Why can't women find men to date anymore?
Why can't women find men to date anymore?
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no one wants a piece of shit, i mean modern woman
Women marry up.
Equality is great for women politically and professionally but terrible for them romantically. Women already know this but you won't get many of them to admit it because they're so invested in the hope that even if women are equal now, THEY THEMSELVES will find a man to marry up to.
>Implying anyone would want to date an American women
>act like a raging whore all the time
>buah why men don't love me buah
>tfw gook wife
Feels good, if she leaves me for whatever reason, her family will just lynch her.
Oh they do, but women think they are perfect and its just the men they date that are bad.
yeah, sure Sarah your ex was a drug addict, i totally believe that you were clean and just happen to wear long sleeve tshirts on 100 degree day
Because the modern woman has absolutely NOTHING to bring to the table except her body for usage, and even that is usually ran through. The modern woman is not interested in settling down. The modern woman has no interest in having children. The modern woman cannot do anything for herself, much less cook a meal for a family and you. Despite all of this, she not only expects the world, she has been conditioned to believe she DESERVES it.
It's my hot body, I do what I want.
>is too fucking demanding
bitch you can rot dying with that gifted body of urs but i aint buying degeneracy
Because they never shut the fuck up.
They have ONE job. They need to stick to it.
marriage is outdated; its legal ownership of a person and/or their resources
Cause whored dont get married they get the cock carousel and early an hero
It's almost as though giving away your only bargaining chip for free for years on end puts you in a poor position to negotiate.
>Because the modern woman has absolutely NOTHING to bring to the table except her body for usage
Because their standards are astronomical and they look like a fat sack of shit and grossly overvalue themselves.
realtalk having left the States more than 5 years ago I'm now much easier of a dude to deal with then I was in my early 20s. When I left, I was a bitter asshole and white women had some good reasons to date me. Having grown up, spent time working, tried to be a more reasonable, considerate, and funny dude, showing respect for people even if their ideology does not align with mine at all, now occasionally even white girls find me cool to be around.
But I'm not about to turn around and go back to the West. It wasn't being around modern white girls that turned me into someone who's more like the man modern white girls want to date.
i’m 23, I just started my career at 70k/year, and have a bachelors in CS from a UC. Can’t find a girlfriend for the life of me. I don’t think i’m ugly, I was super into tinder a few years back before it became a meme, and had ~2k matches (live in socal so tons of people).
not trying to brag or larp. Feel like i’m in a good place to find a nice girl to share my success with, but nope. Being stuck in cs field = no girls, and I’m kind of shy. Currently using coffee meets bagel since it’s more serious than tinder/bumble... but no success so far.
A lot of the women in my age group are mentally ill or are losers in general.
Guess i’ll just save up and focus on my hobbies.
it's funny they're acting like it's them who "can't find a good man" when in actuality, most men want nothing to do with today's shitty feminazis
white women are enemy #1
any half-way decent white man has either gone asian or MGTOW
*some good reasons not to date me
at 23, most women are just graduating university. They just finished 4 years of copying each other and are now actually trying to find themself for the first time. This is the part where they attempt "adulting" and figure out how work, taxes, laundry machines, and ovens work. It's going to be a few more years before they decide that a quiet dude with a good job is a good investment, and by that time it will be a buyer's market for you.
Because incels are a myth and most men with good paying jobs opted out of darting and relationships a while ago
Pretty much, I own my own house and I'm stable. Every girl I've dated so far has been fucking insane with huge amounts of debt and like a kid
lol so true... a lot of the ones I talk to are stuck at some minimum wage job, or they don’t even have a job at all yet they have a degree in like, communications.
>unironically acting like a South Park caricature of a worthless, self-entitled whore
woo boy
The debt thing is seriously one of the hardest sells, why the fuck should the men pay off up to a quarter of a million dollars in debt I seen some women have after college? They usually have jobs that don't even pay enough to make interest payments , let alone being able to pay against it .
don't make fun of them now, their boomer/gen x parents taught them to believe everything will be good all the time and forgot to teach them to spend their first years out the gate as adults, instead subsidizing them to play around, drink, and "find themselves," around a bunch of horny drunk young people who also just finished high school and now have no parental supervision. Let them spend a few years trying to figure out what being an adult actually means, and after they fuck that up, THEN you can mock them.
>white women
It's over. No really, just let them rot.
They want to live the party life until they are around 28 and have 4 children. I never wanted an instant family with snot nose brats that say I'm not their dad.
You are going to find out, you being celibate is a choice, because there's no good choices in women by the time they are ready to settle down.
>be a woman in the United States
>given everything on demand
>hate men
>talk about how much I hate men constantly
>newspaper articles, Facebook, Twitter, my five gender studies classes, Tumblr
>only recognize the existence of super-hot wealthy guys as sexual beings
>all other guys can be plumbers and take my cat to the vet for me
>scribble on my body with dumbshit tattoos
>do this for years
>baffled by guys not throwing themselves on my thirty-five year old ovaries when I get tired of working and want to settle down
>Why can't women find men to date anymore?
