Are girls that are far-left wing too far gone or do they give into far-right for a guy? Do you have any experiences actually doing this?
>Political due to the nature of convincing others to your point of view which is inherent to politics.
Are girls that are far-left wing too far gone or do they give into far-right for a guy? Do you have any experiences actually doing this?
>Political due to the nature of convincing others to your point of view which is inherent to politics.
Well, the picture didn't work out. Have a Trump.
They are infected with the Femin Virus(feminism is a viral bioweapon).
Women are not capoable of critical or abstract thought. They parrot whatever a strong man or dominant presence tells them to. Grow up.
I’ve red pilled many of them. Females will follow whatever ideology their male partner believes in with minimal effort if they love and respect you. You can make any SJW female go full 1488 if you lock her down right.
You can generally tell which women are able to be redpilled.
When I was in college, I used to date extreme feminist chicks just so I could fuck them silly and redpill them and get them off drugs. It worked with 6 women and they're now all reliable R voters who still keep in touch with me and want to preserve the white race and western civilization. I would never wife any of them, as the potential for the virus to rear its head is always there, but it's possible to reform their views by appealing to their baser instincts. Just protect them and indulge them. They're simple creatures.
That's real neato.
I came looking for stories of far left girls parroting right wing ideals, especially how you went about it. On a scale of "Hi, my name is user. Let me tell you about the jews" to the 20 year long game, how did you convert your woman?
Get this /x/ bullshit outta here.
I've been seeing this everywhere lately. What happened? Is this the new Q?
I'm having serious problems with my wife, shes a German and was in law school for 7 years. She has been blue pilled indoctrinated so freaken hard.
Today...She asked me about the Ford and Kavanaugh thing happening in the states.
I told her that Ford made a false rape claim and it was a politically motivated smear campain to make sure Kavanaugh couldnt get nominated to the supreme court blah blah. She immediately defended Ford, with no knowledge of what was going on, and then proceeded to bash President Trump for no reason either.
I would ask,what is so bad about him and what did he do wrong? His "tweets and unprofessional ism bashing his enemy's publicly."
Any examples? No... okay well, why don't you like him? Then proceed to double down on hearsay, then it turns into her bashing my political beliefs. And sticking up for Ford just because she is a woman.. She asked me, so I gave her my opinion then it turned into a huge fight this morning..
She is getting into law enforcement. By the eighth set of natives she busts for dynamite fishing... i'm sure she will at least get an idea on why stereo types exist.. She is so fucking naive.
Any ideas?