Why is it always white females accusing men of rape?

Why is it always white females accusing men of rape?

Its never muslim or black women. The ones who would actually probably are/were legit victims vs the most privileged and pampered females in the world.

It simply doesn't make sense...

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1. Funny how only liberals ever get raped
2. Why would a white man rape a black or muslim?
3. A black man cannot be held to the same standard as a white man... raping is accepted behavior in younger years.

no one rapes black women. look it up.


It's because white females have redefined rape to mean consensual sex that your regret later.
Muslim women get raped with a rusty fencepost by 12 men and bleed out in the street before they can report it, and even if they did, they'd be stoned to death for being involved.
Hope this helps.

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All White women want chads. Ugly white women don't get chads whereas spic women don't have their standards as high.

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It wouldn't be believable.

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It happens in Africa because that's their only option. If they had enough white females in Africa then nobody would rape the black ones anymore.

Duke lacrosse was a nigress

I'm sorry, did you forget the Duke lacrosse case? Sheboon falsely accuses a bunch of college boys of raping her? They get national condemnation, later it's revealed it was all a lie? Launched the public career of Steven Miller, the only jew we don't intend to gas?

Muslim women rarely do it because the penalty for being raped is stoning . Black women accuse men of rape all the time, it's almost never a big enough story for the MSM to bother with.

The fucking jew DA masterminded the whole thing, she was just a tool.

>they got national condemnation

no they didnt. No one remembers

But specifically. In Africa and in the mid east women are raped and suffer everyday. White females are the most privileged/protected and upheld on a pedestal yet THEY are the victims. Its the opposite of reality.

because when all these old white republican politicians were kids, the country was 80-90% white, and those men would hang around in close to 100% white social circles, what's so hard to understand? Sure the dems could get a muslim woman to accuse a guy, but it wouldn't be as believable.

>no one remembers
Of course not, it got memory-holed after it was clear the nigger bitch was lying. But at the time, the outrage was huge. Every leftwing personality was calling for the summary castration and execution of the privileged white rapists.

>White females are the most privileged/protected and upheld on a pedestal yet THEY are the victims. Its the opposite of reality.

That's true, though.

exactly, the rape story was completely fabricated

Ironically, the fruit means the fetus.

Forbidden to be touched, plucked, consumed, or used for your gain in any way.

Break that rule in sin, take what I have put growing on that tree, in this garden that is mine, and life will suck, says God.

Mattress girl was an Asian jew.

So not only was the black nigress lying back then but also is the white female right now..


White female goyim have been corrupted

Obvious....to divide white men and white women.


The only people degenerate enough to rape a muslim or black woman is another muslim or black woman. They only want to accuse white men.


Fame and Power.

Just accusing a man of rape or sexual misconduct is enough to destroy his life. While the alleged victim can have 15 minutes of fame selling a book, tv appearances, etc. It's their go to in case of emergency if they need a career boost.

Besides women of color are less likely to be raped by powerful men. Only your neighborhood thug of wife beater touches them.