American politics via Verified Twitter.
It's all so tiresome
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I could break out of that in less than a minute.
Let me guess, it involves peanut butter and a dog
I don't see how that would work, the dog would just lick it all off and walk away.
He's a pizza Satanist, look into his old Instagram photos. I'm not even joking. A few years ago an artist called Teresa Duncan called him out for it and she wound up dead.
I have a feeling this kike is self-projecting.
Why are leftists so OBSESSED WITH DICKS
How does anyone take these "men" seriously? Like literally imagine being this fucking guy.
What the fuck is wrong with him
(((Saltz))) wants our foreskin!
>(((our world)))
Good God. It's like they're actually trying to fuck up the midterms.
Holy shit Jews are such degenerates
You leafs have a lot of experience breaking out of chastity belts eh?
We need to fuck this tweet up
Lmao nigga nobody is going to wear that
Jokes on you schlomo we have tiny penises.
Fuck man
load the fucking ovens
Jesus Christ. Talk about projecting.
Speak for yourself.
My B W C couldn't fit in that.
I saw that too. Fucking Jews think the whole world is theirs.
>Polite Society
as if a Leftist Cunt knew what that was.
Cor, so is he a Kuck or a Cike?
They won't fuck up the midterms until the GOP and their PAC allies start running ads featuring all of this nonsense superimposed / edited with the candidate. The House is going to flip unless there is a good ground game.
I would think that would be what a bigoted racist would do.
To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.
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Clearlywrittendotnet YouTube channel details near future events. ( has a free online bible & apps with cross references. is a group of Israeli Jews who know Jesus is their messiah. tracks information that points to Jesus’s soon return. shows how many world events are prophetically and numerically linked.
The End is nigh. Tomorrow may be too late.
ok buddy you first
There's no way my dick would fit in that and I have a small dick.
how convenient that he just happens to have these items on hand to photograph
Holy shit a jew liberal just insulted white people. Please keep me posted on this happening.
because they're sub-human degenerates. They eat, breathe, HEDONISM. They are nothing more than a literal cancer.
Send this little kike pictures of lampshades on his Facebook. Nothing else. No context,no words just lampshades.
kill a fucking kike make a real difference
nice idea.
>it's real
oh Jesus the state of the liberals
This bald little kike thinks he's a big deal because he gets to hang out with the Clinton's once in awhile and writes for the New York magazine. He's a commie on top of it.
Every fucking time.
so who is validating all these twitter nobodies?
dude needs a lead pill in his head
at night he sneaks into naughty goyims house and slips it on them, watch out for the kike cock goblin lads
Republicans are all white nationalists. This bullshit is why no one listens to those douchebags anymore.
unless you control both sides, then it's impossible to fuck up anything.
>I-I-I bought it for a tweet
>of course I threw it away after, hehe *gulp*
or maybe White Nationalists are right in that Jews are naturally mallicious an use identity politics to destroy their enemies.
Wither you like it or not, the final battle, the final straw, will be a struggle to exist being white. All out political violence towards whites is quickly becoming fashionable, Ethnonationalism is coming.
>Republicans are all white nationalists
They better become white nationalist fast if they want to live.
What??? I don't remember a Theresa Duncan. Was she suicided? Did they make it obvious? What was discovered about this guy???