>Deutronomy 23:1
There's only one reason I can think of.
>Deutronomy 23:1
There's only one reason I can think of.
Other urls found in this thread:
Dude it's not 2012 anymore. Seriously why do fedora tippers still exist? Must be Jews larping
You realize the "bible" was curated by jews and then Romans, right?
Do you think jesus fucked his mom?
it wasnt
>Why is this thing I'm showing you in the OT removed from the OT?
You're a special kind of retard OP.
It could be talking about eunuchs.
It is Old Testament so it is not actually Christian. None of the Old Testament should be used as Christian source material.
Did God change his mind?
whats it say about virgins though? asking for a friend
>You're a special kind of retard OP.
This is not the OT, this is the Jewish Tanakh. The OT is supposed to be a copy of the Tanakh.
It's not taken out. The verse is Deut 22:30.
This is the dumbest fucking thread in the world.
Deuteronomy isnt a thing bud
>Aleppo Codex
>Not the superior Ben Chayyim Hebrew text
I mean, you're a dumbass, so it's comoletely moot, but in English, the text is on Deut. 22:30, not Deut. 23:1
*[[Deu 22:30]] KJV*
>A man shall not take his father's wife, nor discover his father's skirt.
Well, since the God in the New Testament is seemingly entirely different than the God in the Old Testament someone changed their mind. The New Testament is as if you threw a hippie love story at the end of a series of slasher movies. It makes no sense when added to them. The jew bible stuff and muslim theology are much closer to being the same religion than Christianity is being included as the same genre with them.
New Covenant. Please read it before you comment
>It's not taken out. The verse is Deut 22:30.
>This is the dumbest fucking thread in the world.
Shut up faggots, you weren't supposed to answer that.
>Well, since the God in the New Testament is seemingly entirely different than the God in the Old Testament someone changed their mind.
>not just being gracious to a bunch of lawless Gentiles
>Not waiting for everyone who will accept Jesus as their saviour before unleashing holy hell on the unbelievers
Someone hasn't read Revelations.
no u
That passage is in the old testament.
what is this, a christ-chan for ants?
I don't believe that part either. It does not mesh with the teaching of Christ. They do not even know exactly who wrote it.
God created Israel to be different than the gentiles and gave them a culture and rule of law, only for them to spit in God's face so that Jesus Christ could fulfill prophecy and grant us into the era of grace (not works!!!), so we may have a relationship with God through faith.
All these pagan and CIA posts trying to market Christianity as a Jewish invention are completely deceitful, as most satan worshippers are. Jews hate Christ because their inheritance was taken from them and given to us. That is why we are in the situation we are in today.
any reason for this comment?
is there a chance he did?
hopefully china rises and it renders christcucks like you into the oblivion, eventually
Yeah, that's going to be a yikes from me dog.
This foolish user d/l the thumbnail by accident
>pic related
It's exactly what Jesus taught in Matthew 24
The Tanakh is a copy of the OT. Christians wrote the books first, what we call Jews came much later.
Isn't it funny how much shit they changed in the bible even though it says not to change it. Isn't it funny that Hebrew is literally a Semitic language that no european speaks at all. Funny how there are multiple other books that you need to actually understand the bible or rather expansion packs like how styx put it?
New Testament is better.
Nigger, Christians wrote the OT long before "Jews" wrote the Tanakh or the Talmud.
The bible wasn't originally written in Hebrew. Hebrew is a meme language.
To back this up, Jews would much rather revere a codex (again, Aleppo) from pseudo-muslims than any other Hebrew text from a Christian.
I just want to reiterate that. Jews like Muslims who murder them more then they do Christians.
It wasn't. Christian Bibles just usually put it at the end of Deuteronomy chapter 22 rather than at the beginning of chapter 23.
>old testament
>devotes self to bible study
atheist jew detected.
new testament is a rejection of the old one
everything christ said is a rebelion against "his father", but he had to do it nicely if he wanted to reform judaism (he failed)
he may be lucifer
Kek, they are so scared about Roe v Wade that they are going to start persecuting Christians. That's a bold move with a Catholic just confirmed to the court.
OH shit son time for a dick cutting holly war.
>pulls out a verse from the kike Torah
The originally bible was written in Hebrew the majority of it. That fact you don't know this is fucking hilarious christkike doesn't even know about his own religions origins.
Stop spreading misinformation you literal faggot and shill.
explain, I know damn well heyzoos wasn't a christian
What about this, atheists?
when I was 7 I had surgery for an undescended testicle
It left me with a ball and a half
I struggled with my faith through college, then I found this verse
>I really doubt any organized religion is correct
>tfw if the bible is true I'm guaranteed to go to hell no matter how good I live my life
at least I can believe in doing good for its own sake
Were they crushed? No? Stop whining.
That is just retarded but I will give in that the Tanakh may have newer parts. We know there were jew writings before Christianity because we found them.
Jews killed their messiah. After the new testament, God's chosen people are followers of Christ
If one of your main premises is that life is short, I am afraid reincarnation research blows your myth out of the water.
>implying you are not right
if there is a god he either:
isnt cognocent: cant think
is impotent: cant do anything to help us
is maquiavelic: he has a plan no matter what
is vouyerist: he is enjoying this movie
so, whats the benefit in worshiping him?
Better question is why Enoch, Jubilees and Jasher were removed.
The answer is found in the parable of the weeds, Genesis chapter 6 is a summary of the subject of Enoch, the book of Jude directly quotes Enoch repeatedly.
How do fedoras pass the captcha?
>It's exactly what Jesus taught in Matthew 24
And there are zero scholars who would say Matthew and Revelations are by the same author.
that's a false 4-chotomy
disprove it then
Christcucks are not based Christian's, they are prod and cathocucc
Only based baptists count as real christians
well my wiener is sound oh lord so let me in.
