Is freemasonry bad? Why or why not?
Is freemasonry bad? Why or why not?
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no one knows because it is by definition secretive. No one who speaks knows and no one who knows speaks. This question is dumber every time it is asked.
More of a shriner guy, like the fez and the little cars.
all they do now if take part if false flags
Shriners require members to be freemasons.
You gotta be a mason to be a Shriner.
It’s mostly lonely old men and incel weirdos who have no other friends in Masonic lodges. They are powerless and harmless and they purport to teach ethics through hermeticism... essentially what all religions have in common is the true religion... they act out little plays too.
However they have no philosophical understanding of ethics and if moral reason. It’s basically Victorian era sophism.
Redpill me on National Treasure did Nicholas Cage really steal the declaration of Independence
Yes keep worrying about Masons, peasant.
t. Merovingian
OBEY THE CUBE! >Shriners
>However they have no philosophical understanding of ethics and if moral reason. It’s basically Victorian era sophism.
If you can stand the dark
welcome patience
It is a deception. It pretends to get members to live more godly lives, while actually inducting them into a multicultural religion which is neither honest nor godly. All is one type of crap.
All is not one. There is God's Way and there is the broad path to hell.
To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.
Some resources that may help: has a verse by verse Bible Study for download or daily listening.
Chuck Missler’s Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (
Robert Breaker’s Bible Study and Topical Sermons (
J.D. Farag’s Bible Study and Prophecy Updates (
Clearlywrittendotnet YouTube channel details near future events. ( has a free online bible & apps with cross references. is a group of Israeli Jews who know Jesus is their messiah. tracks information that points to Jesus’s soon return. shows how many world events are prophetically and numerically linked.
The End is nigh. Tomorrow may be too late.
They accept hermeticism as axiomatic. Brit lodges even gave hermetic degrees.
Basically in the Victorian era there was huge interest in the occult. Seances, magicians etc. They also liked to form secret societies. These could be malign like the helfire club and the oto or benign like masons. They all used the classics in their rituals.
Hermes trismagestis was an antique alechemist (or group of alchemists working under one name) that wrote that religion could be distilled like spirits. Essentially actual devine command could be learned by parsimony between religions.
It’s a bad idea to follow Devine command theory if you’ve ever read the euthyphro. Socrates showed that shit to me an intellectually vacant position.
No mason talks about actual ethics. No virtue, consequentialism, deontology, naturalism etc.
They just act out allogorical plays and think that teaches you instead of reasoned argument. It’s literal sophism.
how do I become a Templar
You go to games workshop. Buy some space marines and black and white paint...
They are involved in the deep state, including stalking US citizens through the intelligence apparatus when you offend their principles.
Skip to 0:53:
33rd degree initiation exposed by hidden camera in 1997, the voiceover and poor turkish taste can't be helped but it's real
You'll get low level idiot members saying "It's just a place where people hang out and drink and do charity drives" when it involves a long weeding out process to progress to jewish satanism
The protocols warned about freemasons. It literally predicted the world wars, the wall street crash, controlled oppositions, false flags and even - get this - pedo blackmail using intelligence agencies to turn members of their criminal underworld (freemasons) into puppets and chaperone them into being leaders. In 2018 people still don't know that CIA pedo blackmail pre-candidacy is why presidents and PMs read like robots from scripts yet its laid out in the protocols in 1903.
They emphasized that pedo blackmail was the most crucial part of their plan and must be the most closely guarded secret. Society has declined since the advent of concealable photography and global surveillance (Patriot Act/PRISM was a blackmail hoover to get any dirt on political candidates the CIA could find not counter terror)
You’ve never been in a lodge or met a mason have you? They are broken irrelevant old men.
Roman propaganda.
I still believe in the son of God. Just can't pinpoint him.
Squares eventually come to the conclusion that western government is already fully aware of the extraterrestrial issue. Public disclosure serves no actual purpose and must never happen. The masses learning the truth of their creators does not benefit them in any way and spoils the controlled test, which would force a reset, again.
We will not allow this to occur as it has in previous incarnations. We are in control.
Too lazy to timestamp but here’s a dollar. Ask away.
Did you ride the goat?
it's bad because it's secretive, the opposite of us really
No this rumor is stupid
How old is your grandma?
Ever loose your dog?
Yes it's bad. They are the useful idiots for the kike concept of tikkun olam and perfecting the world which is to them promoting feminism, homosexuality, androgyny, sodomy, eventually getting rid of all borders, mixing the races, setting up world government in jeruselam, killing all non jews, etc. Prob goes back to akhenaten and egypt
Your just mad cuz your wife cant resist bmc (big masonic cock)
No shit. I’ve been around masons my whole life. Dad is into it but I think it’s dumb because non philosophical reasoning about ethics is dumb. First time I heard about asclars and such in one of his little public ceremonies I figured I don’t trust these guys to teach me anything.
And they have a goat from the 1800s it’s basically a saddle on wheels. They used to pull guys in on it after fucking with them that they’d have to ride a real one.
There are three schools, one good, one bad and one grey. The grey are just bad guys who also do good things sometimes.
They sell that Bible in the George Washington Masonic National Memorial giftshop. You're gonna need to do better.
I heard it was pretty Satanic, but then I met some guy and he was a huge faggot.
The guy wasn't actually a mason, but he did own a ring.
