Hi, pol. My name is Katie Hobbs and I'm running for Secretary of State in Arizona. Critique my candidate statement

Hi, pol. My name is Katie Hobbs and I'm running for Secretary of State in Arizona. Critique my candidate statement.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-07 333-General-VEG-English pdf.png (1371x421, 194K)

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too many niggers


Enough women in government, get this shit off the board.

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That statement is absolute nothingness.
It lacks substance, opinion, examples or anything worth considering.
Typical for a woman.

Wow, that racism is really unnecessary!

>that is preventing Arizonans from participating in our elections
>protect access to the ballot
This means she wants to help illegals vote, I take it?

post proofs roastie


t. Arizonan

Promise to legalize prostitution in brothels akin to Nevada. Use "Her Body Her Choice" as the argument.

If you can't do this, you deserve to lose candidacy.

Our system of government in the US is Republican. Democracy appears no place within the Constitution.

Take a civics course and learn more about the country you live in before running for office.

Also, kys.


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First post best post, also get rid off the spics spooks, sand niggers, and chinks

You thot. You know nothing. Gas the nigger cunt kike salad 1488 (((supreme))) spic potato chips and a coon mouthed gook poop

Ay yo nigga u gonna gib me n muh six babby daddys are reparations n sheeit nigga? We wuz mofuggin kangs n shit nigga yall wypipo owe us fo upresshuns we finna
We finna
We finna justice n sheeit nigga

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Tits or GTFO.

The people who should be voting know how to vote you subversive jew.

>no mention of "citizens"

She means illegals.

All I see is "Illegals can vote"

Use first person, and DON'T use "Arizonans" or "Arizonians" or whatever. Rewrite that bit so you don't have to use that term

>(((access to the ballot)))

You must be lost. Reddit is down the hall and to the left.

Tits or GTFO.

Also, actually get an education. "Protecting access" is just code for bringing illegals in to vote. You seem to be running on bullshit platform statements, and with a little education, I think you could maybe be a viable candidate.

Good luck, and remember: you're here forever.

Women leading is literally a judgement and curse from God for disobedience. Read the book of Isaiah.

I teach at a high school and just watching this feels me with dread of tomorrow morning. Have to deal with a dozen such queens at once in one class. They are crushing my will to live.

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Get a better haircut, you diesel dyke lazzie cuntfag.

Arizona here. I dont mind Democrats with Arizona values taking statewide offices. Please respect my wishes along with those of all the other sporting rifle owners to not use your position to californicate or Colorado zone our firearm laws. Pic related

Attached: FB_IMG_1514207097209.jpg (960x878, 144K)

That's not you, dumbass.

No but they live in Arizona. I know them.

Are you the king of the dykes?

post milkers

>Katie will fight to make every Arizonan's voice heard
>Democratic Party
Yeah I fucking doubt it, just the illegals in the big cities will be heard.

>Sporting rifles
Be truthful about what our guns are, and why we own them. I own my guns so I can shoot the ATF agent that tries to take away my stuff, I just happen to like shooting them at the range too. They aren't 'sporting' rifles.

I am sorry user, they shouldn't have let them into schools, they're more suited to being trained in zoos

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t. Arizonan

They are animals

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Mexicans have higher birthrates, so in a democracy they're the future.

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There's nothing to critique when the statement is nothing but buzz-words and feel-good bullshit.

As a matter of substance, going on a crusade to make sure everyone can vote is a negative. There are too many stupid people who vote already, so a smaller electorate is better for the country.

I shouldn't have so many of these

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I wish the best for you desu may the remainder of your school year be chimp out free

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it sounds ight, u a dem??? the fuck WHY?

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Niggers are the most racist fucks in the world

One more (you) for your misfortune

Attached: funwblacks367-nigga-teacher-vs-nigger-teacher.webm (640x360, 2.58M)

another women in politics don't you think women have destroyed enough including europe

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To quote Clint Eastwood ,
-I just hate niggers

Attached: funwblacks366-school-choke-lil-nigga-by-nigga.webm (1280x720, 2.02M)

So basically she wants to make it so illegals can vote

Lol it won't be but thanks for the consolation

I can at least laugh at these videos from the comfort of my home

Soooooo she's not pro Voter ID?

what a waste of trips on a shitty video

This woman raped me in 1985. It was somewhere.

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Is this one better for you edge Lord

Attached: funwblacks333-BBC-at-the-zoo.webm (198x360, 2.55M)

whitey always taking down the black women. good on him.

You guys cannot stop me from voting Sinema and turning every 6 year old male into a latte sipping tranny
t. Arizonan

Yeah it be dat rayciss ass gravity n sheeit takin down day qweenz

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Why does the monkey start humping his hand? Why does he just ALLOW that? wtfh is wrong with this world?

You could eat my ass and pretend it's your wife's pussy

'i'm a woman. i'm a democrat. illegals should vote.'

That's it!

Fuckin hell throw that ugly meat ball in a deep frier. jesus christ what a horrid thing.

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/thread/ youtu.be/sG_Av1TmGUA

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Unfortunately this thread will 404, unironically we should all be liking into voting responsibly come November but fuck it have another feral negress

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This is honestly a shitty campaign statement. There is nothing of substance that sets the candidate out from other candidates.

If it didn't say Democratic at the top I wouldn't be able to even tell what party this person is running with.

If you want to win in politics you have to put yourself out there and take some hard stances. Yeah, it makes you vulnerable but that's the point. If you have no unique stance on issues then people have no reason to vote for you.

On the off chance it's you, I hope Mexicans rape and murder you before we Trail of Tears 2.0 all of them.

>I shouldn't have so many of these
you should have the entire collection
+640 webm collection of BLACK PEOPLE pulling civilization down to barbaric levels


Attached: funwblacks643-LV-armed-robbery.webm (480x328, 1.1M)

Fuck off (((satan))) your kind are on the way out.

KeK that's where they came from based nigger poster you've done work of the Gods

imagine the stories the owner of a shop like that has...

> quads

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>Hi, pol. My name is Katie Hobbs and I'm running for Secretary of State in Arizona. Critique my candidate statement.
If you call that a statement, I call you a fucking retard. I will now tell everyone that you are literally the last choice they should ever vote for. Congrats, you are absolutely fucking retarded and despite your inheritance you wish to relive the hardest years because you are a defacto complete and ineffectual retard. Gl!

I would fuck literally every single one of them. AmericanAF/10

This user understands the real shit. This is what it's all about.

I earned those quads by being a gun-owning racist with epic meme skills my dude.



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The quads of divinity have blessed this thread and defeat the daemon satan.

The Mormon prophet Joseph Smith? Oh I get it. He's huwite. Proceed.

> democrat
> Arizona

She will lose.


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based and living breadpilled