Nigger the Canaanite languages form the bedrock of most phonetic languages in the world. No, the Bible has not changed much at all. If you actually look at the hundreds of sources, the differences are almost always a small change in sentence form or a different arrangement of words. Even most additions we're small segments in a verse to help finish the thought of a verse.
You atheists who have been coming here the last few months have been annoyingly militant. Your arguments have been answered over and over and over and over again by deeper and wiser Christians than me. What do you fuckers want? Why help the enemy to divide a movement of many individuals and collectives? Why the bitterness? Fuck man
>can't think
Maybe his thinking is beyond anything we can comprehend.
>can't help us
Maybe he wants us to learn from our mistakes. If he instituted a karma system of the sorts, then whatever random ills you suffer are a result of a past life.
>has a plan no matter what
Fate doesn't rule out free will, even if fate exists.
>he is enjoying this movie
Or he suffers every time you suffer, but bears with it so your soul can learn for the next life.
>You realize the "bible" was curated by jews and then Romans, right?
the Romans were in Charge of it though, the jews from then weren't even jews they were from carthage with the jew religion hung around their necks
>split off heretics are the true followers of christ
Go back to licking snakes cletus
>the Bible has not changed much at all.
the clementine gospels show a change in diet
>Hey Christcucks. Out of curiosity, why was this verse removed from the Old Testament?
It's in EVERY bible.. wtf ?
Hate to break it to you but even China has realized the benefits of Christianity. Every transfer student that comes over here is more devout than the last one.
I still stand by the statement that I would fuck the religion out of christ-chan. Maybe if she got a good docking she'd stop believing in fairy tales.
t. 1%
the uyghur treatment cant come soon enough
Deuteronomy only applies to the Israel tribe between the years where it was relevant
He is literally the most Christ-like you can possibly be, seeing as he is Christ.
There is a difference between nigger-loving christcucks and christians. Modern day Christianity is a fucking joke filled with weak faggots. If were God, I would flood this shit Earth all over again, killing everyone.
Banning abortion = pro white genocide. Banning abortion would be the final nail in the coffin for the demographic replacement of this country.
Atheists can be worse than vegans. Probably are in fact. The are disingenuous and do not use reason in their arguments.
>hey are going to start persecuting Saturnalians
Fixed that for you.
>he Bible has not changed much at all
yeah thats why you tell everyone DUDE YOU GOTTA LISTEN TO THESE PEOPLE EXPLAIN TO YOU CHRISTIANITY! YOU NEED THIS SPECIFIC BIBLE. YOU NEED TO READ THE HEBREW! DUDE THE GREEK ONE IS BETTER. Fuck you you have people literally telling you how the bible works yet it is not self evident because your religion is filled with literal garbage from people fucking with it. Literal books written hundreds of years later fucking dead sea scrolls i mean holy fuck man are you retarded?
> Why the bitterness?
Someone coming at you over your religious beliefs when you fucking non-stop talk about them is not bitterness. I would be annoyed at some atheist if he started saying "god bless" meme shit. If you were IRL coming up to me every day showing me scriptures yelling at me about how jesus wasnt a jew. I would fucking smash your skull in. You are annoying and that is why every other fucking board tells you to fuck off and it used to be that way on /new/ as well. Until moot stopped giving a shit. Oh and I'm not an atheist.
Every fucking denomination are cucks. You cant think for yourself so you let an ancient book do it for you and it makes you limited, obedient and naive. You are a sheep to be milked and sacrificed. Conditioned through hypnosis and ritual.
The parts where it calls things a lasting ordinance?
What about where Jesus said those who teach others to set aside the least of the Law would be least in the kingdom of heaven?
How will they ever recover.
>not a plot by the Romans to control the masses by convincing them that servitude to an imaginary sky daddy is better than freedom.
All religion is slavery. Only the truly free have thrown it off.
New covenant. Any Israeli who didn't convert to Christianity is a heathen.
>ancient book do it for you
Not even that they let a billion different books do it. These people need supplementary reading to understand there own fucking jewish religion.
I hope they become Christian honestly, will weaken them in the long run.
We have a winner
>Old Testament
Pick one.
The original Hebrew has not changed. The Hebrew text in the Dead Sea scrolls matches today’s Torah exactly. Christians are larpimg faggots who were tricked into worshipping Lucifer.
>The original Hebrew has not changed. The Hebrew text in the Dead Sea scrolls matches today’s Torah exactly.
Hello kike, the Hebrew you speak today is equivalent to a chink trying to speak French. You can't even pronounce half of your letters the way they were originally pronounced.
You have a pretty silly view of weakness and strength. The same cultures who raised the greatest warriors taught to love your neighbor, to have compassion on the poor, to honor your parents and elders, to not be cruel to foreigners, to not be greedy, and to not fall into lusts of the flesh.
It used to be seen that those who slept around with women, who were flaky, and who had no honor or virtue we're completely unmanly. You seem to mistake humility, compassion, and honor as weaknesses. These virtues create the deadliest warriors
confusionism is better than christianity and it teaches this
christianity will only weaken china
and is mostly retarded
>You seem to mistake humility, compassion, and honor as weaknesses. These virtues create the deadliest warriors
No, they don't. Ruthlessness, pragmatism, and a consequentialist world view make you the most deadly and threatening warriors. You talk like some stupid kid who watched to many movies.
Most Bibles just include this verse as 22:30
>to not be cruel to foreigners
Also, why the fuck is this a good thing? If we didn't believe this we would have exterminated the Mexicans and niggers and never had to deal with this.