What are leftists going to do when Mueller ultimately goes public that they have nothing?

What are leftists going to do when Mueller ultimately goes public that they have nothing?

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Mass suicide

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Mueller? That guy trump hired?

Shoot more politicians while they practice for charity ball games?

Are they blaming mueller for taking too long and getting kavanaugh appointed?

the same thing we do every night, pinky.

>Mike Rogers and Comey testimony not being declassified
>Huber going entirely unnoticed by the public and 90% of Jow Forums
>Executive Order about killing people who conspire with the enemy
>Huber looking in to Uranium One
My dick is ready

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Oh goodie! Are we gonna finally learn who mailed DOD weaponized anthrax to senators and CBS?

Expect something damning to come out the last week of October, real or not. This is how they play the game. Never forget why we hate these people.


They will begin by saying Trump, Kavanaugh, or anyone right of far-left involved in our Government bribed or threatened him. Once they realize they have no hope, the final battle begins.

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Well a lot of them are going to be going to jail in the next few weeks anyways. With the fisa docs coming out and Baker singing. They are going to be getting a really nice October surprise.

You forgot this picture, bro.

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Mueller is already memory-holed.

Claim Trump rigged it and cry like bitches.

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Don't worry son, he has plenty.

ohh that's a good question if they're so sure trump was elected by Russians why dont they just refuse to accept any thing he does?

>Mueller is a Russian STOOGE!
Do you really have to ask?

Neat, you think he would've came out with it before the Kav nomination. Hmm, odd.

They will start by screaming and crying in public.
Then they will blame Mueller for being corrupt and incompetent.
They will demand a second investigation.
They will demand impeachment despite the reports findings.
They will say that they "have to become even more unreasonable and hostile."
It will lead to more violent Antifa actions.
Finally they will begin shooting people or planting bombs.

Lets see of Kekstadamus agrees.

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This guy can see through the bullshit.

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This. They’ll definitely accuse him of being in on it, he’s only a hero to the left because he’s the last chance they have, but once the truth comes out they’ll demand his resignation. See also: Comey

thank you for the graphics

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theyll get something on trump for sure
mueller has always been good for a manufactured crime. you can read about the bullshit he pulled related to that anthrax scare if you would like to know more.
they already have a bunch of minor bullshit crimes already and will charge him with them if they dont manage to find or manufacture something better

No. We have great respect for Mueller and the more than 20 indictments he's brought.

>had to delay delay delay based on zero evidence against the only Russian that has actually responded

The damage the Mueller investigation was designed to inflict has already happened. Have an investigation to overshadow the Trump administration. All apart of a smear campaign to target Trump and members of his campaign and administration. Does not matter what Mueller does now as the damage is already done.


Trump is going to drop the dox before the midterms, destroying what’s left of a thoroughly demoralized Democratic Party and completely illegitimising the Mueller witch-hunt. There’s a reason why he didn’t declassify all at once, he’s already got Rosenstein by the balls and can crush the whole thing whenever he wants. Trump is setting a trap just like he did with Kavanaugh and Liberals are going to suffer. After the midterms fail for them, the Mueller investigation closing with nothing but proof of absolute corruption and weaponization of Bureau powers by Obama era figures will destroy them.

what the fuck? since when have democrats spoken so candidly? when is this from?

>when is this from?
When Democrats were claiming they were a victim of a smear by Republicans and the media. Typical Democrat/Leftist ploy to blame your opponent for something you yourself are guilty of.

Mueller's investigation will outlast the sun and stars
It will be the only thing present at the heat death of the universe
In the infinite darkness, a decrepit immortal cyborg mueller will unroll a crackling ancient sheet of yellowed paper
on it will be inscribed the words

they'll keep giving to his gofundme

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I think they've already accepted it.

Levy more phony charges against some target. They keep doing it.

>What are leftists going to do when Mueller ultimately goes public that they have nothing?

Feed us their salty salty tears.

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say it was not thorough enough part 3 rreeeeEEEEE

She has a pretty good scam going. Make false accusation that she knows the Democrats will back, and knowing full well that there'll be lots of pressure to not charge her with perjury, start gofund me and morons giver her a million bucks so she can grab a plane and go hide in the South Pacific.

Hopefully kill themselves

It's going to be truly glorious

He should finish this month right?

Is this satire?

Still waiting

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>theyll get something on trump for sure

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This is the only correct answer in the whole thread


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>good scam going
>Make false accusation
>Democrats will back,

It's gonna become an industry.

he's already dumped a huge load, jared is next

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putin troll factory running

did you read his other indictments?
other than manafort every indictment has been a fucking despicable joke
trump will be charged with some bullshit and nobody will give a shit


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Let it be so

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top kek

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Just look at Avenatti for a similar situation. A hero of justice they propped up, but in Avenatti's case, he's literally sabotaging them, but they're still in the denial stages.


move the goal post like they always do and say 'it doesn't matter if it's true or not'.