Emily Ratajkowski, a true 10/10, was arrested a few days ago. I didn't give it much credence, but just now I've been listening to her speak and I've realized our whole world view is wrong.
Women feel unsafe, they feel threatened at all times. Men can generally defend themselves and aren't targeted for rape, women have to worry about it all the time.
After she was arrested for protesting Kavanaugh, people even slut-shamed her for the outfit she wore to the demonstration. I can see her point, and I hope you can someday see it too.
Women are openly spoken of as objects on this board, and Jow Forums needs to change. Emily has opened my eyes. Read her interviews guys, I promise if you hear her speak and have a soul, you will change too.
Thank you for shining a light on my melancholy path Emily, thank you for showing me the way!
I really, really wish women would stop acting like they're going to start a revolution or some shit. The closest they'd ever get to anything like that is convincing betas to do it for them
Jordan Powell
I'd Kavanaugh inside her if you catch my drift
Nathan Allen
>jew shes hot, but its a trap.
Aaron Kelly
There is no way other actresses take her seriously. Despite the entire feminist line.
Jonathan Kelly
>Women feel unsafe, they feel threatened at all times. Men can generally defend themselves and aren't targeted for rape, women have to worry about it all the time. In my country the women get raped while the men get outright killed.
Who do you think is safer?
Aiden Wright
kike shill
Logan Robinson
i'd be nervous at all times if i was a woman hanging around a pack of creepy "male feminist" orbiters too
Jackson Hall
She is quite a good actress, actually. She is actually denied roles for being "too sexy" to take seriously. I wish I was joking, but I'm not.
Also, just look at her. Wow, isn't she basically an ideal one in a billion beauty? Sad people hate on her for that.
>I’m a model who specifically gets paid based entirely on my looks and body and to dress provocatively >don’t tell me what to wear, I’m not a sex object >please like and retweet this picture of my tits
Jonathan Smith
> Women feel unsafe, they feel threatened at all times. In a first world country with low rates of murder and crime, most of which you can avoid by staying away from ghettos and other unsafe situations. Whoa, I'm so convinced. Men get shot, stabbed, murdered in abnormal rates and just shut the fuck up.
She is a bombshell no doubt, but she's still behaving erratically.
Cameron Perry
Christopher Robinson
lol Stfu you faggot.
Ryan Miller
>dress and behave like slut >be treated like a slut surprising, isnt it? >"but its my body, i can wear and show whatever i want" bla bla bla shallow cunts. fat neckbeards should run around the streets with a big cleavage for equality. I Lets see how they like that, fucking shallow cunts
Blake Jenkins
HI, Emily. Post tits.
Jordan King
>If we post unpopular opinions often and long enough on Jow Forums the culture will eventually change
No. Now fuck off.
Jose Parker
>That hair >Those hands >10/10 I agree she is an 9/10, but when you try to go to the true 10, you need to me real nitpicky
Tyler Gomez
She should turn off TV news then. Most violence is male on male. Spectators need not be afraid. Persistence in this fear is low grade mental illness. It is not up to the rest of the world to fix anyone else's head. Next.
Ian Gray
This idiot doesn't realise how good she has it with the status quo. There's NOTHING more privileged than a 10/10 white woman.
Kayden Price
>ywn strip search Emily Ratajkowski slowly putting on latex gloves while she trembles
William Rogers
>women feel unsafe >say they should carry guns >NO I SHOULDN"T HAVE TO CARRY A GUN
And thats when I stop caring.
Liam Turner
Slut shaming is a good thing.
To be safe for all eternity: A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour. B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God. C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.
Some resources that may help: TTB.org has a verse by verse Bible Study for download or daily listening. Chuck Missler’s Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (youtu.be/PZ3hESj__M8) Robert Breaker’s Bible Study and Topical Sermons (youtu.be/H124iZiyGUs) J.D. Farag’s Bible Study and Prophecy Updates ( youtu.be/U4AMM93cXz8 )
Clearlywrittendotnet YouTube channel details near future events. (youtu.be/zRrkUymeST4)
BlueLetterBible.org has a free online bible & apps with cross references.
OneForIsrael.org is a group of Israeli Jews who know Jesus is their messiah.
Unsealed.org tracks information that points to Jesus’s soon return.
Watchfortheday.org shows how many world events are prophetically and numerically linked.
0/10 if you look at her character and her mind. >"I wouldn't even rape her."
