Don't be a rapist.
Other urls found in this thread:
I still don't understand why you'd need anything other than a doll.
what are they so afraid of?
>go to brothel
>put sexdolls finger in poop chute
>now she has a stinky finger
>I don't understand why you'd need a doll when you could use your hand
See how dumb your logic is? Just because we can, we will.
Women use sex as a tool to get what they want, they always have. It's being taught to women to do it. Hell, even in game of thrones Cersei tells Sansa she has to control the king dude through sex. The dragon bitch does it to the horse king too. You're sorely lacking on critical thinking and history if you don't understand why women value sex so much.
>go to brothel
>tuck a single spicy pepper seed in sexbot
>the old spicy vagina
No I don't see. Because we can? Ever heard of cost analysis?
>Women use sex as a tool to get what they want, they always have.
Ask any married man what his wife does to get her own way and the answer is ALWAYS the same.
I legit can't fathom how anyone would want to fuck a plastic doll no matter how "real" it seems. Like once you're done you have to go clean the stupid thing and then you should feel like a huge faggot having sex with a fucking doll.
The gentlemen here don't have a problem not washing their cum socks.
Yes? Are you stupid? There are already brothels with these sex bots and they make money. Cost analysis like you're fucking smart. Get the fuck out of here, retard.
No there are not robot brothels. They are doll brothels. They just call them robot brothels for dumb faggots like you.
So now you're playing semantics because you're fucking dumb? So if sex doll brothels make money, you don't think sex robot brothels will make money? Or are you just being pedantic and moving goal posts? Yeah, that seems about right for the retarded trash I find on Jow Forums.
>then you should feel like a huge faggot having sex with a fucking doll.
I like how you think shaming tactics in 2018 are still effective.
You still haven't answered a simple question. Because you're retarded.
CRISPR + Artificial Wombs + robot waifu= White super babies
cucked white bois gonna fuck plastic while we (blacks) fuck real white ass and pussy
And you fucked yourself in the ass leaf
What question?
You're first post here didn't contain a question mark.
Your second one, here had 2 questions.
>because we can
Yes, that was literally answered in "because we can, we will".
Your second question
>Have you heard of cost analysis?
This was also answered when I said 'yes'.
Your post here again, did not contain a question. So, not only have you proven you're a retard, you've proven you're an autistic, illiterate retard. Congratz, you're even more retarded than the rest of the trash on Jow Forums. You've earned yourself a medal for being extra fucking stupid.
I concur shallow and pedantic
We should start small. I want to build my cat a female cat sexbot. I feel it's the least I could do since I stole his balls.
Indeed, pip pip.
(((experts))) are saying
Speaking of semantics. Are you autistic? I hear its the next step in human evolution.
If they're trying to emulate a real human skeleton on that bot in the background, they've already failed tenfold.
What? Like literally what?
What question? You didn't ask a question that hasn't been answered.
I actually feel bad now. You might in all seriousness be on the slower side.
Just fuck off. You're mentally ill.
>O-oh yeah! W-well you leave me alone!
Sorry kid, just hand over your lunch money next time, complain about it to your tard wrangler and you won't get bullied for being stupid, stupid.
It's also the first weapon they pull out (or rather, put away) when they don't get their way.
Nice fantasy twerp.
You're still here? Don't you have more things to be wrong about else where? Given you're a complete fucking retard, I'm sure it's not uncommon.
Women like this
And people like you, only make me wish artificial wombs were commercially viable along with the sex bots
No I'm at work on the clock you faggot.
They cause women to lose their jobs.
real doll has been around sence 1996 and they're no more sentient now then they were then. it can't be hurt or raped any more then a dildo. so what gives with this sudden manufactured outrage?
Women lose their last bit of power over men
Right as you come in their mouth:
UGHH Kavanaugh did nothing wrong
>I'm at work, I have all the time in the world to be retarded!
Good for you champ. Knock 'em dead, you sure are good at what you do.
Not even that, VR is going to outpace robots and dolls quite easily
Thanks I will
I’m perfectly okay with this
I'm honestly surprised that this avenue isn't already massive. Where's all the VR porn sims? Seems to me it would put traditional media out of fucking business.
>I know I'm good at being retarded! It's my whole existence! Thanks for the validation!
No problem bud.
Yeah but dolls are really cheap and easy to produce very high quality now. VR will outpace them but the cost benefit for dolls will always be there. Robots on the other hand make little if any sense to cost analysis.
It's ok, someone else is making sense now. You can run along.
>Where's all the VR porn sims?
VR+mechanized props will be the future
>My tard wrangler is hauling me in. Please stop bullying me.
give me a vr girl i can go to sleep hugging and i will give you my soul.
Thesis: Traditional Gender Roles
Antithesis: Sexual Revolution
Synthesis (New Thesis): Robot Waifus and Artificial Wombs
New Anthesis: Futile Resistance by Women
Synthesis: Traditional Gender Roles
It's not because of robots, it's because "real" millennials, not gen y, are socially retarded.
I know millennials that won't phone a store and talk to people (even a local pizza place) because it's too hard/awkward or some bullshit but they have 2K FB friends and hundreds of Insta followers. App messaging is fine though.
I can only imagine how out of this group, these girls react if an actual boy come up and chats to them (omg creeper!) without the filter of the Internet between them.
Then there's the weird dichotomy that when millennials go clubbing, the guys won't approach the girls (or more bizarrely touch their partners) and despite the super sluty club wear, the (straight) girls don't want any attention because you get that online and it's better because you can measure it with likes and become an influencer goys
I guess this "all boys should stop raping and offending/shaming/controlling girls" meme pushed it school is working but the nett result is none of these kids will breed. They'll be nasty as anything online but timid in reality until it's too late.
I never thought I'd say this but thank fuck for bogans (rednecks, trailor trash, etc), they are the saviour of our young and the future generation.
Maybe things are different in the UK - thanks lad culture and Shagaluf holidays but white suburban Aus and US
is going full Jap tier autist.
You're the fucking idiot who thinks the difference between dolls and robots is semantic.
Yeah, a small handful of games isn't quite what I meant. I expect it to get as saturated as the ordinary porn market.
Sexbots are absolutely degenerate.
But so is no fault divorce, divorce rape, #MeToo, sperm banks, and female gluttony.
Seeing how the very idea has the roasties and hamplanets triggered is good enough.
> implying I'd ever fuck a filthy niggerloving whore who appropriates ghetto-clap-talk
That's not what I said. I said the difference between a robot brothel and a doll brothel are semantic in terms of profit. Damn, English isn't even that difficult of a language and you still fuck this up. First it was question marks, now you're fucking up the subject of the sentence. How grade school stupid can you get? Like, I know actual children, 5 year old children who know what a question mark is. Let that sink in, you're actually at a lower level of the English language than a 5 year old. What times we live in.
my nigga
Yeah it is what you said.
Even after the explanation, you still can't grasp the concept. No wonder you work the swing shift at some bitch job.
No I work it because of cost analysis. Something you're obviously very unfamiliar with. And no wonder you're so hung up on robots instead of dolls.