We got shoahed again Jow Forums
We got shoahed again Jow Forums
He's not going to go in there and pull a complete 1488. If you think that then you are retarded. This is good for optics. Especially the way things are going.
It's a good move imo
clearly you are not an attourney. fuck me as if clerkships and even getting into the T14 werent hard enough with the affirmative action
Just the fuck up, leaf.
the real question is always how does this effect the black community
He has a long record of using female law clerks. This is a guy doing what he can to help women progress in the legal field. Kind of sad that most women are trying to destroy him.
We told you, but "muh rape".
Youre all dumb as shit, goys
Frankly I am surprised there are that many non commie black law clerks to go around
The number could be 3 for all we know, just that it's more than Ginsburg.
I thought identity politics was bad
emphasizing niggers to make your argument is the mark of a cuckservative
It is a good move. The salt threads already have several tweets of black people saying they don't care about white women crying because blacks have always been "persecuted". So by putting more blacks in there it just makes him look better.
yeah this should piss of them faggot raciest democrats
This. Everyone talking about all the things they hope he does sound just like a dumb leftie to me. They're just happy about these things, while the left is angry about them, but none will happen. He will, however, protect the 2nd, and maybe even restore some lost rights. But I doubt he will even restore any. Once rights are given up, they never come back without bloodshed.
Pretty sure the number IS 3.
holy proxy, that's uncommon at least
As long as they're competent, I don't give a shit
They never learn, these cuckservatives!
Yeah because the law clerks of the justices get to vote.
He literally said it was one person you illiterate apefrican
It is, but it's a useful weapon on occasions.
Cool, didn't catch that. Thanks honky.
That should be the idea with all government and leadership.
> putting more blacks in there it just makes him look better.
I bet if he put some trannies in there it would make him look even better!
Typical neocon.
Dems are the real racists/sexists! Look how many minority females I hired! Please approve of me liberals!
clearly you are not an attorney
World shocked to discover sexually violent frat boy.
>m-maybe if we outlib the libs the msm will go easy on us
>s-see? we're more progressive than they are!
God fucking dammit. Even after all that bullshit he immediately cucks out.
Trump isn't enough. We need to elect Alex Jones next.
Well ya it's Charlie Kirk, he's a huge cuck.
Lmao. Trumplets trying to save face. Yall are royally FUCKED come midterm day hahaha. Just you wait and see. The left is hungry right now, and boy are they going to feed. Delicious.
Clerks are just there for research and doing bitchwork. Ginsburg leans on her clerks to literally do everything and invent (((reasons))) for her views. It's far less work when you're not just inventing bullshit and hoping no one notices.
>implying it isn't another Clarance Thomas.
>identity politics are good when WE do it
why ya'll gotta sink to their level
the left hasn't gained any new voters, they have lost them
all these raving lunatics were never going to vote republican anyways
oh boy
He's training some 25 year old nog to replace Thomas in the next 5 years. He'll serve on the court for decades.
starting to see why jesuits have a history of
being thrown out of countries, yet? LOL.
You idiots need to learn how to read. He hired ONE fucking black person. Believe it or not the average Yale graduate with conservative views who is successful enough to earn a spot on the supreme court probably isn't full 1488. So unlike the stormfag spergs on Jow Forums he just might be willing to give a qualified black guy a job.
Hopefully reformed if anything?
We really don't need recreational bazookas or nerve gas
Maybe Kavanaugh hired who he thought would be the best person for the job and that person just happen to be African American.
>he just might be willing to give a qualified black guy a job.
There are zero black people qualified for that job and you fucking know it.
as a board can we please move away from making this mass reply things. it's so fucking gay
go outside you haven't gotten sun in a while. we worry about you
He just can't help him self. We knew this, and decided to unleash him....
remind me why this matters at all
Nice nigger proxy you faggot
What qualifications do you need to be a clerk? They file papers and keep records. Even I'd trust a woman or nog with that much responsibility
>He has a long record of using female law clerks.
HAD you mean. He'd have to be a complete retard to keep that up.
Nerve gas isn't a gun.
Charlie Kirk is the biggest cuckold on the right
He literally wore diapers to a protest to own the libs or some shit
Well yeah Justice Ginsburg loves killing black babies and didnt trust a half black guy to give her a proper replacement.
Someone has to do the raping
One? I bet he did it as a favor for Clarence Thomas.
desu other than saying fuck you to leftist lunacy and putting a stop to their shit this is all I can hope for fun switches
Confirmed for never having worked with niggers or women before.
No fuck you, admit it. Not a single black person is qualified for such a position, let alone even close to a competitive choice.
The Dems never accused him of being racist. They accused him of being a rapist and his hiring of blacks.... proves this?
rare also checked
The nog will stab him in the back , except Antonius sauces d said and leak s
Also R A R E
That is pretty funny: RBG won't hire blacks.
>nigger posts and digits roll 911
And people say Jow Forums isn't white
That's exactly it. Republicans have learned to never appeal to these fragile retards
Pretty sure they are American, they would never have stepped foot in Africa. Its always about skin colour with these fucks.
fuck moves and optics. theyre just micro surrenders
Yeah but guys if he resigned wouldn't that really stick it to the democrats even more!
By the way you should check out m... Er... Jordan Peterson's lectures. Really good stuff! Clean your room pedes XD
wow fellow nazis how do we gkeep getting destroyed by the dems like this
Could still be an "arm." I want to own manpads and AT4S you fucking ass clown.
I'm worried about him going too left to try and get the media and leftists to not hate him anymore. his op-ed apology was already too much capitulation. He better not go any further.
He only cares about himself. He and Candance Owens ditched Jordan Peterson at a Turning Point USA event alone with a rabid leftist mob so they could go get a photo-op with Kanye. He's a faggot.
She dies this month btw.
it's a bannable offense if you report it
Ginsburg doesnt like "those people", everybody knows this.
She dies in December as a Christmas present. This will be how you know God is real.
Except he could hire a million blacks and liberals will ignore and not care. How long until you realize that liberals do not care about optics and will do anything for power
First pic of the clerk
>supreme court hiring niggers
no wonder our justice system is so incompetent.
That's only because Ginsberg hasn't found a black Jew yet.
Except December holidays and Christmas was a practice picked up by the church from pagan winter solstice rituals
This is great! Stormfags can fuck off, there's absolutely nothing wrong with based conservative African Americans. I should tell my wife's son La'Jermanfeny about this.
i would never do that
it's just not in my nature
but i do hate it and it is obnoxious
will sage this. see? ive been banned a lot but i am old and the health of this board is important to me
mfw he never hires a single roastie.
roasties btfo.
>the gang rape stories are rea
Holy shit, Brett is officially running a high end escort pimp operation.
Oh fug
That black is .01% of the population.
>They arent like the 99% anons.
Tfw he now has to hire blacks because he cant trust women
Niggers have a mesokurtic bell curve of intelligence, heavier on the lower side of course, but the distribution's tail does go through all the way to around 110 with
What's more likely is that you work a nigger tier job which allows 80 iqers to 'get by'. 15/100 niggers are able to get a clerical job and perform to the standard of the average white man. It's not much, but if I had to choose between employing a black thrall or a jewish subversive, thrall all the way.
*110 with around 10% of the distribution occurring above 100. Sperged and forgot to finish the first line.
>the health of this board is important to me
confirmed newfag, 1 year browsing TOPS