Juan Roberts
Most 10/10 women don’t even care how a guy looks. They know better than anyone beauty is skin deep. It’s easy to land tens
Joshua Hernandez
>true 10/tranny
Josiah Cox
We live in a country where every woman could obtain a firearm with almost no effort, learn how to use it and never feel vulnerable again. A 4'8" woman with a baby in a stroller could drop any cracked out 250 pound rapist as well as anyone else. They shouldn't "need" to defend themselves from crime, same as anyone else, but the solution is right fucking there.
Besides, OP, "patriarchy" is natural. It's a joke in the west, but women want men to opt in and do what's expected out of us so desperately it's not even funny. Look at how much women bitch when men don't do what's expected of them. Women will always be subservient to men either by force or by expectations.
Aaron Rivera
They only feel unsafe because they deliberately put themselves in those situations. It is far far unlikely that a woman will be raped at home compared to a woman who decides to go to some club teeming with nigs.
Ask Amish women if they feel unsafe. The problem is twofold,
1) encouraging women to dress and act like whores 2) importing incompatible sub human trash and destroying social bonds that cannot be formed without ethnic or ideological homogeneity.
It's the Jews alright, there's no mistaking their tactics.
Gavin Davis
Colton Myers
Maybe if she put on some fucking clothes and stopped using every moment to sexualize herself and in turn her younger fans it'd be easier to imagine she gives a shit about sexual assault. holy shit the state of women right now I was at a wedding and when shit was winding down and everyone was proper drunk the DJ had a sort of kids 30 minutes and me and my mom were watching in absolute shock. Girls that were like 5 6 years old dancing like strippers to songs like I'm sexy and i know it, when you grow up and your idea of music is hearing "girl look at that body, girl look at that body," what the fuck do you expect to happen? I'm ready to check out of society boys im one of the lucky few I've got a nice apolitical blonde haired blue eyed gf from a well of senpai who's down to live in the woods and make babies so I'm set I pray the rest of you find the same because it's only going to get harder from here.
Adrian Carter
Looks only last so long, tick tock
Luis Ross
why so many are obsessed with her? she is fucking ugly and looks jewish
Wyatt Parker
>Wow, isn't she basically an ideal one in a billion beauty But does she have a beautiful mind ? There so many hot bitches walking around, that physically appealing really does not count anymore. The protests indicate it's a rotting corpse inside her skull.
Looks like a typical Instagram thot. A gorgeous girl like millions of other gorgeous girls. Lol you guys put women on pedestals then wonder why women act the way they do.
Wyatt Sanders
>Shut the fuck up you beta male. Women are property, and they all deserve to get raped. Btw, that whore you showed looks like a dirty kike dyke. You're obviously just a dumb liberal white knight. Off yourself mate.
Jackson Campbell
Dunno, not much, he's just a music composer named Jeff Magid. If she wanted money, she could easily land someone with way more.
She literally dated a Fedorist because she actually is a good person who loves someone for who they are.
This will wimper when they realize the beta orbiters they were hoping to use as "allies" in their assault on men leave because they aren't getting the poon they thought they would.
A 10/10 doesnt make this bitch immune to thottery. She is a thot.
Joshua Anderson
Mason Foster
Post more pics of her.
I love the cognitive dissonance of all of Jow Forums wanting to fap to a Jew.
Eli Scott
She is an 8 at best. But dumb as a brick apparently.
Oliver Fisher
Women are easily influenced to do the will of others, regardless of merit of the call, because they lack intelligence and desire to be led. This is how they get into metoo siuations in the first place. It's our responsibility as men to save women from themselves. Also, women hate each other.
Nathan Anderson
Women should behave less detestably if they want sympathy.
Rights mean responsibilities - and responsibility #1 is "Don't be a cunt, or we'll revoke your civil rights"
Christopher Lopez
>wishing a nibba would Starting a revolutionary coup would be cathartic to all the gun loving conservatives, as if owning about half the world's guns was for this one moment.
Isaiah Stewart
Christopher Wright
And there's a generally positive correlation between intelligence and attractiveness.
It would actually be rather shocking if she were of below average intelligence.
Brody James
I'm quite sure they'll be voting next month, and again in 2020. GOP won't be around much longer sadly.
Bentley Turner
No child rearing hips with straight up and down torso.
No one is arguing that women shouldn’t feel safe. The problem comes in when a huge political organization fakes rape allegations for obvious political gain. If these women were honest and smart they would set their sights directly on the politicians who pissed all over real assault victims by faking these claims.
So I support what she’s saying but she’s a fucking idiot for directing her anger at the wrong people.