This November, Floridians are voting on Amendment 4, which could bring about decisive electoral shifts (probably through demographic changes), allowing the dems to win elections in Florida (e.g. Gillum) and on the national stage (e.g. presential races, senatorial races, and congressional races).

What is Amendment 4?

>This amendment restores the voting rights of Floridians with felony convictions after they complete all terms of their sentence including parole or probation. The amendment would not apply to those convicted of murder or sexual offenses, who would continue to be permanently barred from voting unless the Governor and Cabinet vote to restore their voting rights on a case by case basis.


>Weeks after the case was filed, Florida brought the contest between George W. Bush and Al Gore to a halt with one of the most disputed vote counts in the country’s history. After Bush was declared the winner by 537 votes, it came to light that before the election, just over 12,000 people had been wrongly eliminated from the voting rolls, many of them because they were misidentified as former felons. Though African-Americans made up about 11 percent of registered voters in the state, they accounted for a reported 44 percent of the people who were purged. Given the strong support of black voters for Democrats in Florida, if they had remained on the rolls, the election might have been decided differently.

What can we do about this? Apparently, no one is actively campaigning against it and it has a decent shot of passing this election cycle.

Attached: -a0d4aebfb9629285[1].jpg (447x458, 38K)

I love Publix Italian subs.

Attached: image.jpg (640x797, 232K)

I agree: Publix is the shit. Now how do we stop this thing?

Attached: sof92n7h23sx[1].jpg (2100x1500, 1.38M)

How should I know, I've only been to Miami once on vacation. Cocaine and strippers.

Attached: image.jpg (640x640, 173K)

>Florida could become a blue state
Jow Forumss just going to sleep on this, then when the party polls come in will go full REEEEEEEE and wonder what the fuck happened.

How do we motivate Jow Forums?

Nigger antics

Publix is shit tier.
Smart Supermarket is supreme.

Attached: 1507377488816.jpg (447x458, 162K)

What the fuck is that? Is that even in Florida?

Free parsley at Smart Supermarket is the patrician's choice.

>inb4 but muh Publix sandwiches
Stale ingredients sloppily put together on trash bread by a hungover negro named Jamal wearing a hairnet.

I don’t need free shit because I’m not a nigger or a jew. Publix subs are god tier.

Florida is lost. Too many libs. I just moved

i remember seeing the publix manager every day he would go to subway because it was cheaper and/or he knew what really went on in the deli. Have you ever worked in the publix deli? I don't think so.

So we should make a 'this rapist gets to vote' campaign using actual convicted rapists?

Yes, someone could design a meme for this.

I keep seeing ads for it that are vague as fuck and don't say it gives felons the vote.

This will SERIOUSLY fuck us floridanons, we have got to make sure this doesn't pass

No surprise there.
What would an optimal meme format for this be? Infographic?

Maybe we could make one with rapists or people who committed sexual assault and comparing them to Kavanaugh for the purposes of subtly redpilling libs? They can be distributed in liberal outlets, whereas we make other ones for conservatives.

I’ve never worked there but I still like their subs. Subway subs are dogshit imo.

They spent decades changing the voting districts trying to "make it fair for democrats" im not surprised. Glad I got outta there. Good luck guys

cant the supreme court say fuck off? This is kind of huge where someone might step in.

Where did you anons move? Please tell me. I’m in college and finishing up here and I want to leave as soon as I’m done so I don’t have to pay as much in other states. But South Florida is Cuba 2 and I can’t stay here if I want to raise a white family and do my duty as a white man. Please help me and tell me where you guys moved. I’m desperate.

Why would they? Imagine still believing in (((Democracy))).

because this is fucking huge? The supreme court saves retarded shit from happening, but its really rare to be heard of.

TX, SD good too

fuck, ever since i moved out of florida i've missed publix subs

I don't think that the Courts can do anything about a referendum like this. The Court is bound by the Constitution of Florida, but the voters are amending the Constitution, effectively going one level above the Courts.

Arizona (which is quickly turning into Florida)

The democrats locked them all up to begin with, why would the felons vote for them?

Are criminals generally liberals?

>Stale ingredients
Publix uses Boar's Head meats and cheeses and they have god-tier rolls.

what fucking kike courts do you stupid fucks have. Who even made this idea in the first place, what state considers former convicts voters for the state. Literally noone.

They're unquestionably niggers and juggalos so yea

alot of niggers and white trash, along with people who really did nothing wrong.

If it passes along with the nigger getting elected, I got my backup plan to move out. Also just had a Club Pub Tendie Sub today. 352 here, where else you faggots at.

I also read about that and saw it as a huge red flag.

Here's something else thats on the ballot:

Shall Justice Alan Lawson of the Supreme
Court be retained in office?

FL user here, I'm voting no on every amendment.

I just moved here.

Is this really becoming a blue penitentiary state?

yes, move further west, get out of florida.

So can anyone tell me what the environmental controversy over Rick Scott is?

Make sure you look into it because Florida has tried to pull yes means no and no means yes in the past.

I seem to remember one being like that in 2k8 for dude weed or something

>Smart supermarket doesn't even use Boars Head

Get out of here you filthy pleb

Bill Nelson let the federal government shit in our seawater. This is of course, naturally, Rick Scott's fault.

So like most environmental issues, this is just Dem's talking a big game?

Also does anyone have any conservative defenses of passing Obamacare and then intentionally opting out of most everything? Just socialism is bad so we want the least amount?

What happens if i vote on some amendments but dont vote at all on others? will it still count my vote or throw it out like an incomplete exam?

actually what would happen if i vote rep/dem on like 5 questions n leave the rest blank? Still counts my vote for only those peoples?

>be me
>from west coast
>grocery stores are garbage
>visit southeast
>publix is amazing, especially the fried chicken
Holy fuck all west coasters have no taste in food are subhuman garbage who dont know what it means to live, that is all

It's how every government in the US works, retard. And it's on the ballot now, so stop whining and help fix it.

It will still count.

I actually worked at a Publix deli a year ago. Their standards are high and the only thing that I would complain about is the bread. It is not bad bread, it is just made fresh in the bakery and is made to be eaten so. It is switched out every few hours but if you get in at a bad time it can be hard. The whole wheat is always soft though. I'd stay away from the hot counter sides though. Usually left out too long. Chicken goes away too fast to be out an hour. It is a good publix deli if it has the boars head sign.

How about the rest of the items we will be voting on?

Attached: FL Ballot 11-6-2018.png (1471x676, 108K)

Felon nogs and spics arent gonna take the time to vote even busing them in or paying them to it ain't happening. I cant vote from a felony over 10 years ago, prior to settling down growing up. I'd be nice to vote or at least get a fucking response from Tallahassee. Kinda worried about Gillam he was in my town earlier last month with his entourage and people were eating that shit up.

I worked in the bakery, adjacent to the deli, while in college. Care to elaborate? All ears.

>What can we do about this? Apparently, no one is actively campaigning against it and it has a decent shot of passing this election cycle.

Start sending out emails to your local AM talk radio show hosts, I mean every goddamn local market in FL, let's get the word out.

The way they're advertising it and discussing it automatically ensures that no one on the right will ever vote for it, since there is no way to talk a out it without stating that this is for people with prior convictions. Ensuring that more Republicans and less Dems vote in FL is the best way to kill 4, so it's really the same plan as any election, push voter turnout

I posed as a Dem and got their info and a sheet telling Dems how to vote. By inverting that, here is how we vote. Spread to all your old fart voters:
1, 2 yes
3,4 no
5,6,7,8 yes
9 no
10,11,12 yes
13 no

>Democrat money
>idiots in Florida

Y'all are fucked.