Honest thoughts on the Czech Republic and Slovakia?

Honest thoughts on the Czech Republic and Slovakia?

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third world shithole

Bohemia is rightful Slovak clay

How hard is it for college educated American to get citizenship there?

Are there literally blond hair blue eyed Aryan Princesses who are into American cock out there in massive numbers?

third world shithole

Sister visited there & Hungary
Absolutely beautiful.

Nice pornstars.

Third world shithole, shitty people, and the ugliest countryside on earth

>Czech Republic
It's called Czechia. We don't go around calling you Commonwealth of Australia, because we're not wankers. Same for Czechia.

there's bleach blond quarter gypsies who have been in public agent videos aplenty

Romania and Hungary were nicer when I went there.

Also, a fuck tonne of gypsies trying to steal your valuables while selling you shitty flowers.

needs more africans

should be part of Austria

I like most dumbo Americans, have never been to Europe, but have heard Prague is cool....and I know Melania is from Slovakia or Slovenia, one of those, which means I respect the country very much! If it can produce a beauty like her, it can't be half bad.

I agree

This. Karlovy Vary and Cezky Krumlov in particular are absolutely disgusting shitholes with horrid views, stale beer, ugly women, and more pollution than chinese cities. Stay the fuck away. Never visit. Never post their names again on Jow Forums or mention them to anyone.

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Gypsies and food poisoning

Czechia sounds too third world. Czech Republic is more respectable.

hang yourself desu

twenty years later in Burgerland and my sister in law still knows her place....soft spoken and clean fuggin household

It is third world you retarded burger. Stop romanticizing piss poor gypsy countries

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Slovakia is a beautiful country and they are tough on immigration, which is also a huge plus.

Aestetically, looks great...sp error...

We arent.

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based Texas

They seem really into gang bangs

Czechs are God's chosen people.
In 1900, the 3 cities with the most Czechs were, in order, Prague, Vienna, and Chicago.

If it has islam in it, it needs to be nuked

What ever happened to Martina Jacova?

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Slovakia is a 3rd world country and one of the most corrupt. Avoid.

You heard him lads send all the refugees to Slovakia

Czechs took the chill pill faster than Slovakians.
tfw Czechs were nice and polite meanwhile at the Slovakia border a fucking roid-olga almost tore off the car door while demanding papers.

great anal artists
guns aren't too bad either

Shouldnt have been smiling. They always hate when you smile. Dont smile and you will survive.

tmw Slovakia is equal to my shithole country.

Sometimes i don't know what is considered for Europeans to be "third world"

Im pretty sure slovakia is better in security, social cohesion/manners/ education and quality of life.


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Where my Czech Americans at?

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She looks exactly like my mom when she was younger. Who is this.

Your mom.

Is your mom's name Miroslava Holzapflova?

eastern euro shithole, unintelligible "European" language (might as well be Korean to my ears), pristine sense of national identity so locals just hate all foreigners (be it germans, americans, other slavs, hungarians, whatever) and are also racist so they hate shitskins extra
I'd say leave them alone unless you really know what you're getting into

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I have a Czech gun and a Czech bike. They're alright.

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Thats a big id man, i dont think it would fit on my wallet.

Also, nice digits

Giant porn factory and whore house. At least they have white skin and resist shit skins and wider EU policies, I guess.

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Have qts that sing about vacuuming

Atheist shithole

There's nothing more disgusting than drunken lads shitting up Eastern Europe with their roving bands of retards


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Slovakia is still very religious, especially outside of Bratislava

>Cuckold: the movie

Visited last year.
Chech Rep - slavic shithole, broken roads, broken sidewalks, centre of Prague is all right, the rest looks like communism never left.
Slovakia - not sure. Aren't they Hungarians, or something?

It's as good a place as any to lose your virginity. Or your foot. Or your foot's virginity.

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Did you have to learn the language? How expensive was traveling to Eastern Europe?

Agreed. I hated those drunken british fucks. Czechs were friendly. Like I said everyone stay away from Czechland. Its not for you. There's nothing there. Go back.

Not as a tourist.
Some people spoke English.
Cheaper than western Europe, if you shop in the central area of Prague, almost on par with the west.
A few streets away from the central Prague and things are much cheaper.

Actually, I watched this guy's youtube video before I left.

Seems legit, there are a lot of them on his channel.

