What did Bennie hope to achieve by posting this photo
What did Bennie hope to achieve by posting this photo
continued support from Fox News supporters.
God damn you are gay
Well played, Benny.
Notice how this little kike wears a yamakuke that blends in his oily hair.
is that the pocket version?
That book is nearly the size of his torso
Make you forget about the fact he's a filthy kike.
Damnit, he's so hot. I want to fuck him bareback.
It's written really small, so he has to squint.
Is that a giant book?
why is this cunt always wearing his little kike hat? like always, never see him without that dopey shit on his head.
Because while he's a neo-conservatism personified, he's also a jew that makes his money based on the size of his audience.
The only people you can trust are the ones who were pro-trump before he won the republican nomination. Anne Coulter was right to say he will win on Bill Maher's cuck power hour, and she was also right to later say "OK Trump you won, now where's the fucking wall?"
lul he is short you got that right! hilarious
Bald spot?
>mfw this slide thread still gets replies
Found the faggy manlet.
For you
Ben has better genetics than most of you
Does the book contain lewd pictures?
By taking it from such a low angle it makes him appear taller
Go home Ben, you fool no one.
She had a disgusting fridge body, why would you want those?
It's almost like he's an orthodox Jew.
Caught me. I'm still right.