of victim reaffirms the patriarchal construct
Obviously he wouldn't be it's still funny to joke about. Kikey Kimmel started it, we just finish shit.
Would have been funnier if it said something like “Jimmy, your recent parody of my dead Father shows that you are heartless, much like your son, Sad!”
Barron doesn't have a condition
fake but fucking nailed it tho
>The left never brought children into it.
they were wishing death on Barron since the end of 2016
He very obviously is on the spectrum.
kek wills it boys
It's more annoying than gets anyone mad. Most people kmow that jimmy kimmel is a pussy.
Do people get paid to watch this shit?
The kid is dead. And let's cut the bullshit. Shitty Adults = Shitty Kids. Don't pretend anything is sacred when you start mocking people's dead loved ones.
>Jimmy kimmels son looked disgusting - heart shriveled in his chest before america - very disrespectful
If a retarded cripple wants me to treat him like anybody else... and I make fun of everybody... why does he get special treatment?
Wouldn't treating him special violate his desire to be treated normal?
>hurr why they responding to our taunts? We are joking about mistreating the image of someone who passed away and can't fight back
Yeah.. so what was that leftists were saying about civility and standards?
The rightwingers bringing sick children into it crosses the line.
fucking this
Good optics, stupid.
>Say one thing
>Do another
Entry level Judaism.
Trump does the same thing.
>when you're surrounded by jews telling you you were a good goy and you end up being vilified for the rest of your miserable life by half of the country.
hope it was worth it for the week of laughs ya dumb bitch.
i can still consider it sacred if i disagree with it. it seems stupid to mock kimmel's sick kid. most people will watch the video OP posted, even on the left, and find it deplorable. stooping down to that level in a retarded rage to "get even" is stupid
They wanted Barron put into a cage and raped. What the fuck are you talking about?
Jimmy kimmel wants all white kids brainwashed raped and murdered so fuck you and your fake sympathy you faggot ass cocksucking shill.
Too bad I don't watch Jimmy "the hypocrite" Kimmel, so I don't know/care what you are barfing out of the fuckhole in your lower face.
So you're just a follower than. Makes sense why you're a loser.
Come on man. No one wanted that to happen. Get a sense of humor.
agreed, when's you're vasectomy party?
Oh you must’ve forgotten all the pop shots they took at Barron
>Hurling unprovable sexual assault claims at people simply because of their political affiliation is OK
>Hitting peaceful protesters with signs and bike locks because they are pro-Trump is OK
>Tweeting a photo of yourself holding a severed, bloody Trump head is OK
>Wishing Trump's son was locked in a cage with pedophiles is OK
>Hounding people across social media because they made the OK sign with their hand is OK
>Calling Kanye West mentally ill after he has left your show for wearing a MAGA hat and giving a speech nobody saw except the live audience is OK
>Saying "at least we ruined Kavanaugh's life" is OK
>Using the FUNERAL of some dead neocon as a platform to shit on Trump is OK
>But don't talk about Kimmel's son! That's a bridge too far
Yeah, naw. Fuck off.
Even your faggot snopes site says I'm right
Can someone please do one about Obama's stupid nigger father and how he was a womanizer, a drunk, and a far worse person than Fred Trump could ever be?
((They)) know Trump's weakness is his father, which is why Hillary brought it up so casually and why he went to his father's defense so quickly.
You niggers just went too far. This is why I don't give a shit anymore when I make crude jokes against Jews and stupid "victims" that come out in public.
Sitting on your hands is how you got here. You really can't be this fucking brain dead. I bet you're a Christian cuck.
When was that broadcast? I hadn't even heard about it. I guess that's because that left wing douchebag has virtually no cultural relevance.
But you have to go back
I hate how this is what has taken over as “comedy.” People are starved for actual comedy.
That's YouTube not Reddit, have you never used YouTube before?
Some families you.really shouldn't mess with. They can make your life in hell
"Mr. Trump I don't feel so goo....."