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Ewww. Those folks actually screech like that.
I like beer, so I am having one right now and watching this and laughing so hard! Beautiful. The more ridiculous and insane the left gets the bigger the red wave is gong to be.
hey hey.. ho ho
Why do they only ever use the "hey hey ho ho" chant? I've heard it with about a billion other things attached to it.
this guy at 0:54 looks like iDubbz the youtube troll
Lack of intelligence is a precursor to lack of creativity
0:35 soiboi starts yelling "BREITBART! IT'S BREITBART!" with his best Batman voice
Nice tits (too bad about the face)
What door are they banging on? I doubt a million of these cucks could knock that shit down.
Any links to the "you are a subhuman" rant?
No, seriously.
Observers at the time described young girls ripping their face, gouging their eyes, slapping themselves and uncontrollable crying. They would scream so loud, their music would be drowned out, so that the mania seemed to have no connection to the music, but simply that it was permissible for young girls to openly lust and prostrate themselves at the feet of them.
This is mass hysteria on a grand scale. It has little to do with politics, revolution, or change. It is society allowing women to openly lust and prostrate themselves to power. History books will struggle to understand this moment.
Top lel
Libshits have had it really rough over the last two years with seeing Trump's win after win. How much more can they take before we get a happening? I'm starting to worry for the safety of non liberals such as myself. Sure I can protect myself but I can only do so much.
It is amazing they were able to get that many dregs in one place. The good thing is they have all been recorded, facial recognition software works wonders.
They are compiling databases and cross referencing them as we speak.
LOOK how much I CARE!
OHHHHHH it HURTS me to care so MUCH.
I'm a GOOD person.
Aren't I.
It's like a tour through Bedlam lol.
they should co-opt some of those negroid slave spirituals
These people are literally insane.
Thanks OP, this put a smile on my face. Now off to bed for a pleasant night's dream.
to be honest they are all exactly what I expected
the good news is the contagion isn't spreading
>all those limp-wristed liberal males lightly tapping on the door
To all the leftist knuckle draggers promising violence and payback. Go right ahead, we know where you live. 95% of law enforcement hates you with a passion.
Riot and get ready to have your heads smashed, there are no longer any safe spaces. The days of tolerating your crap are coming to an abrupt end.
Brett should have went bar hopping w/ buddies the night he was confirmed and got blackout drunk.
Umm can we please put these people in asylums where they belong?
Stop saying "um" before what you say, you sound like a fag.
This makes a disturbing amount of sense.
You're doing God's work
Kek at the Jew calling Breitbart reporter a sub-human
What an utterly fucking miserable existence these people lead.
Wake up - be butthurt all day - go to bed.
Rinse and repeat.
Dude...beetles were an MkUltra psyop
I'm blocked from seeing this guys tweets for some reason. I hardly even use Twitter. Weird
>ho rhymes with go
Staying angry for eight years straight is going to take a toll on their health.
There is nothing good about taking joy in people being upset, sad, or angry. If you are celebrating "EPIC MELTDOWNS", reexam yourself.
Holy fucking shit. I can't wait for November.
Jesus fucking Christ and you guys blame us for being worse
>You are a subhuman
>We're done being polite
Well there it is, all the proof one needs of a future civil war. Dehumanization is the first step to mass killings.
Incorrect, you tumblr-using faggot.
So to you, celebrating misery is a positive trait. Okay, "good person"
Can't decide if it goes in the Pepe or NPC folder
So this is how you losers spend your Sunday nights? Laughing at marginalized folk while you're afforded a life of privilege?
Go watch the news (not your breitbart or fox news shit) and see whats really going on in the world.
this user has a point, you know. lots of people think they are going to lose freedoms, or lose friends, etc. Their pain is genuine. it's a pity people let their fear stop them from compromising.
it is, maybe you can kill yourself
Umm Honey, we don't tolerate that kind of hateful speech here.
Woman don't have prostates
>hey hey, ho ho, so-and-so has got to go
Literally a rhyming chant, retard. You can’t teach a crowd of hundreds a new song.
but i do love winning
It's okay to laugh at people when they are acting silly
Wow the shills from whatever lefty board are really showing themselves tonight. Welcome to Jow Forums we don't care about your feelings homos.
Mmm. Such an exquisite tasting salt.
I've been blessed
my sides are gently quivering user
I see you are visiting us again this evening Dr. Savage. I believe your new book will be in stores on Tuesday, will it not? Can I get a free copy?
what if he is out there making fun of them?
>white women
pick one
You can't tell me that wasn't all performance and not genuine
Except you don't. Under patriarchy, women of all colours are 2nd class citizens.
The door thing is the best part because it shows they’re just virtue signaling
the nigger meant "pushback" but it was a Freudian slip, they do indeed get kickbacks for their monkeyshines.
These people a mentally ill. This has little to do with politics. It has everything to do with narcissism.
frightening actually.. its like taking a trip into a warped, evil twisted mind
is this a kafkatrap
Moshe really did a number on you goys
Enlightenment was a mistake
Wait a second
Are you telling me that allowing women to perceive their opinions as important while simultaneously allowing them to live their entire lives politically uninformed is a back idea?
Exactly this.
You are worse. We have conservatives that vote and win against these retards.
>when you was slaves, you'd sing like birds. how about a good ol' nigger work song?
>"You are a subhuman!"
wtf is going on with the left?
It's gonna be 12 million this time.
how many of those guys do you think have committed sexual assault?
End your miserable life nau.
>an actual black pill
Nostalgic for old Jow Forums, kudos.
They have been driven insane.
>and thats a good thing!
Last time I watched your news I was told it's now legal to fuck dogs in Canada. Never went back.
This makes to much sense..
Glad I'm not the only one who got flashbacks from that post. We need more black pills, to be honest. This hope shit isn't flying.
These people are literally fucking insane. I'm worried for when they ever get back in power.
Top kek
>people with enough disposable income to take a trip to DC to screech like retards for days on end
Some of the normie memes aren't too shabby
Getting off on others misery is practically a requirement for lurking this site. Fuck off.
Real men protect their entire sector.
Nice flag nigger