The whole system of masonry is independence, and essentially helping one another see the truth, because it's cool, and it's simply the truth, so why wouldn't we want to know about it. Like aliens to race statistics. Problem with modern masonry lodges like many other "shrines of worship" are really just organized to gather as much money from you as a "non-profit".
My grandfather was a Kerak Shriner.
Should I be concerned?
Freemasonry's Best Kept Secret: Ritual Sodomy
Based and redpilled.
>invented Humanism
>let the Jews join
>Practice Kabbalah
>Profaned the Mysteries of antiquity
To their credit, they were actually good once, but died out as quickly as it began like much estoeric orders; any exoteric, outwardly public fraternity today practices what the Traditionalist school calls the "Counter-Initiation". They are the profane interpreters, the perverters, those that are unironically ushering in darker times.
There are still the watchers, the true secret holders, and they will come to save those who deserve it when the time is ready.
I know a shit ton of 32nd (and a handful of 33rd) Scottish Rite, as I'm in a different quasi masonic organization with a bunch of them.
All nice guys, but they're not secretly running anything. A lot of these guys are barely paying their rent.
If you're a male adult without a major criminal record and say you believe in a higher power, you can be a 32nd in a relatively short time span. It's not some hard thing to do.
As Eliphas Levi put it "they're keepers of a secret even they don't know anymore".
Long story short, good if you like brotherhood and working on yourself.
I know the secret, most modern masons are useful idiots and hacks
riding the goat seems to be a lot like the 'paddling of the swollen ass'
natural (corrupt) vs revealed (true) religion
There is nothing wrong with Kaballah other than it has been kiked just like all Abrahamic bullshit is, the mysteries are just the true understanding of Hindu, scared geometry, vortex math, and electromagnetism
>Freemasonry in prominently exalting knowledge and in helping free research as "putting no limit in the search of truth" (according to its rituals and constitution), and more than this by adopting the so-called natural ethic, shows itself in this sense to be in sharp contradiction with the Christian religion. For the Christian religion exalts faith above all, confining human reason to the limits traced by Divine Revelation and leading to holiness through the supernatural action of grace. In other words, which Christianity, as a religion of Revelation, possessing its rational and superrational dogmas and truths, asks for faith first, and grounds its moral structure on the super-natural Divine Grace, Freemasonry has only natural truth and brings to the knowledge of its initiates free thinking and investigation through reason only. It bases its moral structure only on the natural forces of man, and has only natural aims.
>Thus, the incompatible contradiction between Christianity and Freemasonry is quite clear. It is natural that various Churches of other denominations have taken a stand against Freemasonry. Not only has the Western Church branded for its own reasons the masonic movement by numerous Papal encyclicals, but Lutheran, Methodist and Presbyterian communities have also declared it to be incompatible with Christianity. Much more has the Orthodox Catholic Church, maintaining in its integrity the treasure of Christian faith proclaimed against it every time that the question of Freemasonry has been raised. Recently, the Inter-Orthodox Commission which met on Mount Athos and in which the representatives of all the Autocephalous Orthodox Churches took part, has characterized Freemasonry as a "false and anti-Christian system."
The assembly of the Bishops of the Church of Greece in the above mentioned session heard with relief and accepted the following conclusions which were drawn from the investigations and discussions by its President His Grace Archbishop Chrysostom of Athens:
"Freemasonry cannot be at all compatible with Christianity as far as it is a secret organization, acting and teaching in mystery and secret and deifying rationalism. Freemasonry accepts as its members not only Christians, but also Jews and Muslims. Consequently clergymen cannot be permitted to take part in this association. I consider as worthy of degradation every clergyman who does so. It is necessary to urge upon all who entered it without due thought and without examining what Freemasonry is, to sever all connections with it, for Christianity alone is the religion which teaches absolute truth and fulfills the religious and moral needs of men. Unanimously and with one voice all the Bishops of the Church of Greece have approved what was said, and we declare that all the faithful children of the Church must stand apart from Freemasonry. With unshaken faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ "in whom we have our redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our sins, according to the riches of His Grace, whereby He abounds to us in all wisdom and prudence" (Ephes. 1, 7-9) possessing the truth revealed by Him and preached by the Apostles, "not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in the partaking in the Divine Sacraments through which we are sanctified and saved by eternal life, we must not fall from the grace of Christ by becoming partakers of other mysteries. It is not lawful to belong at the same time to Christ and to search for redemption and moral perfection outside Him. For these reasons true Christianity is incompatible with Freemasonry.
"Therefore, all who have become involved in the initiations of masonic mysteries must from this moment sever all relations with masonic lodges and activities, being sure that they are thereby of a certainty renewing their links with our one Lord and Savior which were weakened by ignorance and by a wrong sense of values. The Assembly of the Bishops of the Church of Greece expects this particularly and with love from the initiates of the lodges, being convinced that most of them have received masonic initiation not realizing that by it they were passing into another religion, but on the contrary from ignorance, thinking that they had done nothing contrary to the faith of their fathers. Recommending them to the sympathy, and in no wise to the hostility or hatred of the faithful children of the Church, the Assembly of the Bishops calls them to pray with her from the heart in Christian love, that the one Lord Jesus Christ "the way, the truth and the life" may illumine and return to the truth who in ignorance have gone astray."
Yes, Gnostic occultism is bad. Take the right hand path instead
Cleaned out a dead masons house before. Saw some weird stuff.
It's a post college version of a frat house. Nothing special.
TL that i DR but they're tied up w zionists since way back
pic related - the georgia guidestones