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Ryder Cox
Carson Sullivan
Oh no not Tay Tay please no I'm sorry no stop ahhh I promise I'll never vote Republican again pelase don't hurt me.
Tyler Jenkins
Wow why are their last names so similar?
Must be some sort of coincidence
Liam Torres
Thanks for confirming this is one giant psy op.
Brandon Collins
These two reply to every single trump tweet
Henry Morgan
They're brothers, ya dingus.
Jaxson Martin
Who, who, and who?
Some do-nothings posting dumb shit on social media isn't politics you fucking cretin.
Brandon Sanders
Joseph Brown
sad to see that after making all that money TS is still just a dumb fucking bimbo.
Parker Garcia
They're brothers, they're also secretly homo with eachother and post threads about themselves here because they crave attention.
David Jones
you still think that's a coincidence?
Jaxon Martin
Jow Forums is always right.
Ayden Morgan
lmao at the brothers krassenstein. the grifters of the liberal left
Aaron Carter
why do people care and let themselves be influenced by celebrities
Logan Reed
Surely this will be the end of RONALD DRUMNPF!
Samuel Hill
The great jew is preparing his counter attack.
He's wounded and scared... and he's mustering all his strength to strike back against us.
Anons... we need to get stronger. We need a powerful meme to stand for us. The real fight is about to begin.
Ethan Wood
Hollywood whores aside, what women even care? A survey today showing who opposed Kavanaugh the most had white
women as giving the least amount of shits wirh 22% opposed. They cared less than white men. jewish women cared the most at nearly 70% opposed.
Is that what they mean? That jewish women will come after the GOP? Bring it in, there are like 3.5 million jewesses in this country and only half of them are at the most are engaged and of voting age. Come at us you filthy kikes.
The jews best remember one thing. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Jeremiah Robinson
The dem she's voting for was pro Kavanaugh lmao
Asher Hall
John Rivera
>jews and jews and family jews supporting jews
Alexander Carter
Yas more celeb endorsments because that worked a treat last time
Michael Thomas
It still never ceases to amaze how lacking in self awareness the Democrats are. How do they still not realize everything that has transpired the past 4 years is because of their identity politics and attacking the majority of the country?
Jonathan Thompson
Ahahaha I can't wait until the Left drags her into the must disgusting protests and she realizes she has ruined her career by getting involved with their faggotry
Dominic Clark
Ronald Plumpf will never recover from this. I'm buying 1,000 copies of the Krassenstein's new book to celebrate.