There are a lot of crooks around the area as well, be careful.

But, no muslims or no niggers - so much safer.


I guess Cheqia has Prague, so they win.

>There are a lot of crooks around the area as well, be careful.

Any stories of your travels? How dangerous was it?

>Any stories of your travels? How dangerous was it?
>Any stories of your travels? How dangerous was it?

Well, there are different levels of danger. In Prague, the danger is that you get ripped off when changing money, or by a taxi driver. Some gypsies from Romania are pickpockets, but that's about it.
So, compared to Germany where you have muslims terrorists, or London where you have acid attacks and stabbing everyday - it's much safer in Prague.
I went to Karlsbad as well, went to Pilsen so I did a few trips around (it is a tiny country). It was all right, but cold as fuck and the country is boring - no ocean, cloudy, overall I'd give it meh.
But, they have an advantage - they are racists, they don't take in any niggers or muslims so that's good.
Good on them, they will preserve their culture and country,just like the Hungarians and Poles.

Watch some video from that guy (Honest Guy), he is showing some of the crooks you can easily avoid.

Any advices and tips for traveling around eastern europe?

Dont smile
Dont talk
Dont look anyone in the eyes
Dont walk like faggot be confident or they will sense weakness and rape you boyhole
Dont eat natinal cuisine it's all trash
Dont hit on girls just take them they dont care

fuck off, we are full

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>Any advices and tips for traveling around eastern europe?

Guys, fuck.

Watch videos of that Honest Gide guy.. they are mostly about Chech Rep and Prague but may apply otherwise as well.


I found Eastern Europe ok for travelling - pretty safe, enough of services (even though they are shitty compared to Australia), the food all right - not sure what are they made of, people pretty unfriendly (hence the poor customer service).
Chech Rep - shitty roads, just ugly looking and old infrastructure.
But, safe and they will leave you alone.
No muslims, no niggers - that was all right.

Slovakia is shithole, Czech Republic is nice but avoid overpriced tourist destinations

Love Slovakia and Czech republic. These self hating Slovaks always make me laugh, you can literally tell from their posts they are some losers working for minimum wage unironically thinking that if sulik or other shitter will be pm, they wont be same losers as now.
She looked even better irl than in photos btw.

nice vid, try this

>people pretty unfriendly (hence the poor customer service).

How unfriendly were they? Do they hate Australians?

Watch the movie Hostel beforehand.

>nice vid, try this
>youtu.be/41DyWC6ERpQ [Remove]

Thanks but..
The uploader has not made this video available in your country.

>How unfriendly were they? Do they hate Australians?
I don't think they know where I was from.
It's not about being an Aussie.
It's more cultural I think, like in Russia (from what I've heard).
Colder, not as friendly, rude even.
That's what socialism does to you...but, there were also polite people and polite businesses.
It's not all bad.

>unironically suggesting kike bullshit on Jow Forums
go away schlomo

Both countries are absolutely AWFUL for anyone who is not white. You will be subject to NONSTOP harassment and even assaults. If you are non-white, DO NOT GO TO THESE COUNTRIES and stop reading here.

White anons: Both countries have historic city centers, beautiful countryside, and beautiful women, and virtually no "diversity".

Nah, they just dont like overconfident fags and little profit from some hiking/travelling trash is not worth it to pretend for.

>Colder, not as friendly, rude even.
>That's what socialism does to you

you're more insightful than most

t. slovak canadian

Hottest prostitutes you can find.

hey there texas

slavs aren't white. hitler was right, you need genocide. merkel is doing well, genocide by negro is fine too

Half-white here
Wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be
Only got smashed up once

do chinese count as white?

Under no circumstances do come here, it's more dangerous than SA, Mexico and Brazil combined. Slovak Gangs are roaming the streets doing nothing but raping and murdering tourists. Your stuff will get stolen on the airport by corrupt officers of law. If you get lucky and get out of there alive, they will find a bag of cocaine in your luggage and hang you. Avoid at all costs!

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Absolutely ahoy!

fun fact - the general slovak term for chinese/east asian translates literally to "slant eyed"

are asians welcome in slovakia?

depends on what you mean by "welcome". As tourists? absolutely. as immigrants? not really. these are countries that value national identity/unity and homogeneity. They see all the chaos and strife that mass immigration creates and want none of it.