why doesnt he win if he has 46% of the votes? What kind of weird electoral system do you beaners have?
Austin Barnes
I am.
Benjamin Myers
Nordeste: >quem não tem nem o que comer direito vota em quem continua não dando comida para quem não tem o que comer >MAS PELO MENOS NÓS NOS LIVRAMOS DO FASCISMO DO BOLSONARO >MELHOR PASSAR FOME QUE ELEGER UM FASCISTA >VIVA RENAN CALHEIROS, VIVA SARNEY!
yeah, yeah, I know I fucked you guys up and I'll still give you guys lots of trouble but don't worry, when we are completely fucked here I will be sure to immigrate to your state and ruin it too.
that's way more than Aécio, stop hating, they're changing
Jordan Nelson
Direct democracy. We have the same retarded system here. While you have REPRESENTATIVE democracy (read: electoral college) here the voting is direct. So the candidate needs at least the 50% of the total vote to win. It`s a perfect system for corrupt politicians to blackmail poor people into voting for them. A perfect crime.
Bentley Gutierrez
(Repost) Why are american journalists seething this much over a third world candidate?
>Bolsonaro won BR, but he'll go to second round >Bolsonaro lost PA >Barbalho won PA, but he'll go to second round Now this is Barbalho's dilemma: support Haddad in PA, but if Bolsonaro wins he'll be fucked or support Bolsonaro in PA, but with the risk of losing his elections.
t. someone who doesn't live in a city that has northeastern immigrants
John Stewart
Reminder to participate in protests in case Haddad wins with rigged election just like Dilma
Elijah Gomez
International press is owned by Rothschild, Soros and other bankers
Nathaniel Jackson
That's very worrisome indeed, and we must see how high it can go.
Juan White
Sebastian Rivera
Probably need 50% to win outright. Doesn't matter. With a such a large margin, the possibility of him losing in 3 weeks is almost none (barring any shenanigans with the voting machines).
The communists run our country since 1988 They already declared they play to run for the next 200 years. We need a real miracle here
Robert Robinson
People are waking up and (((they))) definitely can't let that happen
Elijah Anderson
Nordeste: >quem não tem nem o que comer direito vota em quem continua não dando comida para quem não tem o que comer >MAS PELO MENOS NÓS NOS LIVRAMOS DO FASCISMO DO BOLSONARO >MELHOR PASSAR FOME QUE ELEGER UM FASCISTA >VIVA RENAN CALHEIROS ! VIVA SARNEY!
Viajaria para lá para convencer retardados Nordestinos, mas não tenho dinheiro e entendo que o propósito deles é receber para votar em candidatos escolhidos para eles.
Alexander Bell
Why are they crying? The election is going to have a 2nd round.
Nathaniel James
Plus the other right-wing parties growing and PT getting blown the fuck out, it's a great day.
Jack Cook
Bom argumento, me fez repensar considerando que falava a mesma coisa da hillary.
Because the (((people))) who "count the votes" will probably rig the fuck out of the second round.
Landon Allen
Imagine someone twisted your worldview at a point you see anyone that voted on bolsonaro as a literal marching nazi. And now they're everywhere.
Owen Russell
Cara o Nordeste é tipo uma federal de humanas A única diferença que na federal tá cheio de classe média alta e no nordeste só tem miserável Eles amam comunismo
Julian Gonzalez
So is Bolsonaro though. The man has a menoráh in his office, his son proudly uses a mossa d shirt, he was "re-baptized" in israel and his legislative support is mostly PSC (partido social cristão) which is directly funded by ((them)) to change Brazil's foreign policy in the Middle East.
Evan Robinson
Relaxa, ainda há gente de bem aqui e nós faremos nossa parte.
I'm 1st-gen descendant of Northeastern immigrants with partial Northeastern ancestry and I've been a staunch anti-PT and antiestablishment since at least 2012. Stop trying to sow division.
Looking at maps like this, why not just secede from the north east of Brazil? It's not like it's a weird situation like the US where most of the lefties are in the south west and north east.
Zachary Turner
Tell me you dumb mouro, do you think the people who voted for Bolsonaro in the first turn will vote for Haddad in the second turn? Because Haddad can inherit ALL VOTES of the leftist candidates and he still wouldn't have more votes than Bolsonaro had in the first turn. And Bolsonaro will inherit votes from Alckmin, Daciolo, Amoedo, Meirelles, Alvaro Dias... And maybe even some votes from Ciro.
Alexander Allen
Same shit as Trump. The left is deranged. I`m going to pray for Bolsonaro to win.
They're not arabs they're Lebanese. And this is what Lebanese are good at, forming close ties with strong and influential men of the same background, then squeezing every penny out of the people no matter how corrupt the methods are. It is time my anons, hope we rise against the Lebanese elite in Lebanon as well.
Jose Mitchell
Does democracy mean something different to leftists?
every fucking twitter screencap and there's a asian/kpop avatar fucking hell
Jose Mitchell
Sei disso, tenho amigos na Bahia, queria ir lá pescar mas a situação está feia por aqui
Nathaniel Stewart
I'm going from October 22th to 26th to Porto Seguro-BA. How could I make campaign to Bolsonaro there without being killed?
Justin James
>thinkpad Is she, dare I say, a Jow Forumsentwoman?
Adrian Edwards
this is why you have a high rate of corruption in your country, deport them.
Ryan Parker
It means a single party communist state disguised as a progressive utopia to them
Adam Morgan
>Liberal: hurr durr guize if we implement a minimal state with zero spending on social security maybe in a million years we'll become just like burgerland! >Nordestino: Sorry bro, private companies don't seem to care at all about my wellbeing and most likely will not create jobs without govermental incentives. >Liberal: REEEEEEEEEEEEE YOU'RE ALL RETARDS AND SHOULD DIE REEEEEEEEEEEEE NORDESTINOS QUEREM TRANSFORMAR O BRASIL EM VENEZUELA REEEEEEEEE
Aiden Young
Vocês são lixo. Vocês ouvem música ruim em volume alto, sujam as ruas, bebem demais, cometem crimes a torto e a direita, falam mal o português, são promíscuos, ignorantes e porcos. Eu não semeei a divisão. Vocês semearam. Com o seu comportamento.
Volta pra tua terra, seu bosta!
Dominic Parker
Tbh we never had long periods of democracy in the past.
Jayden Lopez
Can you take back all your Hezbollah niggers that are currently here?
The Kpop fandom is full of 13 year-old girls. The same people that think Trump is Hitler and he is going to send all gays to concentration camps.
Ayden Turner
>lenovo não anão, infelizmente não.
Lincoln Powell
I'm assuming Amoedo and Daciolo's people will come over since those are right-wing parties. That's about 3%. All Bolsonaro has to do is take another 1-2% from undecideds, granted his turnout is as great as it was today.
Chase Reed
Justin Butler
Foda-se esse papo de judeus também véio.
Bolsonaro é outsider, quer baixar imposto, reduzir burocracia, deixar cidadão de bem ter arma. O deep state quer o Haddad na presidência.
Sério, foda-se esse papo de judeu. O BRASIL CRISTÃO quer o Bolsonaro na presidência. O deep state e a maloqueirada maconheira querem o Haddad.
Não é hora de cair no cinismo e no conspiracionismo. Vamos lutar pela vitória do Bolsonaro e pau no cu dos comunistas.
Samuel Edwards
Oh boy... It was worth voting for him just for that.