Whiteness Thread

Am I white Jow Forums
Tested on Ancestry.com

Attached: rate.png (513x432, 23K)

British master race reporting in.

Attached: ancestry dna updated.png (428x532, 21K)

>portugal 7%
>sardinia 2%
disgusting untermensch

Attached: dna.jpg (2044x966, 291K)

Am I white /pol?

Attached: DNA_Results.jpg (634x565, 78K)

You're pretty much 20% POTATO NIGGER

Attached: DM WINGS.png (1097x548, 323K)


You're about as white as the average American.

Thanks for the DNA, goyim!

>9% South European
shit, it has negroid descent. better throw the entire thing out now

>31% Jewish

Attached: 275.jpg (694x544, 92K)

>this threads
>those mutts

Attached: Dlgt1ETWwAE2UOG.jpg (540x583, 36K)

>le 18% face

Sure you nigger, sure your white.

reveal that flag. I know fellow 56%er's when i see them

Don't send your DNA to the Jews faggots, they don't give you quality results, they just want to sell your DNA for research.

Tfw they added disgusting nordic

Attached: 20180922_161751.jpg (4032x3024, 3.55M)

Still worth it to know I don't have a drop of nigger or Jew blood.



Attached: mydnaa.png (401x341, 9K)

Shitters with French Spain or Italy are cucks

Attached: SmartSelect_20181003-094750_null.jpg (1440x2399, 360K)

m*Ds aren't white.

Only 2% Nigger but apparently its enough.

Am I still white?

Attached: Im a Nigger.png (1877x730, 160K)

American faguette checking in

Attached: 1537125287243~2.jpg (1050x574, 57K)

Attached: ancestry2.png (1100x580, 97K)

>he doesn't have a family tree book going back three centuries like me
Also, you realize that they are literally selling your DNA right? There have even been articles covering this. Like it's unironically their intellectual property now.

I'm totally, 100% white
(((oui oui!!)))
(((Mama mia!!)))

Attached: me.png (402x704, 21K)


Attached: unknown.png (418x521, 27K)

One drop rule

My niggah!


Attached: screenshot-www.ancestry.com-2018.09.20-12-05-53.png (2071x649, 344K)

>Ireland 20%

Fetch me a potato, Toby

Opinion discarded

Fucking bullshit. I see that 0.4% African.
Dirty nigger.

>7% portugal
sorry you are muslim...

No go kys kikenigger

Attached: dnaresultsnew.png (384x241, 8K)

How are they classifying Wales and England together? England and lowland Scots are pretty much the same... welsh are ancient Britons and have less Anglo Saxon dna than the Irish... doesn’t make sense.

i cant wait to slay wh*Te dogs with my BLACK brothers

>be jew nigger
>take photo of screen
ya seems right

Attached: (()).jpg (886x862, 169K)

Beta O'Rourke? Is it you

Damn, I’m translucent.

Attached: A2EC0E8E-E900-4BDD-9050-9BFF10A5C3B5.jpg (640x565, 102K)

What are you talking about goy... um... guy? I'm a (((whiteman))), just like you!

Attached: 1428951556937.png (814x528, 94K)

100% Mexican


Attached: Untitled.jpg (406x203, 19K)

>35% bong
>20% nord
>22% misc. europoor
>12% spic
>11 injun
am i still white?

>54% native American
At least say you're native American nigger.

Don’t give your dna to these spooks your idiots

Attached: 311A546E-5633-4424-AC27-1DA0995B6232.png (883x990, 89K)

Whoever that report belongs to is. Since you are asking such a retarded question, you are likely a (((sandrat))).

FAITH AND BEGORRAH, I'm a potato nigger. Oh well, at least it's not actual nigger.

Attached: Capture.png (582x790, 71K)

every summer i have to burn off the irish skin before my med kicks in

Attached: screenshot-www.ancestry.com-2018.09.20-11-59-58.png (2132x791, 524K)

I figured there would be some small Scandi in there somehow after I did my tree but it's way before colonial times.