You will have to pay me for this secret. Till then, get fucked you childless insane lesbians.
because they scoff at tradesmen as if they are retarded monkeys
>coffee meets bagel
i'm 26 and starting new job as a cop and i'm somewhat terrified of this new environment with women.
one psychotic bitch could ruin my life with one false accusation.
it seems like unless you get lucky, you won't find a normal non-liberal woman until late 20's to early-mid 30s.
Just further proof that women have a poor grasp of cause and effect. What did they think would happen when you elevate women at the expense of men in a monogamous society, but a shortage of desirable mates?
>it will be a buyer's market for you
You say this like it is a good thing, but the entire market is flooded with low quality trash.
>until late 20's to early-mid 30s.
Do you really want to raise other mens children?
what are you saying, exactly?
well that's pretty much how it is for women in their early 20s too. They have like three choices: retarded fuckboys, "nice guys" with no social skills who chimp out after girls reject them, and Chads who will keep five slampieces on speed-dial and have zero interest in actual romance. They have a lot of garbage to choose from, until they get older and the men get more worth settling down with but less available.
>tilt courts, schools and employment in your favor by shitting on white men
>spend your hot years drunkenly taking a thousand dicks
>encourace a culture where a single accusation is usually enough to destroy a life
>reject anyone with the ability to be productive because they're "boring"
>end up a single mom with a half-black kid
>continue until 30-32
Where have all the good men gone? =(((
grats buddy. my dad is a cop. he makes almost 200k a year. don’t worry about those accusations. never be alone with a women, and always have your body cam on.
thanks but i'm saying even in personal relationships.
imagine seeing a guy with a body cam at a restaurant.. haha..
Late to mid thirties they usually have 2-3 kids from riding the cock carousel. Have you even been out in the real world?
My uncle was from Georgia and married a crazy woman from new jersey. Words to live by, never marry a northern woman.
from personal experience, hardly any single women in their late 20s to early 30s have any children at all, much less interracial ones. If you keep running into women like this, it's because you are marked as a beta male, shitty for mating with but ideal for turning into a babysitter.
i thought you were referencing this specific article i had on my mind.
fathering other men's children isn't even on my mind as it's an already automatic no in terms of whether i'd date them, but of course there are women in professional fields that choose career over family.
especially in the larger metro areas, it's not unusual for women to graduate college/university and spend their 20s attaining a high position in their career fields, only then do they consider starting families.
that's pretty much the reality of my area.
All online dating sites are created and run by Jews. Look it up.
Show us your koreans tits or gtfo.
video games
lol get fucked, my lady's tits are for me to play with and you fagot basedboys to imagine
I meant your tits because you sound like a fucking woman.
This is complete bullshit. Nice guy is code for silver mining, i.e. he's not fully loaded.
Good luck man. Seriously, I wish you well, but never trust a fucking woman. Period.
Because all the good men are already taken by good women.
>no one wants a piece of shit, i mean modern woman
What’s the differences?
Because they want men that over 6ft, have a job, have a car, have a house and have a big cock.
>wanbting career college womyn
Who knows?
To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.
Some resources that may help:
TTB.org has a verse by verse Bible Study for download or daily listening.
Chuck Missler’s Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (youtu.be
Robert Breaker’s Bible Study and Topical Sermons (youtu.be
J.D. Farag’s Bible Study and Prophecy Updates ( youtu.be
Clearlywrittendotnet YouTube channel details near future events. (youtu.be
BlueLetterBible.org has a free online bible & apps with cross references.
OneForIsrael.org is a group of Israeli Jews who know Jesus is their messiah.
Unsealed.org tracks information that points to Jesus’s soon return.
Watchfortheday.org shows how many world events are prophetically and numerically linked.
The End is nigh. Tomorrow may be too late.
no kidding
thats just what they say to intimidate the men that they want. women are no different than guys, they lose their spaghetti around decent men, and don't think that they're truly worth them. the women i know personally who all say they want a guy over 6'2" with a "business attitude" all end up with broke manlets. they just say that in reality to shit test the manlets they think they can get,
The article seems to imply its women being picky, when its men choosing to stay alone.
another (((mgtow))) release valve thread, bash the wominz,ehg
>because they want men that over 6ft, have a job, have a car, have a house and have a big cock.
Proof that most women don't see us anything other than an ATM.
What have you spoiled sociopath whores ever done to deserve a good man? You drove the good men to suicide,MGTOW,homo sex or the mental ward. You still got Tyrone,your boxed wine and your precious "careers".
this so much
everyone knows the best quality girls are in that sweet spot after they graduate high school and when they haven't been infected by the feminists brainwashing that takes place in college
Let's be more accurate: women graduating from college are transitioning from Mommy and Daddy paying for everything, to YOU paying for everything. Or else.
women weaponized the HR department in corporations 30 or so years ago and so always be vigilant with how your female coworkers perceive you
>A lot of the women in my age group are mentally ill or are losers in general.
fathers, for the love of God send your daughter's to church instead of college, and marry them off to a guy a few years older than they are.
