I did not see this coming, completely shocked

I did not see this coming, completely shocked.

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Yes, please keep this fight going. It couldn't possibly backfire come November.

Q predicted this. (Unironically)

Can you even impeach a scotus judge?

please let these trips of truth carry us through little Cory's tantrum

only been tried once, and it failed

won't happen with Kav either, they got exactly nothing on him and they know it, just talking shit to appease their lunatic base

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This guy admitted to sexually assaulting a woman in college. Why is he allowed to hold office?

A supreme court justice cannot be impeached for something they allegedly did before they were a justice. Nice try faggot

they literally can't impeach him

but I will enjoy watching them try

Fuck that cockeyed coon

They literally can, "good behavior" means removable.
The question is going to be, with what army?

Q never saw this coming

Good luck. It takes 60% of the senate to impeach. Only 50% of the senate to place them in. Guess which party can't see the future and fucked up the super majority for confirmation?


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This. Dems winning the house and obsessing about impeaching everyone in sight for 2 years would unironically be the best thing that could ever happen to Trump.

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This. Go ahead and piss Kavabrah off some more. They've already taken him from a moderate Bush-era neocon milquetoast to a full-redpilled hater of all things Democrat, he'll post-script all his opinions with the epigraph "and fuck Senator Hirono, and Chuck Schumer can kiss my ass". Go ahead and piss him off a little more. Drive him complete Deus Vult.

that's 2/3's of the senate, bucko; 67 senators

lol i remember that what a idiot

Sure they can, but they're actually talking about impeachment charges, which they think can be tied to subjective statements.

Its just a dog and pony show, but its a nice dick waving move if they recapture the house, that they might be able to drag out all the way to the 2020 campaigns, which is all they're really thinking about.


Brett Kavanaugh says Booker impeachment shouldn't be off the table.

>Guess which party can't see the future and fucked up the super majority for confirmation?

The Republicans literally warned them this would happen.

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Ooka Booka

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>dems try and imbeach
>reps use this as excuse to embeach ginsberg because shes too old and her minds almost gone

He did....but in total fairness my retarded cousin could have predicted this. The DNC literally have no other options.

Hirono is in the running for most retarded politician up there with Fowty Fahve

Of all the hills the Left could have possibly chosen to die on, they choose to fight to the death over a man who was, at least until recently, a pretty moderate center-right judge.

We live in strange times.

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I met this nigger IRL and the best thing we could do is to have him come out of the closet as a homosexual. Blacks hate that shit. It would destroy his ability to run for office by snapping the backbone of his support in NJ and the country overall.

whats this nog's endgame?
why does he think hes important?

>need 67 seats to impeach a justice (even the most laughably unrealistic dem projections aren't anywhere near that)
>also need a real reason, not unlike impeaching a president (ie you can't just impeach on the basis of "I don't like him and apparently he was a horny drunk in college")

Yeah, good luck

He's obviously grinding for publicity so he can be a frontrunner in 2020

Anyone with half a brain could have predicted this. The left has done nothing but double down harder and harder over the last two years. Not once have they stopped to say, "Ah, we fought hard, but it wasn't our fight to win. Now we've gotta fight smarter," they've thrown tantrums and blamed everyone but themselves whenever things haven't gone their way. Of COURSE they're gonna push for impeachment of Kavanaugh, at least until the next shiny bunch of jangling keys comes along to distract them.

Fuck this black dork. Slandering normal people as bigots, racists, sexists, rapists etc is the only tool dems have now.

>a new sidequest has been unlocked

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Yes, keep stirring this shit up. It only helps the GOP.

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the ghost of obama hovers over every black male democrat, mogging them.

Wish the Feds would just Kwame Kilpatrick this asshat and disappear him into PMITA prison forever.

Yes. They should get Hillary Clinton to appear on TV and talk about impeaching Kavanaugh for maximum self-ownage.