Quality British stock
sorry lad, you are not white.
slav (white)
Scots-Irish (Good British stock)
Quality British stock
>cut off half of your results
possible kike
Quality British stock

Uh, obviously.

Attached: results.png (413x349, 19K)


thats a 100% sure fire way to piss off Native Americans. They like to pretend the only native americans live in the USA and that Mexican native americans dont exist.


Am I White?

Attached: 20181007_215618.jpg (1080x1080, 210K)

> 1% Mali
> 3% French

Should I just kill myself Anons?

Attached: Results.png (389x244, 9K)

Huwhite MALE

Attached: 100% White.png (1920x974, 392K)

If you aren’t 100% nord or Germanic you’re a shitskin

SVEN’d as well...

Attached: 9E0C9C55-F201-467F-9721-4B857A12C7ED.jpg (640x572, 140K)

I'd kill myself if I was French

psst... french are mostly Germanic

Same... norged

Quality British stock
Quality British stock
White(ish). You should leave Europe for the new world.
Quality British stock.
Quality British stock.


Here’s the rest, faggot.

Attached: 6DA42946-A708-4698-BEA6-06439262305C.jpg (640x667, 129K)

Funny how southerners seem to have fairly similar results in general.

White = Mutt, please refer to your actual ethnicity and stop trying to find a group to fit in with. "White" isn't an ethnicity.

Anyone else Czech master race? Czech culture is based I love that side of my family

Attached: dna.png (518x665, 61K)


Attached: MuhCulture.png (1014x742, 70K)

Note I am midwestern american

Which state?

Rate my whiteness Jow Forums

Attached: 182E12BB-8602-4099-AEE6-BC63E285A71D.jpg (750x1334, 142K)


Midwest post ur results like me. Czech and Dutch side of my family is super based. Czech culture is ace

I declare you Quality British stock. Congrats user.

Quality British stock.
Quality British stock.
Slav (white)

I'm pleasantly surprised by the results i've seen here tonight lads. More than half the thread thus far are quality British stock.

is he white pol?

Attached: images.jpg (225x225, 6K)

At least you could have jumped out of the gas chamber

You own a tracksuit don't you?

White Slovak brother. Czech shits on you but ur cool too

>Being so desperate to feel validated that you will give the kikes money and your genetic info to get a certificate of whiteness



But you are like a little baby.

Attached: adtr.png (1440x1108, 385K)

My grandmother was born in Arkansas while her father was a sharecropper there. Tennessee myself though where the majority of my family are from but some family did stretch into Arkansas.

Many are probably from the south. We didn't get bombarded by non-British immigrants as hard as the north did.

Or just genuinely wanting to learn your identity composition

Ancestry's run by Mormons. Kikes run 23 and Me.

Yep just 1/4 but I am proud of that ancestry, very close with my czech grandparents

I've got 3% on you

I guess you're white enough to work my fields though

Attached: 114.png (391x470, 23K)

1/4 yet have more than one Czech grandparent?

I’m Brit royal, 2nd generation out of the kingdom. Lucky for me, no hapsburg shit going on. Only color blindness.

>Want to see what flavour of mutt you are
Your cultural background matters infinitely more than your genetic background. An American who is 1/2 German 1/2 Russian isn't noticably different from an American who is 1/4th Czech, 1/4th Irish, and 1/2 French. However if the first person actually knows their family history and follows traditions actually passed down he is at least better than the mutt who prides himself on being Irish despite the fact that none of his ancestors have spoken Irish or followed Irish traditions in 200 years.

I've never an American with such a high percentage of French ancestry

Think we are also less likely to marry outside of religion. Protestants are Scottish and English in the south.

hello my fellow subhuman
are you conquering them gringos good?

No I only have one grandparent. I meant as in I'm very close with her side and the family related to her

Mom from Kansas and family has been there for generations. Great grandpa had a few good nigger stories. Dad from Michigan and they were there for generations too.

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