The jews took that away and gave you hookup culture.
>incels are a myth
well there were a few dozen of them, I used to go get screencaps from their forum for cringe comps. the idea that they were a large movement is just fat girls letting their egos run wild though
>men opted out
The majority of men do want a traditional marriage someday, but typically the men who want that and have decent careers lined up are all going to be scarce by college graduation and all but gone by 25, most of these women seem to think you're supposed to date to marry at 30 which is around the time most of the men they wanted are driving a smarter woman's children to preschool.
Yes Goy don't reproduce fuck women . when you don't reproduce you win
> Why can't women find men to date anymore?
Because all the good women and men married each other quite young. When the race was on to find good partners and most of us never knew about it.
You wait? You lose. The pool of good partners lessens SIGNIFICANTLY. You wait until 30? Good luck.
The good men are where they should be. With good women. These women are often stay at home mothers, and work in the home. As they should.
You'll run into these couples sometime if you pay attention. They've been married since they were 19,20,21. Have kids. They're happy.
Everyone else is left with the detritus of humanity.
"Church" isn't a safe place anymore, either. Most "christian" women I know have the same damned string of failed marriages and half black babies as non-religious. In, fact, church is stuffed with single moms looking for a christian man to hook onto, because their baby daddy is doing 10-12 on drug charges.
And, she'll fuck over an older hut just as easily as a younger one. If she's in the United States and interacts with other women, she's part of the problem. The 'pure" christian women you think exist don't, and sending your daughter to church will just expose her more to the kinds of things that will ruin her. Trust me on this.
i ghosted a kinda nasty but cute thot i hooked up with a couple times like 6 months ago. she messaged me twice, once in july, once last week, and i haven't messaged her back.
why is she still thinking about me?
she is red flag danger zone and i don't really want anything further to do with her, but she is the only action i've gotten since like 2014.
does she want to try to settle down with me? (i'm 28 she's 30) what's going on here?
> Why can't women find men to date anymore?
Also, I will say that good men to women often means " career men " and the women complaining about it are career women. Career men don't want career woman.
Why the FUCK would we want a busy woman who is never home? Career men want a nice motherly wife who stays at home. That's what career men get.
Career women are ineligible for a " good man ". They can not get one. Because they are not what a " good man " wants or needs.
I can't tell if she's upset or enjoying it
Guys who are going to settle down are ready to settle down a lot earlier than women.
They all seem to think 30 is a good time to get married, and I'm sorry, but I can't meet a 30 year old woman without thinking of the miles of cock she must have slobbed for the last 15 years or more.
They just have no idea that their cuteness fades a lot faster than their beauty and once it's gone, their beauty just looks ugly without it.
AND if you still are a career woman but expect a man to help provide and care for you, then leave your job. Women are taking up half the work force. A man can provide for you, and help care for you, if you leave his job slot open.
Leave your job. You don't need a man to provide for you or care for you if you have a job. That's what the job is for that the man is supposed to have.
So leave the job. Vacate the position so a man can take it and care for a woman. But you don't want to. So be out of a relationship. Men live better alone than women do. Have at it.
>insanely high standards
>bring nothing to the table aside from their worn out cunts and mental baggage
The lost relationships are between career women who have taken men's jobs, and unworking men who are unwilling or unable to find work.
The women won't date the losers, the men entirely don't really want a busy woman they never see.
So the losers go without relationships, and the career women go without relationships.
Because the career women took the losers jobs.
You want the losers to care for women and nurture them and spoil them? GET THE FUCK OUT OF THEIR JOB POSITION. Again women are taking up half the work force. And you wonder why society is so full of loser men.
You took their jobs.
They can't care for you now.
What the fuck are you talking about finding someone over 30 without kids it's a statistical miracle.
What kind of fucking wizard are you
Tell me that guy ran the fuck away.
it's fake, and a bad one, at that. notice the jpg artifacts. is this 1995?
all the good women are snatched up early. the ones remaining are usually the hoes that want to go through 30 different guys so they can find the perfect one because they're stronk womyn.
>millennial women struggle with the realization that they're incels
>kill husband baby, keep rapist baby
yeah nah she wasn't raped lmfao
probably not smart enough, even considering he'd have to abandon half+ of his things getting the fuck out of there is the smart move
>Why can't women find men to date anymore?
because men under 30 are playing vidya and watching anime while the 40 yr old boomers are either raising families or way past their sexual prime and aren't interested.
>let her whore it up till shes 28 then you get the sloppy leftover disease ridden debt riddled depressed body haggered slag
uh yeah... "buyers" market
well nobody would ever describe a landfill as a sellers market
this is so true. When I pursue women below my economic level, it's much easier to get a date and even laid. Women at my level or above are practically out of reach.
Gee Golly Jeepers!
>this is so true. When I pursue women below my economic level, it's much easier to get a date and even laid. Women at my level or above are practically out of reach.
This. Trailer park skanks are the best skanks.
>Both on their phones
>marriage is outdated
You're right user, a woman's ass (sets) belong to the state.