This is the lady that started all this
Tarana Burke: Founder of #metoo
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She got trolled hard by Sam Hyde's rape victim.
How can anybody prove that
Who the fuck would rape that creature? I don't even think pic related would be willing to hit that.
Donkey get the camera
Explains so much.
Its pretty clear she hates men for rejecting her her whole life, because she is a hideous ape, and is channeling all of that into punishing them at all costs
That is clearly a...
I don't know what that is but it isn't a woman
sounds like an unfortunately unnattractive woman that built up a natural animus towards males (who rejected her) and then seeks revenge via political means.
Why would she want to breed mistrust and antagonism between men and women who would otherwise find love with each other?
What the fuck is wrong with her skin did she give a hedgehog a bj?
Wow, she is beautiful. Nudes?
Aka pine sol lady
>totally the same species.jpg
Based VPN poster
We tried to summon a Tulpa of Tyrone, the sheeiit comic negro, but he got genderswapped, then raped
is this white in america?
even that cartoon parody looks better then her
I could see her in the Cincinatti zoo fucking the other apes
Wow. Makes serena williams look feminine.
I would rather rape harvey weinstein himself than that...thing.
gorillas are really evolving huh
Is that ving rhames?
How could any man worth his salt ever take a sexual interest in her? Some guy with no limits and no standards, apparently
I heard she had to pay pain and suffering to her rapist. Still, no amount is worth that.
That nose needs to see a doctor about getting that large negress removed.
>the shame is on the perpetrator
Yeah I'd be pretty ashamed if I fucked her too
tbf he was pretty good in The Green Mile.
The women screeching the loudest about this are the ugliest ones who have never had a man within 2 feet of their vagina. They are super vocal about this bullshit to boost their self esteem. "men found me so sexy they couldnt resist not touching me"
What the fuck is wrong with her skin? Is that some sort of disease or are those like turbo acne scars or something?
Bitch could make a train take a dirt road
Amazing! Instant Legend
Niggers are literal mud people.
she should stop smoking. it ruins your skin.
oh my god whata fuckin monkey
Literally the definition of Grease monkey
Hit the nail on the head lads. Reminds me of that Tedx talk where the speaker says school boys made a list of the hottest girls at school. She wasnt on the list.
god bless you aussies
She didn't Found shit. You know theirs a Jew somewhere backing this thing.
does smoking really make your skin like this?
Goddamnit Abdul
that green mile nigger didnt get raped.
> Doesn't understand Jewish Sexual Depravity
How the heck haven't I seen this before?!
smoking certain drugs, yes
good thing i dont do devil's lettuce
underrated lmao
poland, stop.
Why doesn’t she fix her face?
That channel is all kinds of fucked up.
A paper bag couldn't fix that face.
Where would you even start?
Nothing short of a paper sack with a smiley face drawn on is going to put a dent in that monstrosity.
A nose job and losing weight along with some kind skin surgery will help alot
nah, there is no way that is the same species as me. no fucking way.
>Nate Higgers
Gets me every time.
In her case, I agree.
The shame is on the perpetrator.
No one ever touched that nigger
I can't even look at this thing without cringing
Looks like Michael Clarke Duncan in drag
# is pound sign
It's a decent troll
#metoo was created by CAA
Shes going to be speaking at my university on Tuesday, what am I im for?